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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by jroepcke51

  1. All, I have updated my map in the premier area for the whole ABQ market that includes the November 1st schedule and any permit activity. Also noted is the changes Sprint has made from the 10/1 schedule. If you are not a premier sponsor, I highly encourage you to become one. It provides great insight to what the network will be doing going forward. Edit: Just a tid bit of information, 80% of the total 307 sites in the ABQ market has some technology scheduled in the next 90 to 180 days from November 1st.
  2. Are you listening to it? I actually would be interested.
  3. You would be correct. Just saw that commercial last night.
  4. Harry Potter movies scream Christmas season to me.

  5. RT @OldHossRadbourn: So this Lego Movie appears to be about a horrendous child who ruins the only hobby that gives his father joy and stabi…

  6. The snow in my front yard looks great with the Christmas lights.

  7. RT @carllentzNYC: I CAN breathe. Because I'm a white man. And that has to change.. #occupyallstreets http://t.co/SmJL4zBsEN

  8. You could say that about every market. I would love if they bought Commnet in NM and AZ (at least they are in RRPP) Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk
  9. Honestly b41 should be enough. They will able to deploy three carriers and have CA. Yes more sites are necessary but that is how sprint will win bc they have so much spectrum to throw at the user Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk
  10. RT @N0tAaronRodgers: On 12/12 it's customary for Bears fans to go outside, see that there is no hope for the playoffs, and go back to sleep…

  11. I will answer this again. If a site is 3G upgraded, that means the upgraded backhaul is not available yet (i.e., 4G has not been accepted). This will be improved when backhaul is upgraded. Second, if the tower is 3G/4G accepted, the 3G carrier is overloaded or known as a high capacity site. Third, I have heard of issues of the 6+ not wanting to catch band 41. I don't know if there is any of that available for San Bernadino County though. My assumption is that Band 26 has not been deployed for your area. In parts of the country that I frequent (i.e., Missouri for example). Band 26 greatly improved coverage and speeds as there was an additional carrier.
  12. I have already answered this. 1. your 3G connection is swamped. 2. If LTE is slow, then that carrier (Band 25 1900 LTE or Band 26 LTE) is swamped as well. Finally, yes more carriers will have to be deployed to increase capacity but Sprint is doing that through Band 41.
  13. Ehrpd is just a technology for you to connect to LTE. The 3G is swamped. band 25 LTE is most likely what you are connecting too which is swamped as well. Band 41 is the savior and will remedy your slow. Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk
  14. RT @Chris1Banjo: "If you feel like quitting,Think about why you started"#EAT

  15. Yes many thoughts but since this is your first post I believe you are a troll. Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk
  16. MLS had a cup today? Didn't know MLS was still going.

  17. Yes it does. But for every site, sprint is upgrading with new equipment. Evdo will not be shut down so soon. Sprint does not need to refarm bc of all the spectrum in band 41. In most markets, they will be able to deploy 3 20mhz channels and have carrier aggregation on top of that
  18. Yes become a premier sponsor. There are maps with the schedule for all technologies yet to be completed ( band 26, band 25, and band 41)
  19. Are you trying to use sprint LTE as a home ISp? Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk
  20. This is the correlation I made earlier. Even though clear wire was not an auction, what sprint paid for it was easy compared to what is happening here and for the total amount of spectrum. Just think that sprint will deploy 3 20mhz carriers and have CA on top of that. Balanced and fast. Also these prices cannot be sustained if there is a 600 auction. No way. Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk
  21. That is really my point. How many can really afford to keep the bidding going? I know Verizon and ATT really want the 10x10.
  22. Now that the auction has surpassed $40B and has completed round 47, how many more rounds will there be? Increasing at .56% a round is getting interesting.
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