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Everything posted by floorguy

  1. I mean it works...kinda...now that i am paying more attention to it...there is a drop in call quality...though i havent used any newer phones to compare it with, now that most towers are 800 live here... I just really like the phone overall...and wished it had a fix, and was triband...wishing wishing....and now that i have 1 i like...the next one i get will probably suck just because i like this one so much....the size, and everything is just right......sigh
  2. because they are only there for a paycheck.... 90% of workers generally give 2 craps.... which is why (in more industries then phones) i get pissed when i know more then the sales person...
  3. Wow thats it??? Holy crap in the summer time when the kids are home, and my boy has LAN partys, and the xboxes going, and the girls watching netflix etc. etc....we hit the 300GB club, with comcast....which is why i continue to pay a pretty penny for it...though wish it would be a bit less expensive.... anyway, i need to find something to replace the internet for my mom....she switched to clear, and now when it goes...well... i just dont know... freaking century link still only has a 768kp to her house....and comcast is to spendy for what her needs are....and the other wireless ones, need line of sight, and there are to many trees around
  4. Dude I know you have been getting whacked a bit in this thread.... but YOU HAVE GOT TO FINISH RESEARCHING..... NOT IN THE US http://www.engadget.com/2014/01/23/samsung-galaxy-note-3-neo-us-uk/
  5. hum wonder if we could squeeze for a discount on a new one due to the issue????
  6. hey how are you liking it so far??? I have the note 2, and while i am happy as pie with it....i am always looking for what i would like next... i wont worry about it to much, till i know that 41 is FULLY working on the phones around here, and we get a good dose of 26 launched... is the screen much smaller/different?? how about short cuts and what not of sammy vs lg
  7. Well then that makes sense when 800 1st hit out here last week... when it was a weak signal it was crackly and i was wondering "why is everyone saying 800 is so great?" and in some cases wasnt making calls.... now that its all over, it seems fine....still a little "off" sounding but not really worse then 1900....more so if it stays under -105
  8. soooo why does mine run 800 fine on the custom prls???
  9. hey i know i add to this as well.... but do you shake your head sometimes?? i know i do on some other forums for my work.... and like i said, i add to asking questions to.....
  10. ummmm i am noobish to..... but i am thinking you should put it on your pc, so you can load or move it to where it needs to be easier.... i think
  11. answered your own question..... think about it for about 2 mins
  12. yea i need to get off my arse and get this loaded on the 3 in my house
  13. I have a friend i was talking to, and she has like 5 tablets.... the tabs, do not count against the 10 in framily correct???
  14. yea my 10 lines...5 data 5 no...it hits at about $476....soooo i do like that... are you paying any extra in that case?? unlimited data on any, or phones, or just a straight $25 per line?
  15. hey how long have you been an employee?? I called a friend of mine who has been with them for almost 10 yrs.... havent chatted much lately because i have been a corp acct...but i called him and chatted with him about it for about 45 mins... I think i will be changing from corp over to personal.... So explain this to me again... if i have lines that still have contract time, can i switch these with no $$$ hit?? or are they going to be hit with the $15 fee??
  16. so then pay for the unlimited....insurance??? really a waste in my opinion and it sounds like you have a phone with the HTC... other wise...(assuming you have the 7) $25+20+what ever phone cost...so maybe $65 for unlimited....OR like i said...put the normal upfront cost you would do with a subsidized phone...say 200, and then its closer to $10...or 55... I have 4 out of 5 that i am paying the 30 unlimited plan for that barley maybe use 1gb.....so for me no brainer... so yes....different strokes for different folks
  17. thats how 6 or 7 of the 10 plans on my corp acct are....shoot, the 5 that are on unlimited, 4 use under 1gb, am the only one over and just pay the $20 for unlimited.....hell beats $30 on the my way plan.... me thinks i will be switching from a corp to a personal plan.... now if i can track down a few more, then i would like to have 2 groups of 7 or more...for the max $25 as i have a daughter coming up the ranks, and a mother inlaw i could switch i think
  18. And heres another thought....for those who like to upgrade every year or so... you know how you still pay $200ish for a subsidized phone?? Just put that as your down payment, then your monthly is cheaper + you get enough for Framily $25...its cheaper all the way around..... I think I am going to be switching my Corp acct to a personal and jump to framily...makes more sense... of the 5 that have unlimited data...only i go over the 1GB range....so why am i paying $30 per for that???
  19. on a different computer, now its data rooms ad....
  20. why is there a T-mobile ad on the map on the 1st page??? And while i am happy to see Utah "announced" ... I still find it silly, when they have left the other half (north) out in the cold until Feb...or so I have heard till then... Thats kind of a big hole they left
  21. yup, the train is still rolling...sometimes just not in the direction we want it to...but it is still in the state... as hard as it is (trust me, i am at times ready to huck my phone) wait till end of Feb, to get to distraught... i mean the goal of 50% by end of year came about (just happened to be south of Davis county) soooo hang on there folks
  22. ok i will wait for the instructions.... make them 3rd grade level for me though...
  23. so if we are running digis now....will this rom install 4.3???
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