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Everything posted by JossMan

  1. Those last four sites that run along I-81 in Smyth County should be completed now. I don't understand why Sprint just didn't add them to the Nashville market instead of the Southern VA market since Ericsson hardware was used and they connect to the switch in Johnson City, TN. *Shrugs*
  2. I spoke to a friend of mine that works for Ericsson, several sites are down around the Southeastern portion of Nashville due to severed fiber optic ring that runs near the interchange of I-65 and I-40.
  3. The only issue I can recall was eCSFB and people whining about not having simultaneous voice and data when they bought new tri-band devices.
  4. Band 26 is Sprint's 800MHz SMR (Specialized Mobile Radio) band for LTE service, the download bandwidth (5MHz) means Sprint has deployed 5x5MHz on the 800 band, 5MHz for the uplink and 5MHz for the downlink. Band 25 is Sprint's 1900MHz PCS (Personal Communications Service) which is also deployed on 5x5MHz nationwide on the "G" Block.
  5. AT&T has nothing to gain by delaying the re-tuning of Nextel Mexico's 800MHz holdings.
  6. Eventually when Comcast does a tap audit they will install a special "trap" that will block those basic CATV signals from coming into your home.
  7. The better question is, is awsum gam3r Rukin1, considering zip code 46808 is Fort Wayne. Hmm...
  8. You should post your screenshot along with the coordinates, site ID, and market in the premier section for LTE 800/2500 so lilotimz and Mr. Nuke can get it added to the map. Just make sure you get a screenshot of the signal strength at -90dBm or better for LTE 2500, and -85dBm LTE 800.
  9. Wow, that site is ready for 800/1900/2600MHz LTE and no new high-speed backhaul has been brought to that site? I have never heard of NSN installing B41 gear on a site that currently does not have LTE.
  10. Meh, I'm still on 4.276b (Apr 10, 2015) I thought that was the latest update for the beta crew.
  11. I'm sure you don't hear this enough, I personally thank you for time and effort that you put into this site AJ (as well as the rest of the S4GRU staff), I enjoy reading your well written articles and knowledgeable posts that you contribute.
  12. A friend of mine that works for Sprint's network maintenance (Ericsson) explained how their network management (QoS) works, and T-Mobile's may work in a similar manner. To simply put it it's not how much data you use within a month its how much you use within a certain specific time frame, someone downloading gigabytes within a few hours versus a user that downloads few gigabytes in weeks. The network will take a toll with a few users downloading large amounts of data within a few hours or a day versus a user that may be a moderate or heavy user that consumes data over a longer period of time.
  13. The rip and replace of the legacy CDMA equipment is nearing 100% completion in the East KY market. LTE is a different story which is due to the ISPs lagging behind, this is common in every market just some ISPs are faster than others...not Sprint's fault. Just so you know Alabama is further behind with LTE than East KY.
  14. Not true, there is plenty of sites in other markets that still do not have LTE.
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