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Everything posted by floorguy

  1. is your sprint stuff already under your biz??? or personal?? because as we read the biz has to be through a CU with a biz acct...or how ever they figure it... i am covered because mine has been under a biz for, well the whole 12 yrs i have been with them, plus my CU is who i do my biz banking with... I am just happy they switched it so businesses can do it, and i dont have to switch all that around... now my question is......they told me, a few years ago, and like a year ago, i could have up to 30 lines, no questions....so now does that mean i can kick it to 3 different groups of 10??? I mean if they are now allowing biz to do it...you gotta figure they know there are going to be more then 10 with most companies?? dunno guess i will find out Mon, as i am going into switch, and add 2, for sure hopefully 4 new lines, to hit 2 groups of 7
  2. set one up under your wifes ssn....oh excuse me.......partner...dont want anyone mad seriously though...a different person who is the "main" acct... thats how i was going to have to do it, to split my current 10 up, so that i could add some more people...
  3. but you forget the 2nd point.... the credit union aspect....and as far as i know, you can only have 1 acct per ssn, or ein...soooo
  4. hummm... this would be perfect for my mom.....as she has the clear modem for her ISP....and as that is going the way side....i have been trying to figure out what to do.... and no my mom, isnt a data hog but it would make it nice so i dont have to monitor it for her..... ohh and the tower just got LTE, and is about 2 blocks from her....win win win oh and yes already have all the biz stuff....so easy for me to get
  5. oh please dont let this happen.... i have decided that direct is as big of a-hole that verizon is, and doesnt think their crap stinks.... sure Dish had some issues.......but on my 2nd go around....110% better
  6. This guy has a very good point about this whole merger thing http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/discuss.php?fm=m&ff=13495&fi=3273004 a little snipet very interesting 2. SoftBank buys TMUS and signs a network sharing agreement with Dish. Charlie gets his network so that he can offer triple play services to compete with the cable companies and doesn't have to scrounge up the billions to build his own network. He contributes his spectrum, which is hosted on either Sprint's, TMUS' or a combined network (as above). Adding Dish to the mix placates the Justice Department by bringing a new wireless competitor to the market and the new company gets to deal with a recalcitrant baby in Ergen.
  7. As a layton resident (who has driven all over and back) in fact go to sensorly.com and check for layton, and sprint.....the light purple along 89 is me ....ok most of layton is me....though i am sure more people have now driven it.... anyway...the problem is....the towers that are active....are all way west by the freeway....so while it doesnt have buildings etc. to block it.....its gotta carry aways.... i was up by the animal shelter mapping sites (thought that one was up) anyway, i was pulling sectors from the clearfield 193 exit, and my tower at the parkway....so its bouncing between a few is why the slower speeds.... hey ric....you ever want to chat about the layton stuff....send me a text...801-898-6210
  8. the problem is..... most people give 2 craps about making their job better....or going the extra mile.. sad thing really...without getting all preachy with politics....look at the USA right now....people want to have all the goodies in life that come from hard work and effort...yet want someone else to pay for it... "you mean I work as an unskilled laborer in the fast food industry, and i cant have that 3000 sqft house and ipads, and nice cars??" you get the point... Where the people here, take their skill and try to improve on it, by being as educated as possible... And truly listening to what the customer wants, or would be beneficial to them.
  9. oh hey....look what i just found on the news channel.....though still doesnt fix the stupid that is utopia http://www.ksl.com/index.php?sid=28771935&nid=148&title=google-fiber-eyes-slc-for-network-growth
  10. they need to figure out a way to buy out utopia here and merge it with their current google fiber in provo.... because utopia has no fooking idea
  11. oh i know....been around long enough and read enough.... but sometimes you have to wonder...like my home tower...no hardware for ever.....then it was like BAM within a month, hardware, and accepted....yet there are still some that nothing in the way of acceptance....but they have everything else done.... there is one i swore would have been one of the 1st in the cluster....
  12. when they feel the urge....lol seriously, i dont know if there is a rhyme or reason, other then what the powers to be know have you tracked down your area and its maps??
  13. ohhh gotcha.... not to pick a fight...but thats another reason to add to my ...dont like I-things keeping it on wifi, makes sense...i mean it uses less resources, in wifi.....
  14. no wifi in your house??? I would guess high speed internet as you are using the rave...but no wireless router huh???
  15. oh also forgot to mention how stupid comcast is.... so there are quiet a few NEW subdivisions going in....and they are starting in the upper 200s range to 500...so there is some money there..... well they still havent gone in and got cable buried...there are orange tubes sticking out EVERYWHERE....and yet there are tones of dishes, and wireless internet dishes on all the houses...because they cant even order comcast.... ohhh same goes for the stupid fiber people....GET IT TO THE NEW AREAS PEOPLE!!!!!!
  16. We have a fiber consortium that has been trying for a few years to get off the ground here http://www.utopianet.org/ The problem is....there stupid management and LACK of advertising.....So there is a switch box, about 3/4-1 mile away, i get that it takes some money to get it up streets... So i call them..."oh we dont have enough interest to bring it over to you" WELL THEN WHY DONT YOU DELIVER SOME DOOR FLYERS YOU STUPID MONKEYS!!!!!! of course there is no interest...most people dont know any better...I know about 6 directly with in a 2 block area that would sign up yesterday if they got it up here.... the one thing about Comcast.....my internet and phone ARE NEVER DOWN, & SPEEDS ARE GREAT... now yes the money for it is retarded....110 for phone and internet??? i am canceling the phone soon, but i think its still around 60-70 for the 50 speed internet....
  17. hummm well then... i dunno....really quiet places
  18. I read somewhere that its the 800 voice that makes the HD part...so if both phones were on 800, then in theory it should be HD
  19. oh and as i understand it....youa re on spark....see that nifty icon on the top...
  20. well you suck seriously how are you liking the g2???
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