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Everything posted by jroepcke51

  1. 8 data capacity upgrades showed up last night across ABQ. this will make it more difficult to find the new accepted towers.
  2. I knew I saw left shark before. Balloon fiesta. http://t.co/5Eca7GEXnV

  3. There is no amount right now as broadcasters have to give it up, but if they want 124 it will have to extend into the 500 range.
  4. If they did not enable eCFSB, switch back to your iPhone as they do not use circuit switch fall back. It would only effect your nexus 5. If that doesn't change, call sprint.
  5. $257 on ED 1500 with five lines and a 23% employer discount.
  6. My hottie comes home tonight. I have chicken soup ready for her to get her better!

  7. Getting porked. Hahahahaha hudt in times for valentines.
  8. It doesn't surprise me about El Paso. That is the only growth in the time being that Sprint has.
  9. I have a feeling they have been around ABQ as well. I need to do some research this weekend.
  10. Looking at network.sprint.com, it looks like just one of the towers were upgraded to LTE. Hopefully Band 26 for you as well. Happy camper?
  11. RT @krqe: #APS officials to enforce immunizations due to measles outbreak #ABQ #MeaslesOutbreakREAD MORE: http://t.co/UJO0LTOC8r

  12. Hence my point. I should have been clearer. They will not be able to manage their own network. What you reference would be the same (in essence) program Sprint is doing through the CCA and RRPP programs. Always nice to see a TMO person use a Sprint program which was bashed by all of the TMO fan base...
  13. TMO will not have a nationwide 5x5 network. For them, that is impossible. For Sprint that may be finished by next year.
  14. I am sorry but any cellular network in the world is an oligopoly. High barriers of entry with intensive capital investment going forward. This is plain and simple. In addition, a standard plan is $55 a month. I'll take that. We don't even have an average with 4 carriers
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