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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Indeed. Don't you have a WiMax protection site that you used to use occasionally? I have the line from the South Park movie of Mr. Mackey stuck in my head "it's when you do these things too much, that you've become an addict and must get back in touch." Except of course, he is talking about being addicted to swearing.
  2. I just got a sneaking suspicion that it has something to do with iPhone so they sell more iPhones with it being the first 800/1900/2600 device, but everything I have read would say that I am wrong in that. I don't think they are all about making multiple models and if they put multiple LTE bands in the device, it will be 700/AWS/PCS.
  3. pyroscott

    Gs3 ban

    Can't wait. I'm going Windows Phone... LOL
  4. Yes, and the consumers pay the price. Such as the Evo LTE delay...
  5. I think it is time for an intervention...
  6. pyroscott

    Gs3 ban

    Yeah, hopefully it slows down. I would hate to see the tech sites turned into an unending soap opera of A is suing B for this and B is suing C for that and D is suing A and C for this. Ugh... drama.
  7. Yes, offer a licensing agreement or make them pay, not block the sale of the device (unless it is a last resort.) The thing that I hate about all these lawsuits is that Microsoft has patents, but entered licensing agreements instead of using the courts as a pawn in some kind of game. So it would appear that Android OEMs are willing to enter licensing agreements. I will concede this though, maybe the Android OEMs are completely unwilling to pay Apple licensing fees. They might think that they have patents that Apple is infringing upon and should pay less than what Apple thinks or pay nothing. I don't know what went on in those meetings. I look at the late Steve Jobs' comments about spending every penny of Apple's money to crush Android, it really paints Apple in a poor light and makes it appear that they are unwilling to license their IP, even for a fair price. It appears that they have gone the "destroy" route, using the courts to ban and disrupt the operations of the other makers.
  8. I see it as an internal component that could easily be patented and used only on Samsung devices. Instead of patenting the technology and developing it themselves, they are inviting any interested party into the development of the technology with the hopes that instead of having wires from our laptop, phone, tablet, game remote, speakers etc to an outlet, we have an internal component that can take energy generated at the outlet and convert it to power and charge the battery or power the device. This is different than allowing many 3rd parties to take your 30-pin connector and create peripherals to make your device more appealing to consumers.
  9. pyroscott

    Gs3 ban

    You are correct that the second part was more rant than response and it has been removed. The problem with trying to change the patent laws, is that congress doesn't feel a "need" to change them. The laws loosely carry out the purpose for which they were enacted. Even though the laws allow companies to manipulate them, members of congress lack the technical knowledge to identify the need or write new laws. Furthermore, reason would lead me to believe that Apple is investing a considerable abount of money in lobbying against any change so they can continue to do business the way they have. As far as non-support of companies that I disagree with their business practices. I am on a personal boycott of both Apple and Walmart.
  10. pyroscott

    Gs3 ban

    Courts interpret laws and establish precedent. When one judge rules that some bull-stuff that Apple was awarded a patent is infringed upon, they are establishing precedent and therefore are changing the way the laws are interpreted in the future.
  11. OK, here is the problem I have with all this patenting vague ideas that have not fully been through R&D, and then trying to ban other devices because they "infringe" on the intellectual property. The Alliance for Wireless Power. This alliance is about bringing a technology to market that will be safe and widely adopted and keep the technology affordable so everyone can enjoy it, not trying to attain a monopoly or disrupt the business of your competitor as if it is some petty playground spat. As we know, the Samsung GSIII has a wireless charging system that will be available at some point... Instead of submitting a patent for the technology and finding some idiot judge to ban other devices that "infringe" on this technology, Samsung is forming a global initiative to integrate this technology into all consumer devices. http://www.a4wp.org/news/PR_5.7.12.pdf
  12. Is it just me, or is Samsung the absolute worst OEM at 1 making accessories to pair with their phones 2 delivering those accessories for customers to purchase at launch Their wireless charging system is supposedly delayed until September http://www.slashgear.com/galaxy-s-iii-wireless-charging-kit-delayed-until-september-09227331/ Are they waiting for Apple to patent it or something?
  13. pyroscott

    Gs3 ban

    Possible, but I sure hope the courts would have more sense than to continue this idiocy...
  14. The appropriate response would be something like "customer service representatives are not allowed to comment on the availability of LTE. If you would like to browse our press releases you can log on to sprint.com/whatever as there may be information there. Otherwise you can rest assured that Sprint has 3 contractors upgrading every tower to LTE with work completing in 2014. There are simultaneous upgrades to the existing network to improve data speeds and capacity for areas that will not be receiving upgrades immediately. I would like to comment on the availability of LTE, but I do not have access to that information." It might not be the preferred answer for some, but it is better than BS to get them off the phone. Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  15. Saint Cloud Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  16. Ugh, I don't know if these CSRs just take it upon themselves to make stuff up, if it is company policy to be full of $#!%, or they have a canned response to any LTE question, but they are not going to win any favor with customers by reps making promises that will not be kept. They should just tell people to come to this website and danielholt can yell "NO LTE FOR YOU!" They need to say nothing but what has been officially released.
  17. This idiot judge is just fueling the fire. Maybe Apple can go patent using rechargeable batteries in phones.
  18. pyroscott

    Jelly Bean

    We might even see another version of android this year... All those apple fans will insert fragmentation every third word in their conversation if that happens. Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  19. And if you are going to jump to conclusions, make sure you have an official jump to conclusions mat. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DuxuTyXQHqkI&v=uxuTyXQHqkI&gl=US Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  20. Oops memory failed me. Usage based payments from Sprint don't start until 2014 http://newsroom.sprint.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=2121 Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  21. I'm on my phone now so I can't look it up. I'm pretty sure that Sprint and clearwire have renegotiated to a usage based contract. Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  22. Could that be because the population is the most dense in the poorer areas of town? Where people live in apartment buildings and park on the street or don't even have a car, instead of having a house, garage and yard? Sometimes perception is not the rule. You say ghetto, I say dense population center. They still want people to use their service so they get paid...
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