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Everything posted by supert0nes

  1. Looks like Dish wants to play dirty in this fight. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/dish-raises-specter-softbanks-connection-utstarcom-bribery-allegations/2013-04-30
  2. They don't specify the protocol at all.They are just names given to bands(grouped segments) of spectrum.
  3. Just toggle airplane mode when you expect you are in a 4g area, like if sensorly shows 4g in your area. Other than that, the metro area is starting to get nice coverage. It's not like Sprint shut down the wimax network yet.
  4. I love the New York comments there. I don't think I've been in the New York threads here, but I can imagine it's the same.
  5. Yes I definitely overlooked that detail. Good catch, although I think you were looking for it.
  6. I'm a secondary source on this one. I'm assuming Phil Goldstein was on the call. Read more: Sprint adds 1.5M iPhones in Q1, still loses subs as Nextel shutdown looms - FierceWireless http://www.fiercewir...4#ixzz2ROcgY1pb Subscribe at FierceWireless
  7. Overall I would say Sprint did pretty well for the quarter. The numbers look good and 2.5ghz phones in the 3rd quarter!
  8. Welcome to the site! Thanks for reporting in. It could mean that they were testing the tower. It could also mean that you were on the edge of 4g coverage. There's some work going on in that area, but Sensorly tells me you'll get a stronger signal closer to 35e. I bet 35e and 36 area could have a lot of potential for more mapping!
  9. I posted that article in October, to which Robert replied "In docs we have seen, LTE 800 and LTE 2600 have always been referred to as LTE 2.0, with the timelines of starting in Mid 2013. I don't see anything in this article that makes me think there is any slip on Mid 2013 of LTE 800 or LTE 2600." At that point I figured he was either Tarazi or Hesse.
  10. By the way great find on the article so fast.
  11. Yeah, the value of such small sites would be extremely high in city centers. I should clarify, that my expectation is not to see a great increase in full build out sites till a 3.0 type tiimeline. Stretch it out and try to make some capital for a few years. Although in situations like New Orleans, or closer to my home, Madison, Wisconsin fixes need to happen.
  12. Phase 2 is 800/2500 lte not the great expansion or density increase. Sent from phone
  13. I think time will cure all in this situation. You can't fake a 400 device when 90 percent of the functionality comes on a 25 dollar chip. Sent from phone
  14. Might be a moot point if phones get cheaper , which they pretty much have to by a lot. Sent from phone
  15. Fridley isn't on yet but no worries. Keeps me searching. Sent from phone
  16. Thanks, I should have looked that up. I think Sprint is very proud of their network right now, as shown by their willingness to strike LTE sharing deals to other networks, but no new roaming agreements. I think they want to stop paying the competition as much as possible.
  17. AWS is great. Essentially almost as good as PCS except the uplink is in 2100. The problem we have with AWS is that you need to have enough of it to make it worth while to add an extra base band to phones/sites. Sprint can't do that unless they merge with T-Mobile or buy most of it in the next auction. LEAP is not enough AWS and neither is USCellular, etc. for Sprint to use.
  18. We've always knew as much, but it's nice to get a direct quote from Sprint. Maybe we've already had this direct quote from them. But to me this says even if they spin up VoLTE, 1x will stay on 800/1900 http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprint-strikes-m2m-deal-u-blox-targets-atts-2g-shutdown/2013-04-22 Sprint said that it "believes M2M customers should be able to choose or combine 2G, 3G and 4G LTE capabilities, depending on their particular requirements. Sprint expects to maintain its 2G network capability for the long term as part of its overall Network Vision strategy."
  19. Verizon can't divest pcs without cellular in the markets att had all. The fcc would probably be overreaching or be labeled as interfering to require att to divest now. They must live with that mistake. Verizon and att are the only ones that can balance the spectrum in the marketplace now. I would make t mobile divest pcs though, wasted silver spectrum Sent from phone
  20. I feel I can go back to my opinion that either Sprint or AT&T will buy Dish's spectrum in the next couple years for a greatly reduced price.
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