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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. The legacy equipment is left on the cell site initially, then the contractor comes back and removes it several weeks later.
  2. To have interactive maps, yes. There are maps in the blog articles though. Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
  3. S4GRU.com Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
  4. My guess would be LTE on prepaid by 2015. Probably more like 2014. Sprint has set the precedent that they want to offer high end phones on prepaid. The iPhone and all the 1 year old or less wimax phones migrating to prepaid illustrate that. All the new high end offerings will have LTE, so if they want to keep this going, I would expect them to add new models to the boost/virgin lineup in about 18 months. This could be the current crop of phones on sprint. I highly doubt they will get anyone to make more wimax phones, especially with wimax only guaranteed until 2015. They would have to move to LTE by then if they want to maintain the availability of 4G. Also a concern, does sprint want their prepaid sector clogging up the evdo spectrum and stopping them from refarming that to more LTE carriers? Sent with AOSP JB Toro on Forum Runner
  5. Buzz Killington Sent with AOSP JB Toro on Forum Runner
  6. Why anyone would give up good wimax for 3G makes me facepalm... Sent with AOSP JB Toro on Forum Runner
  7. Would you guys get upset if I muddied up the water? 1xrtt adheres to 3G data transmission guidelines. http://www.mobileburn.com/chtml/definition.jsp?term=1xRTT Sent with AOSP JB Toro on Forum Runner
  8. Hebrew Hammer Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
  9. This has nothing to do with the network or 4G rollouts so it is being closed
  10. Get it fixed by a local repair shop. Sprint doesn't make money, Assurian might... Actually, it costs $203 to build the iPhone 4S and economies of scale are significantly more when you are buying a few repair parts instead of millions of the same part for a production run. Yes, techs are trying to trick you[/sarcasm], they probably just wanted to get you out of their face about the phone being "broken" when there was nothing wrong with it. This is not even close to a relevant comparison. Sprint doesn't force you to use the insurance they provide, and just because Sprint used to provide screen replacement, doesn't mean that they are screwing the customer that they stopped. There are businesses in most towns that specialize in phone/ipod/device repair and can replace your screen for about the same cost. You are free to go without insurance and bank the money you would otherwise pay to insurance, then use that money to buy a new device or pay for repair. With all the fraud going on with people saying their phone was stolen or lost so they can get an upgrade, there is good reason these companies are soaking the honest customers that just want their phone repaired. They need to make money. -Maybe one day unicef will get into the insurance business... -Kevin Nealon
  11. I was thinking the exact same thing. Mount the Clearwire antenna on the dish and bam, internet and TV in one. Bundle Sprint in there, allow LTE access with Sprint phones... Then Verizon partners with the cablecos, there is enhanced competition between them and the CDMA carriers will have taken over the US wireless market, leaving AT&T and T-Mobile in the cold.
  12. Wierd, I tried on my computer and phone. Then I just retried on my phone and it came up. Disregard...
  13. It appears to have been removed from Scribd...
  14. Correct, but many people bought LTE phones and no longer can access WiMax.
  15. Probably should. Warning S4GRU members, do not start a firestorm of Apple v Android comments or this will be locked. Everyone has their opinions on which OS is better, and you know what they say about opinions... They are like a certain body part, everyone has one and they stink.
  16. Q2 2012 numbers are out on Smartphone shipments and the Android OS has jumped out to a 68.1% market share from 46.9 in Q2 2011 shipping a whopping 104.8 million units compared to 50.8 million a year ago. Even though they sold 27.5% more phones in Q2 2012 than Q2 2011, Apple's market share shrunk slightly 16.9%. It will be interesting to see what a generational change in Apple's iPhone does to market share in the tail end of Q3 and especially Q4. The Symbian OS took the greatest hit, losing 12.5% of the market share followed by Blackberry who lost 6.7% compared to Q2 2011 Windows phone picked up some steam gaining 1.2% to end up at a 3.5% market share, but still has a long way to go before it can be considered competition to Android or iOS. It is gaining on Symbian and Blackberry however, and may overtake them in Q3. Full details here http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS23638712
  17. Sprint/Nextel/T-Mobile merging is a nice pipe dream, but it would be a nightmare for Sprint. Sprint is just now freeing themselves from Nextel, and they are going to go add a bunch of GSM customers so they can run 2 opposite networks? The FCC would likely let Sprint/Nextel/T-Mobile keep the PCS spectrum and SMR, but you can likely kiss the rest of it goodbye. AT&T and Verizon would probably back a Sprint/Nextel/T-Mobile merger because it would cripple the company for years while opening up the AWS spectrum to them. Sprint needs to use their current strategy to build themselves into a strong carrier, not buy a strong carrier like the duopoly has done. If they can pull off Network Vision, shake their reputation for having terrible data speeds, and continue offering unlimited data at a price lower than Verizon/AT&T offer 2 GB of data, they will siphon customers from every other carrier and build themselves into a powerful carrier. Their willingness to work with MVNOs is going to add customers as well.
  18. Sprint also has SatCOLTs for quick response. http://www.ssshcc.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/ERT_SC_51311.pdf I believe the COWs are for extra capacity when backhaul is readily available and the need is identified ahead of time. SatCOLTs are for when there is a natural disaster or anything else that quick response is needed and backhaul is not in place or easily acquired.
  19. I'd say data caps for me are more like trading in a model t with unlimited fuel for a Bugatti when you only get one tank of gas included per month. If you work close to home, and don't do much else, the Bugatti will work just fine. There is always the option to pay for more fuel, but if you have a long commute, you're going to want to take the train to conserve fuel. The model t, on the other hand is slow, often broken, and can't go on the interstate, but you can go anywhere you want, and it's included in the price. From CM10 Toro on Forum Runner
  20. It was released a while ago, but he said he just got it from sprint. Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
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