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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. They do not mean LTE. The network vision updates (LTE) are not being tracked on that website. Data speed upgrade probably means that they are adding more backhaul capacity to the 3G on that tower.
  2. Those are the band-aid improvements that should improve the service temporarily, until network vision comes to the market in 2013 or at the latest early 2014.
  3. Read all the problems the Chicago area is having http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1084-chicago-land-nvlte-deployment/ Network vision install certainly disrupts cell service, but once it is turned on, it will provide the best service of any network.
  4. And nobody considers those carriers to be in the top tier of wireless carriers. US Cellular is regional, and T-Mobile has always been a laughingstock. Not to mention T-Mobile is bleeding customers like crazy. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/iphone_less_mobile_losing_flood_JbCg9zJQACpSHoN277PkXO
  5. Well, out of 376 posts in this forum, probably around 176 are other people "voicing what they have been experiencing" but the closest thing to a solution or answer was posted here http://s4gru.com/ind...the-windy-city/ and an update here http://s4gru.com/ind...chedule-update/ I propose that if service is so "unusable" like many have stated in this thread, Chicagoians might want to suspend their service until September or so when the market launches, and you dismiss it and act like I am picking on you. I believe that Sprint still allows customers to suspend service for about $5 per month. I just looked at straight talk and they have free flip phones and service at $30 per month. That is a temporary solution... The equipment in Chicago is overloaded, not compatible with the NV equipment and the backhaul is way behind, so even if NV equipment is installed, it either isn't fired up or it is stuck on 3G only because of the legacy backhaul. There is not a solution. No turning airplane mode on and off to correct the problem. I'm not picking on you or your post, but this thread has become nothing but negativity which is specifically prohibited in the community rules.
  6. Thats a tricky question. LTE advanced will not, but the 800 MHz spectrum that sprint will use will penetrate buildings better than 1900 MHz spectrum Sprint is using today. LTE advanced will arrive around the same time, and will be capable of aggregating the 800 and 1900 MHz spectrum. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  7. Isn't that what I said? From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  8. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    Fourth test is complete. I have arrived at the conclusion that I will use external media for storage and just copy it to the internal media before playing. It seems like powering an external USB connection takes more out of the battery than I would have thought. My results are: Internal Media - 7+ hours microSD with USB adapter - 5.5 hours USB Thumbdrive - 4 hours External HD - 3.5 hours Disclaimer, this is informal testing. I have been using a variety of movies with different compression and formats. It is just a generalization.
  9. Hopefully they amend their strategy and allow sites to go live when they are completed.
  10. I thought you said the 3gs crapped out on you?
  11. Why would Sprint want to hide it? The sim card is embedded, making all the roaming go through Sprint. That is more money for them if it is enabled. Not all LTE handsets are guaranteed to be international roaming capable. Verizon has had a lot of their recent handsets be capable, but the Verizon galaxy nexus is not. It is probably more likely that Verizon is specifically asking for international capabilities to offset any perceived advantage of AT&T where you can use an unlocked international handset on att or virtually anywhere in the world. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  12. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    That looks like a good one. To be honest, I don't know how much use I will get out of the hand strap... From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  13. They should be the same basic SOC with the same capabilities, but as you said, if the antennas PA's etc aren't there, they can't open up global roaming. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  14. It is not the same device across carriers. Sprint Verizon and AT&T all have different LTE setups in each phone. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
  15. About time... Motorola only promised that a long time ago. From JBtoro on Forum Runner
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