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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. I've been married for almost 4 years and never got an upgrade... LMAO Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  2. Me too! That doesn't sound that bad... Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  3. I can vouch for the fact that s4gru.com would surely not have taken off the way it has if it was still on the old host. It was brutal. Sent from my CM9 Toro
  4. This is like PBS NPR etc. No ads, no profit. Sprint might get upset if it appeared as though the website was making money off their internal documents. Sent from my CM9 Toro
  5. I would have to agree. It is a great idea for the customer, but data is the biggest cost for carriers right now, and they are using the unlimited talk and text to offset it. Look at Verizon's latest offering... It makes talk and text irrelevant. This model might work for prepaid. There is no way we will see unlimited tethering for $8. I don't think we will ever see unlimited tethering. Sent from my CM9 Toro
  6. I need to buckle down and do some writing. Haven't been inspired by any meaningful topics lately. Sent from my CM9 Toro
  7. That's why I don't miss having it on the phone. Sent from my CM9 Toro
  8. At least half of their employees have rooted devices. I think it is just there as a "cover your ass" type inclusion. "We told you not to root your device..."
  9. https://manage.sprintpcs.com/output/en_US/manage/MyPhoneandPlan/ChangePlans/popLegalTermsPrivacy.htm
  10. Makes me think of: "Oh I don't think I'm a lot dumber than you thought that I think that I thought I was once." -Dodgeball
  11. LOL, all my music is still on my old SD card as well... Sent from my CM9 Toro
  12. Since we are discussing semantics, how about this one... What if someone reduces their alloted voice minutes down to the bare minimum and uses a VOIP program to make all their calls. They are also taking advantage of the unlimited data and they are saving money by "reducing" the number of plan minutes, without reducing their actual usage. I can not find anywhere in the terms and conditions where this is prohibited.
  13. Without question, the one who streams 15GB per month is more of a stress on the network. The water is a little muddier, when you ask which is more of a "problem." Unlimited streaming is actually used by Sprint as a marketing tool to try to attract customers, much like free tethering will probably be a marketing tool used by Verizon with their new shared data plans. While Sprint has much bigger fish to fry than someone who uses under 500MB a month and occasionally tethers, it is still a violation of their T's and C's. I'm sure Sprint is more concerned with the cord cutting tetherers. Those who replace their home ISP with Sprint and take advantage of the unlimited data offering, especially over 4G which Sprint is now paying by volume instead of by the user. Personally, I don't feel that tethering occasionally is a huge issue, but it is very succeptable to abuse. I have had access to "free" tethering apps for years, and have used them a handful of times. I was much more active using my old feature phones as a modem. Yes, I know that it was blatant abuse of the network and categorically prohibited by the terms and conditions I agreed to when I signed my contract, but I felt that $30 per month was too high a price for me to justify. I bought the $50 USB cord and accessed the internet at 56k speeds. This was well before e-mail was easily accessable on my phone as well as the full internet. I was fully prepared to pay back charges or fines or whatever Sprint decided to levy on me for violating my T+C's. To further expand your speeding example, the police are usually only going to worry about those who have little regard to the posted speed limits and are exceeding the limit by 10+ MPH, but there are some cases where 3 MPH is a ticketable offense. I was driving home after working on July 4th one year. It was mid afternoon, so I am guessing the cop was not fishing for DUIs, but I had my cruise set at 73 in a 70 MPH zone. I saw him coming up the on-ramp onto the highway, but I didn't think he would care if I was 3 over the limit. I was wrong and I received a ticket for 73 in a 70. Without paying for the right to tether, it is wrong, but 99% of the time, nobody is enforcing the rule. Technically, rooting your phone is also against the Sprint terms and conditions. One could argue that rooting the phone is even less of an offense than the occasional tethering.
  14. I somehow got a small scratch in my screen already. And I had one on my E4GT. Keys, while technically not as hard as glass, can still scratch a screen if they scrape just right. Yes, the old plastic screens were TERRIBLE for scratches.
  15. They don't have face unlock, but they applied for a patent anyway, after it was announced as a feature on ICS. http://www.phonearena.com/news/Patently-ridiculous-Apple-applies-for-iOS-face-unlock-patent_id25205 If they only licensed voice recognition, how are they claiming that the GS3 should be blocked from import for the "S Voice" infringing on SIRI? That is the pinnacle of hypocrasy.
  16. I saw somewhere on the web that the old $30 plan could be turned on and off within a month, so if you were at a hotel for a week, it would cost about $7. I can't verify that it is true, or that it would work with the new plans, but it is a neat thought. I think you are on to something with the $10 per GB. It would be nice if they would allow something like 200MB to 1GB of tethering/hotspot and then charge $10 per GB or .01 per MB after that. They could offer plans that would allow for cheaper data per GB for users who routinely use 5-6GB per month, but this would be a good way to start kicking people off the tethering apps and add a little revenue from people who want to tether when they are away from their home internet connection.
  17. Exerpts from Sprint's terms and conditions regarding tethering:
  18. No, it's one thing if you have 2GB of data on your plan, you might be able to make an arguement that you should be able to use that however you see fit. When you are offered unlimited data on your smartphone, it should be used on your smartphone only. Any other use is abuse of the system and will ultimately lead to the end of unlimited data. When Sprint only offered the $30 for 5GB of hotspot tethering, I wasn't that opposed to people using tethering for a "quick fix" here and there. I figured that heavy users should pay, but someone who uses well less than a GB per month is getting raked over the coals with the $30 plan. Now that Sprint has offered new tethering plans though, that thought is out the window. Sprint now has two plans, a $20 for 2GB and $50 for 6GB. I still think that there should be a $10 for 1GB plan for casual users. I know that 1GB doesn't last long, but for most people, it would work, and the cost is not that bad.
  19. I thought it was pretty straight forward. I don't condone tethering unless you pay for it. Using tethering sparingly is also stealing. Sent from my CM9 Toro
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