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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    I fell in love with that bumper cover and $50 for an official pogo dock? Awesome! Why can't they come out with this stuff from the get go? For dumb... Sent from JBToro on Forum Runner
  2. 150 ms isn't fast enough for you? Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
  3. And sprint wants to make sure that fair access is given to everyone on the wifi networks that the cablecos run. They don't want to see Verizon have full access for their customers for free and all the other carriers would have to pay inflated amounts for the same access Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
  4. There is definitely something going on with that tower. I wouldn't put much stock in that speed test. You will not be seeing speeds like that on LTE once everything stabilizes. Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner Oops, I see Robert beat me...
  5. Well, not to defend data caps, but I remember when sprint really started to get overloaded in st cloud, the wife would complain about it in the living room where I was on 25mbps WiFi. I have always set up WiFi on my phone to use my home and work networks. Yes, my home network was faster, but sprints 3g was plenty fast for phone use when it had speeds in the 500kbps+ range. Mobile data is intended for when you are mobile, not stationary, covered by a WiFi network. It would be like using minutes off your cell plan allotment when your land line in your office is right there next to you, or your home phone... unlimited anything removes the incentive to conserve, or use a more efficient network. Tiers give incentive to offload your use to WiFi, but they still let you use as much data as you want (with overage penalties.) In rural areas where high speed data is not available, tower load is less, so it doesn't make as much of a difference on the network if people use more data or if their phone is always set to use the mobile network, but when you have a tower with a large load, everyone can't be using mass amounts of data without using a lot of spectrum or the experience of everyone on that cell will suffer. Usage in this manner instead of offloading to WiFi, and especially cord cutting tetherers will lead to the end of unlimited data. Sent from JBToro on Forum Runner
  6. I just checked my usage. .28 GB in 10 days. I stopped worrying about my caps months ago. I am covered with WiFi at home and work. Can't really watch streaming video in the car. My daily hour or so of Pandora isn't a big data hog... I'm on pace to use 1 of my 4 GB of data... Sent from JBToro on Forum Runner
  7. I have offered to root all of the wife's last 3 phones. She refused all 3 offers. Not sure I could even do much with this Motorola anyway, but the previous 2 were Samsung. Sent from JBToro on Forum Runner
  8. It's right on the dash, so size (or lack thereof) is a big factor in my decision. The car however, has the USB port in the center console, so I might go with an external HD for that.
  9. Do you have the SanDisk Cruiser Fit? That is what I am looking at. It will barely be visible in the USB port.
  10. The wife's iPod got stolen out of the truck last night. I am finally free of iTunes! The funny thing is that I am replacing an iPod touch 32GB with a $22 USB thumb drive and the thumb drive works better in the truck...
  11. Well, I would say that the problem lies in corrupted firmware, an app or apps that are not allowing the processor to idle, bad battery, or hardware problems. If you reset the firmware, and observe the battery life when it is not running apps, it can eliminate software issues if the battery life is the same or similar.
  12. Are you on stock unrooted? Sent from JBToro on Forum Runner
  13. Never, they couldn't afford the union wages of the cell site installers.
  14. What are the battery stats. 20% in 2 hours on idle is not even close to normal
  15. pyroscott

    Evo LTE vs S3

    I've had both on various phones. I spent more time trying to find a pure AOSP ROM than anything, thank goodness for cyanogenmod. I hate them both equally. Never had motoblur, I assume that is as pointless.
  16. pyroscott

    Evo LTE vs S3

    You can't really breathe very well.
  17. pyroscott

    Evo LTE vs S3

    And sense is like having a fat man sitting on your chest.
  18. You're probably right. I'm not familiar with the channel/frequency reuse distance and reuse factor of iDEN.
  19. The plan was to thin throughout this year, but they were very aggressive and got it done really early. They should already have spectrum freed up for the 800 MHz 1xA carrier
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