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Everything posted by supert0nes

  1. RT @SouhanStrib: My summation on Kluwe: If what he said about Priefer is true, Priefer should be fired. But Kluwe isn't 1st marginal player…

  2. RT @t_nation: Organic junk food is still junk food, hipsters.

  3. RT @bennyc50: @DarrenWolfson My favorite part of Drive is when a ball bounces past Gosling in the opening scene at Staples. A bad pass from…

  4. RT @WiWavelength: Sprint band 26 LTE 800 is alive. My article at S4GRU offers an exclusive first look. http://t.co/vt8n4bvH0x

  5. Denver should probably just start @BallTwoEight from now on. He's a game changer. #Badgers

  6. RT @britnihemmer: If you're a Vikings fan and don't find this comical you're doing life so wrong

  7. You are right, but I know AT&T will put any band their phones support to use. I probably distracted the point by bringing up AT&T & Vertizon, they don't concern me. I really only care about Dish acquiring spectrum while they've shown no actionable plans on existing spectrum holdings. The US government has a history of evaluating deployment plans before allocating resources (rural broadband), maybe something similar should be applied to any acquisitions for Dish in the future. Currently success or failure on an auction is determined by the bid price, but if the Government is concerned at all about the consumer, maybe these auctions should use more criteria. The politics of spectrum sales probably make my opinions moot, and I'm probably just another commie.
  8. I should have thrown a respectively in there VZW on the aws ATT on the WCS. Good clarification though, thanks.
  9. I would like to get back to one obvious point. What's the buildout countdown clock on each of their spectrum holdings? The fact of the matter is that this is the largest abuse of hoarding spectrum and not using it so far. If VZW and ATT put their AWS and WCS spectrum to use shortly, Dish will be the only spectrum hoarder in my eyes.
  10. RT @JimPeteHoops: The way college basketball is being refereed will ruin the game. It is literally impossible to play solid aggressive defe…

  11. RT @BadgerFootball: Andersen on Borland not among Butkus finalists: "That surprises me. I guess the best linebacker in America isn't on tha…

  12. So @XFINITY_TV online player is flash based but doesn't work on Linux. Doesn't really make sense.

  13. RT @AschoffESPN: Made it to Mickie's Dairy Bar. I expect this scrambler to put me into a food coma ...

  14. RT @RadioFalness: RT @GopherSports: VIDEO: Must-see clip of Coach Kill dancing in the locker room today is outstanding: http://t.co/XNDNeqb…

  15. RT @sprintcare: @supert0nes Thx 4 ur inquiry. No information has been released about this as an option. Pls stay tuned to http://t.co/N7A7p…

  16. RT @SouhanStrib: Listening to NFL people defend Incognito/Philbin/hazing is just sad.

  17. It's time to quit being lazy and replace Kubuntu. Moving back to my favorite distribution, @archlinux I don't support Canonical.

  18. Sorry everyone. Looks like I don't hang around here enough anymore.
  19. https://plus.google.com/+JerryHildenbrand/posts/FVytdRTUZkB caution NSFW language
  20. Along these lines...Sprint is much better off if you are using LTE 2500 than any other band. This is where they have the headroom to host many customers at once.
  21. I agree. I'm a Ting customer as well and am fine with limiting my bandwidth usage. Not saying this is what you should do, but if a Nexus 5 at $350 works on Ting on all 3 bands. That's very tempting to me.
  22. Does this mean that they have already upgraded to a newer release of LTE that is LTE-A capable?
  23. I wish they wouldn't use inter-band carrier aggregation at all. If people can use 2.5, there's no reason to let them use 1900 or 800. If they can use 1900, I can't think of a good reason to let them use 800. Unless you care about speedtests. Also, no triband for the g2 until 2014?!? Unfortunate.
  24. RT @ChrisWarcraft: "You don't really expect this of Jordy Nelson... You don't think of him in those terms..." JUST SAY HE'S A WHITE RECEIVE…

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