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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. pyroscott


    I use a cheapo. I figured I can access it in the house and even the yard, but I don't want the whole neighborhood seeing my router broadcasting, security or not... Even with a hidden ssid Sent from my CM9 Toro
  2. Maybe because your wifi covers half the neighborhood? LOL
  3. XGear is apparently developing a tempered glass screen protector for the GNex. I have seen glass screen protectors for the iPhone, but not any other phones. It's a pretty steep $31 with shipping even after a $5 coupon (enter nexusftw) Anyone ever used a glass screen protector? Is it worth it? I would have to think that would be your best bet if you want to have the brilliance of a "naked" screen without the danger of permanently scratching the screen.
  4. You know that there is a reason that Sprint has a tethering option that you can add on to your plan. Unauthorized tethering adds extra stress to the (already stressed) network and everyone else suffers. Tethering is not free while abiding by the terms and conditions of your contract. On another note, "hate and hypocrisy"? I think AJ is correct in saying that "shame" on anyone taking advantage of extensive tethering. Not only is it stealing from Sprint, as you are only paying for data on the device that is currently connected to the network, but it is a detriment to all the other users trying to use the network. ALSO, all these hacked tether apps opening the doors for people to access services that users are required to pay for could easily push lawmakers to make rooting/jailbreaking illegal again.
  5. And apple copied voice recognition, pull down notification bar, face unlock etc. But I suppose that's fine because they "made it better" right? Sent from my CM9 Toro
  6. It might just mean that the network software is being updated to eHRPD in preparation for LTE to start coming online. Sent from my CM9 Toro
  7. From 2 miles up (10, 000 feet) an iPhone could look like a microwave... Sent from my CM9 Toro
  8. Looks like I will for sure be going back to Sprint at the end of my current contract Edit: that would cut my total data amount down by 4 GB from what I have on my plan currently, but if their discount was applied to the data and main line charge, it would be cheaper than what I am currently paying. (and cheaper than what I would pay on Sprint for 4 smartphones albeit with only 10GB of data to share instead of unlimited)
  9. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    Yeah, I didn't use the camera on my Galaxy Tab often, but it was handy if I wanted to take a picture of something to upload online and didn't have my phone handy or if I wanted to take a picture of my phone for whatever reason.
  10. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    Yeah, I bought the refurbished kindle fire on the $139 gold box deal. Other than missing a camera, decent amount of memory, and a micro SD, the kindle fire running CM9 is pretty awesome. Sent from my CM9 Toro
  11. Probably why Sprint isn't chomping at the bit to expand into areas that they aren't spending a ton on roaming. There are not many areas that they could go that Verizon isn't already that have enough potential customers to make it worth it. Once they start loading up with new customers who want unlimited data, then the roaming savings could offset the recurring costs enough to start expanding. 800 mhz CDMA and LTE will help with spacing, but I don't think any other carriers are set up to roam on 800 cdma and there are no LTE roaming agreements or equipment now for anyone to roam on 800 Mhz LTE. Sent from my CM9 Toro
  12. I am curious as to how many lines of service are required to make a new tower profitable. I have to think that after all the building costs, then the leases, backhaul, and power expenses, it would be around 100 lines. Saved roaming expenses could bring this number down, but I don't know if they would make much money from other customers roaming on their tower. Sent from my CM9 Toro
  13. As was written here http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-83-new-network-visionlte-deployment-details-and-central-jersey-market-work-is-under-way-with-several-sites-live/ the market was not initially scheduled to be a first round market and therefore, Robert probably doesn't have a schedule saying when and where sites are scheduled, just an interview where he learned that work was underway. He has his updates saying which sites are up and running once they are accepted by Sprint. This means that they will not be showing up on the scheduled maps, just the completed sites maps (once Sprint accepts the site from the contractor). So the data for central Jersey will be sparse.
  14. Probably won't see any action in Minnesota until after Chicago is launched or nearly complete. Samsung is hitting Chicago hard thanks to all the issues they had with dropped calls and network issues
  15. This site has no affiliation with Sprint, so I'm not sure what you want Robert to do about it. I would personally call sprint customer service and have them open a help ticket. Sent from my CM9 Toro
  16. pyroscott

    EVO LTE Heat

    Did you figure in the sag of the bag? Sent from my CM9 Toro
  17. It came up with 899... What kind of keypad do you have?
  18. pyroscott


    Pfffffffft qualcomm... Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  19. Yeah, I have AdFree from play and it blanks out the ads in forumrunner. I did a factory reset and went on forumrunner before reinstalling AdFree, and saw ads. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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