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Everything posted by nexgencpu

  1. Check out this lil gem I found on 161st on Amsterdam Ave.. http://imgur.com/gallery/kn6OlGD
  2. If you dont need Prime and Tidal plus the crazy hotspot then your current plan is fine. But i wouldnt call it a rip off, more like a slight upsell.
  3. New plan includes prime/hulu/tidal and upto 100gb hotspot, does the old plan include that as well(obviously not the 100gb)? If it does, then its definitely a sizable increase in price.
  4. Surprised no one has mentioned the upgraded plans with upto 100gb of Hotspot etc.. https://www.sprint.com/en/shop/plans/unlimited-cell-phone-plan.html?INTNAV=TopNav:Shop:UnlimitedPlans
  5. Looks as though VoLTE has gone live on 12.1.1 beta.. https://www.reddit.com/r/Sprint/comments/9t239w/volte_toggle_on_ios_1211_beta/?utm_source=reddit-android
  6. Hopefully they will finally start truly deploying them in larger scale. They almost always seem to start with lower Manhattan for whatever reason.
  7. Considering the big announcement of 4x4MIMO and 256QAM hopefully this means issues deploying 4x4MIMO have been resolved. Also.. Capex still holding at 5-5.5B.
  8. Sprint finally has a non Apple wearable with LTE! Price is a bit high, but since my GS3's battery is crap after an update a few months ago, I'm jumping on this. Excited to see how VoLTE works on this bad boy.. https://imgur.com/gallery/pS0sRi1
  9. My service plan (ED1500) has been unchanged since it's inception. Except now you have to pay the full price of the device vs paying 1/4th the device cost. Those "subsidize" charges were introduced later.
  10. Maybe they were working in your area. What band do you usually see in this exact location? It's unfortunate that it wasn't TMobile since at least it doesn't count against your roaming limits.
  11. I've read multiple people mention that hd calling and wifi calling is indeed working on P3. Bolds well for VoLTE support for Sprint.
  12. What the?! You roam alot in NYC?! Where?! I have never ever roamed in NYC..
  13. Wow Verizon 1x in combination with TMobile roaming! I guess Sprint has zero service there, not even 1x800. Crazy to see TMobile service and no 1x Sprint.
  14. Basebands almost always gets updated with modern Samsung devices. You will notice most times that network performance changes quite often (most are subtle differences)
  15. Found this interesting app that helps position MB's in best possible location.. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sprint.networktools&rdid=com.sprint.networktools It is an unreleased app so expect less than perfect performance out of it. But it is coming from Sprint directly which is encouraging.
  16. As a bunch of folks have been finding out. Sprint is repurposing 311-490 (originally Clearwire B41 PLMN) as Tmobile roaming to increase its priority over other roaming partners, and in fact, in some cases even taking some priority over Sprint's own native signal.
  17. I find it odd that they wouldn't just charge you the price difference (I believe its 7.99 for the ad based one) instead of just a $5 six month credit.
  18. No, they specifically warned before updating that you would lose voice and data (calling plus) simultaneously if your not in VoLTE deployed market.
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