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Everything posted by supert0nes

  1. I went to the Twins game tonight. Essentially didn't have service, even though I had full bars. It was interesting as the phone sometimes switched to 1x. Not sure what told the phone to do that. Something in the congested airwaves I guess. I keep my head high though, downtown will get the major upgrade sooner than later. At some points I got 4g and that was quite fast, however. VZW 4g was worthless though. So it wasn't just Sprint.
  2. The vote might stay where it's at just because of the 4th of July holiday week next week. In fact, it might delay the FCC vote too. Speculation of course.
  3. This looks to be the cut up you expected, except the potential markets were included too. I wonder how Barat/USCC split the check? Hopefully USCC will just acquire Barat. It seems to me like USCC has shelved plans to expand. On the other side of this purchase, this should allow T-Mobile to compete immediately in these pretty good sized markets.
  4. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/t-mobile-scoops-some-us-cellulars-aws-spectrum-308m/2013-06-28 It's great to see US Cellular focusing their spectrum holdings and coverage regions. They are absolutely doing the right thing. They're also divesting spectrum while it is still valuable, much better than the fire sale I thought was coming.
  5. Any of the other 3 could build this out. Might as well take it back.
  6. I really like the sliding spectrum screen solution T-Mobile proposed. More info here... http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/t-mobile-proposes-sliding-spectrum-screen-rule-600-mhz-auction/2013-06-25
  7. On the same note, In downtown Maple Grove (Main Street) there is a similar situation. High voltage, but only 3g. I've seen no movement on that tower, but it's at the end of my driveway. Hopefully they work on all of this in a similar time frame.
  8. Hmm they may have shut off access a tower around you in Corcoran. Sometimes this will happen for a couple days while they bring up a new site close by, adjust and test. Hopefully this is the case! Remember that LTE is not guaranteed or even expected to stay on before the market is officially launched.
  9. Hard to judge without lte engineering screen Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  10. It's not uncommon at all. There's certainly a possibility they messed with something relating to the current signal/back haul. Hopefully we aren't far from getting some more NV 3g around the cities too. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  11. I hijacked the thread ranting on a pet peeve, sorry. I think a major issue is that speedtest has become so popular even for people who aren't geeks. It's also become the first thing to do when someone gets LTE. /rant On another note, are the Baraboo towers in the Milaukee or Minnesota markets?
  12. I really hate Speedtest. If people really cripple a network because they are running Speed tests in the middle of a city, they are jerks.
  13. How are they related? US Cellular has AWS and 700 spectrum to deploy LTE on.
  14. Yes this will happen, but more common than that, areas that only had 1x will get EVDO and LTE. I'm very excited about that major change.
  15. That would be phone keyboard laziness. I do try to get names right though sorry. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  16. In before we forget this thread is about a map Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  17. Sprint needs to avoid bidding wars in spectrum when every other spectrum sale in the world is pulling in lower than expected value. Time is their friend now . It's time for sprint to focus on its balance sheet for a couple years. I like h about as much as aj at this point. If dish can't get a deal with t–mobile, that's a lot of great spectrum potentially back on the market. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  18. Parts of Robert's first post in this link go into more detail on 800 and how it compares to other carriers spectrum. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/32-network-vision-explained/ VZW holds 750, 850 Cellular, some 1900 PCS. and lots of 1700/2100 AWS AT&T holds 700, 850 Cellular, 1900 PCS, a little 1700/2100 AWS, and almost all of 2300 WCS, except a small chunk Sprint owns. T-Mobile holds a lot of PCS 1900 and a lot of 1700/2100 AWS.
  19. Sprint holds 12MHz of 800 from Nextel that they are killing off on June 30. That's enough for 1 CDMA-1x carrier for voice/text/data carrier and a 5x5 LTE carrier(same as what's currently deployed on PCS). 800 will help Sprint to compete on in building coverage and rural coverage. 800(SMR) isn't near as fragile as PCS as over long distances. They need to deploy on this spectrum for the viability of the company. So if you have the photon 4g(wimax), you will get cdma 1x-800(better voice coverage). Then there's Clearwire's spectrum, which doesn't travel far at all, but they have so much spectrum, that they can really deploy som blazing fast LTE. When new phones come out with 800(SMR), 1900(PCS), and 2600(BRS/EBS) Sprint will have an amazing portfolio of spectrum to deploy on.
  20. Here's the last public information Sprint gave about small cells. Insiders may know more. I would say at some point in 2014 once NV is close to done. A similar time frame for LTE-A http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprints-tarazi-promises-hetnet-focus-network-vision-20/2012-10-04
  21. Ah that's cool I shouldn't have assumed everyone had a free hour at work to study this stuff today Dish plays a great game of poker and forced sprint into desperation but sprint sprint has closed every door they could think of with this latest deal. A big one being get it all wrapped up before clearwire runs out of money. I only wish crest would have to sell their shares for 2.97 Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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