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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. I don't think it is 720p, but depending on what the "colorboost" does.... Maybe Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
  2. I would never buy a blackberry, but I would strongly consider this phone. I just don't have a need for a physical keyboard. This phone has the specs to hold its own against anything else out there. There are plenty of people who have been waiting for a top tier device with physical keyboard, and this will sell like crazy. Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner
  3. If anyone is running a custom ROM, you might want to check of the ROM is written to support SVDO. The last 2 CM10 ROMs I ran did not support SVLTE. I didn't even notice until I saw someone complain about it at xda. From CM10 Toro on Forum Runner
  4. I also didn't post done From CM10 Toro on Forum Runner
  5. Yeah, I just had my iPod stolen and when I called crapple it was beyond easy to get into my account even though I hadn't accessed it in a long time. Then the guy couldn't do anything to assist me in even finding out if the thief was even using it, let alone buying stuff. I better close my account. From CM10 Toro on Forum Runner
  6. I've said it multiple times in this thread, if you are not happy with the service in Chicago, put your Sprint lines on seasonal hold for $8.99/month/line. Sprint might even waive that fee since they are well aware of the problems in Chicago. Get yourself a prepaid phone, ie tracphone that "works so well" and use that until the network upgrades are done. Then reactivate your Sprint lines and dump the prepaid.
  7. Fiber is not going to be overwhelmed... Sprint has contracted scalable backhaul that can be boosted up faster at their request. Right now, Sprint has half the customers (including all the prepaid and wholesale) of Verizon, and are deploying LTE on half the amount of spectrum as Verizon. Not even including the fact that Sprint will have smaller cells than Verizon and support more customers in a given area, they will not start feeling the crunch until much later than Verizon. Just considering current devices: Verizon - 10x10 LTE on upper 700MHz devices. No other LTE bands supported, no additional upper 700MHz spectrum to deploy additional LTE. Sprint - 5x5 LTE on 1900MHz devices. No other LTE bands supported, but most of the top markets have spectrum available for a second 5x5 1900MHz LTE carrier. So, Sprint has the option to deploy as much spectrum as Verizon for LTE, and has half as many customers. Nobody is screaming that Verizon is in trouble for LTE, so why is Sprint in trouble from letting a few hundred thousand freedompop customers use their LTE? Even looking toward the future, if Verizon obtains the AWS spectrum from the cablecos, they will deploy another 10x10 LTE carrier, but Sprint is deploying a 5x5 LTE carrier on SMR with hotspots in high use areas on Clearwire's 2500/2600MHz LTE. It will be a long time before Sprint sees an overload like with EV-DO. Everyone is gunshy about it, which is understandable, but there are multiple places in the forums here where these concerns are debated and dismissed.
  8. Sprint needs as much revenue coming in as possible. Agreements like this will have little, if any, impact on the normal user experience. From CM10 Toro on Forum Runner
  9. It doesn't say which patent is being licensed. There is a reason why it was turned down. Not to mention, as in the comments, when you pay one patent troll, you get a bunch more with their hands out looking for their tolls. Patents are meant to keep people from copying the work of others, not rethinking it and building something similar. Why are patents even being discussed here? This is a site about network vision rollout.
  10. And I thank your son for his service and your family for the intense burden that goes with having a loved one deployed.
  11. Apple doesn't want to license anything to Android OEMs. They want to rid themselves of competition by court order. I don't know why this case is being tried in the public eye either. Both sides are guilty of this. It's just like anything else, fight it out behind closed doors and let me know the verdict. This "in your face" BS is really getting tiresome and it sounds like 2 toddlers fighting over who gets to play with the matches.
  12. Yeah, orders are not super easy to come by unless you know who to talk to. It kinda sucks that businesses have to ask for proof of something like that, but I can only imagine the amount of people claiming to be deploying when they just want to shut their phone off for a while. The nice thing for me, was that my upgrade eligibility months kept ticking off when I was overseas, so I came back and was upgrade eligible right off the bat. That alone is worth about $15 per month.
  13. Do they not do the military suspend anymore? All I had to do was fax them my orders and they suspended it for free. After 12 months I lost my phone number though. Just as well though, it is good to lose the crazies every so often.
  14. It appears to me that the Alcatel Lucent picocell equipment is for the whole Sprint network, not just their Network Vision deployment area. Thus, Samsung and Ericsson wouldn't be doing any.
  15. I'm currently swiping my credit card in my keyboard, it doesn't seem to be working.
  16. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    Fry's should also sell this http://www.treehugger.com/bathroom-design/the-kohler-numi-the-perfect-toilet-for-your-living-room.html
  17. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    Although, I used to have an app that estimated the amount of concrete you would have to order by simply entering the dimensions of the slab or tube or whatever. So it might be useful to those who shop at home depot... Then again, I always doublechecked the quantities the app put out anyway because I am a control freak
  18. It looks like a really functional tablet. I'm not too familiar with the S-Pen, but depending on what your uses are, it could give the Windows 8 tablets a challenge for usability. I'm waiting to hear what the Windows 8 tablets have for connections. If there are multiple USB ports and full HDMI, it will make my decision for me.
  19. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    Since when do they sell electronics at home depot? LOL I assume you mean office depot...
  20. It wouldn't be stock operating system if it wasn't laden with bloat.
  21. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    You bet, at our accessory party. From CM10 Toro on Forum Runner
  22. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    I bedazzled mine. Sent from JBToro on Forum Runner
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