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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  2. Eliminating all other choices except what you force on people is more akin to communism than capitalism. The entire iPlatform reeks of communism. Giving people choices and letting people make their own decision is capitalism. If a man has good corn or wood, or boards, or pigs, to sell, or can make better chairs or knives, crucibles or church organs, than anybody else, you will find a broad hard-beaten road to his house, though it be in the woods. —Ralph Waldo Emerson
  3. I don't even care about iPhone v Android. I just like sticking it to all the arrogant, self important iFanatics out there who think their iToy is some sort of a status symbol, and somehow makes them better than me. Apple has manufactured this aire of exclusivity that if you own an apple device, you own the best. We can sit here and argue all day about which is better, just like Frank and Bob down at the cafe will argue Chevy v Ford. They both make good phones. Apple just makes all their devices top of the line (except the 3GS that they are still selling as new on AT&T) There are top of the line Androids too. Apple is probably sue crazy because of the last time they went the road of their own software on their own hardware, when Microsoft nearly put them out of business by licensing windows to anyone who wanted it. Not everyone wants top of the line all the time. I'm typing right now on a $200 laptop, this thing is a pile, but it does what I need it to. And to clarify, I am not calling anyone in here arrogant or self-important. Or iFanatics for that matter.
  4. What? That is not even close to a similarity. None of these other OEMs are flat out stealing or the frivolous lawsuits that Apple keeps throwing around would have put the Android OEMs out of business or stopped them from making Android phones by now. What euphorian is saying, is that Apple prances around with the utmost arrogance acting like they invented the touchscreen smartphone and everything that goes along with it. They then sue all their competition, not to make money from licensing, but to try to disrupt their operations. If the iPhone is so good, why don't they license all these "inventions" they have "pioneered"? Because they don't want competition. They could easily license their patents to Samsung, HTC etc and make money on every Android handset sold. If Apple makes the best product and people would buy it regardless, then it's a no brainer. Voice commands have been around forever on Android, then Apple puts SIRI on the 4S and all of a sudden Apple owns voice commands and can try to block Samsung's Galaxy S3 because the voice command module has been improved and people now think talking to your phone is "cool." Apple is like communism, it satisfies your basic needs, but you BETTER NOT want anything that they don't provide for you. I like the video. I think someone messed up the motto of Apple. Instead of "it just works" it was supposed to be "it's just more work" As for the examples he pointed out in the video, no, if you were looking for in and out burger you wouldn't google it first. But if you were browsing the internet and came across an address that you wanted to go to, you would have to take extra steps in iOS. You can sit and pick apart anything, but he is showing simple examples that he can quickly reproduce on camera of why he likes Android better. Why is Apple vs. iOS such a touchy subject? I like catsup better than ketchup. Let me have it people, why am I wrong?
  5. I wonder why the signal is lower at your house... are the dBm readings you put down the RSSI? Are both phones connecting to the same tower? I'm thinking that it is possible that the GS3 radios are able to "see" another tower with a better signal to noise ratio. It might connect to that tower, even if the signal strength is lower, as it might be a more useful connection because the ec/io is lower. Just spitballing.
  6. What is the signal dbm? Bars are irrelevant.
  7. What the? Maybe New Mexico got bumped up the schedule after Sprint figured out that Robert knew so much about network vision... http://tforce.jobscore.com/job_seeker/jobs/job_posting/aT0vh2MIWr4B82eJe4bk1X?Board=Indeed&PID=617001
  8. Modern warfare Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  9. pyroscott

    Jelly Bean

    Crazy that Jelly Bean could already be on the cusp, and there are a lot of flagship phones without ICS. It also surprises me that Jelly Bean auto capitalizes in swiftkey Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  10. In my opinion, it was the faction of iFans who determine their social status by having the latest model of iPhone and in order for people to know that they had the 4S, they had to be using SIRI nonstop, that is time consuming. I'm sure they were hoping for an iPhone that actually attached to their eye so everyone would know that they are better than them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaHUpWuqNHY
  11. Welcome to the posting side of the site! Maybe Robert can elaborate more, but I would expect Memphis to see sites lighting up in the second half of 2012.
  12. I also use the "my choice" deal. I am usually home when they come anyway as they come late evening.
  13. Well, now I guess I have to buy the phone and tablet versions... Or wait until the next big sale on play Edit: I guess if you bought Swiftkey X, your purchase transfers to Swiftkey 3. Nice
  14. My dog hates the UPS guy. She likes people wearing a FedEx uniform though. Possibly because my wife works at FedEx. The UPS guy comes to my place late too. He used to come during the day, but there was never anyone home, so now he tends to come around 7 or 8... Could be that they always deliver to residential neighborhoods late so that there is a greater chance of someone being home. Businesses need their deliveries early because they may close at 4:30 or 5. FedEx usually delivers during the day still though. If it comes FedEx express, the wife just grabs it off the line, LOL no more missed packages for me. I used to get so mad when I would get home and see the sticker on the door "sorry, we missed you"
  15. download App Backup & Restore from Google Play open it and archive forum runner find your archive folder, it should be App_Backup_Restore copy it onto your kindle fire sideload ????? profit
  16. Yep, I bet he/she gets a big round of applause from all the other Sprint employees when they fire him and escort him/her out the door. When documents have Sprint's logo on them, they appear official. He has been posting things and allowing people to take stuff out of context. Nobody can know what Dan Hesse wipes from his mouth. If America knew that he was on the Walt Kowalski diet of birthday cake, beef jerky and pbr, they would know how much of a BMF he is. Sprint wants him to be seen in a softer light.
  17. Nothing like poking the bear. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
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