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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Eighth amendment to the United States Constitution Prohibition of cruel and unusual treatment http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eighth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution
  2. So what you're saying is that rural Minnesota is not more important than, and doesn't deserve LTE any faster than other places? Preposterous! I want it all, and I want it now!
  3. pyroscott

    Bent my EVO LTE

    I usually put my phone in my chest pocket.
  4. Certain phones only support 5x5 LTE carriers (GS3) and the spectrum would need to be contiguous. Also, once they upgrade to LTE advanced, the carriers will be aggregated anyway. A 10x10 carrier only gives higher speeds when it is not burdened and can devote extra spectrum to your connection, there is no difference in capacity between a 10x10 and 2 5x5 carriers.
  5. Here is a link to a little more info http://m.engadget.com/2012/06/18/microsoft-surface-tablets-the-differences-between-rt-and-window/?icid=eng_microsoft+surface_art As far as pricing, the pro was supposed to be in the same price range as ultra books, so $600-800
  6. OK, the problem I have, is that there are blatant copies out there like this http://www.amazon.com/Capacitive-Android-Unlocked-T-mobile-Networks/dp/B007AXLFOA/ref=pd_rhf_dp_s_cp_1 or this http://www.amazon.com/Wifi-Sciphone-Dual-Unlocked-Phone/dp/B005A7L5WK/ref=as_li_tf_mfw?&linkCode=wey&tag=slioflif0c-20 Those are in violation of the patent. But this Vaguely resembles the iPhone at best. If a patent for a rectangle with rounded corners was going to be awarded, it should have been a FRAND patent anyway. Cell phones were trending that way already. Apple wasn't first to market, but they were the most successful rectangular phone with rounded corners. Everyone poo-poo's Samsung's patents because they are FRAND and they should license them instead of trying to ban imports, but Apple can go ahead and bring competitors to court because they have a slab phone... As far as the internal memos, and how they "show that Samsung copied Apple" Maybe Sprint should patent having unlimited data, so they can be the only carrier to offer it. Maybe Verizon should patent offering VoLTE on an American carrier. Competitors always analyze their competition, identify where the competitor outperforms them, and compensate. Copying is copying, if the below image was a Samsung, I would say that Apple has a strong case. It is not, and I do not think Apple has a case. That is just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions...
  7. That htc wizard obviously ripped off the iPhone... blatantly
  8. Is it time for HP to come in and slap apple with their Palm? It's possible that Android OEMs "copied" the Jesusphone, but it is more likely that the Jesusphone copied the work and design of Palm and Microsoft, then made it successful enough for Android to copy.
  9. orange drink pyroscott - "no matter where I go, I conquer!"
  10. I agree, the smoked dinner is way better than papa johns. I wonder if my hand is healed up enough to split some wood so I can smoke a rack of ribs tomorrow... I think I will try.
  11. Maybe someone here knows and can respond, but this Site is more concerned with 4G rollout updates. I think your query would be better served asked or researched at a site more intended for software hacking like xda. Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
  12. Just ordered. Thanks for the heads up Wiley. 50% off turns out to be a really good deal even compared to their normal coupons.
  13. This forum is not the proper outlet for your complaints or rants. This website is not affiliated with, nor will be a personal complaint board for Sprint. Please contact Sprint customer service if you have problems with your service. Topic closed.
  14. Interesting, since Columbus is not in the first or second round. Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
  15. Well, it is advertised as a business phone. Even if it doesn't have the 3G roaming factory, all the other LTE phones have had people adding custom PRL. I'm sure that the Photon will as well.
  16. Read the post 2 before yours...
  17. Pickled herring? I had some smoked tulipe earlier today. Not spicy though. And btw, I use the term Tabasco in the most general sense. I prefer franks red hot over Tabasco.
  18. You can upload them to a picture hosting site like photobucket and then link to those pictures. Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
  19. I'll be ordering tomorrow... Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
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