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Everything posted by supert0nes

  1. 1xa across the board, 1900 and 800. Although I've heard it will be deployed with max capacity in mind, which is a tradeoff for some of the other benefits of 1xa
  2. RT @SurlyTap: Our single barrel version of Pentagram is gone! Tomorrow we tap SYX that was not aged on honeycomb wood species but in a whit…

  3. This makes no sense unless you are trying to test out the H band for Sprint. Triband is huge and happening right now, H is very minor and not happening in the next year+.
  4. RT @JerryZgoda: Admittedly, NFL isn't my field of expertise. But why even play A.P. in regular season? Why not just save him for playoffs? …

  5. Happy Birthday @billclinton It's my birthday today too!

  6. What kind of precedent is there for piecemeal sales? US Cellular really has a spectrum portfolio that fits with all the national carriers combined.
  7. RT @SamsungExynos: To all you innovative thinkers and adaptable doers, happy International Lefthanders Day! http://t.co/a49lRQNPbM

  8. I did that for 3 days till my Comcast modem arrived. Awful. Never again. And I had Sprint LTE, which is quite fast.
  9. Certainly a lot less billions than building a whole network from the ground up. It's not like T-Mobile would make Charlie front the whole bill for something that they have to do eventually anyway.
  10. If i had to guess, I would say Zimmerman is waiting on backhaul. They seem close on 4g, but it's been in that state for over a month I believe.
  11. Dish already stated yesterday I think they aren't very interested in H with all the restrictions the FCC put on it. I say that the original Lightsquared style partnership is the only smidgen of hope Charlie has.
  12. RT @Charley_Walters: Gophers' sophomore QB Philip Nelson doesn't need the headaches Twitter has caused Johnny Manziel, so Nelson got rid of…

  13. I would like to see T-Mobile get some customers and leave this spectrum alone. Same with Sprint for that matter.
  14. does it work with mkv, mp4, dlna, etc?
  15. My first cable modem was MediaOne/RoadRunner in 8th grade, so like 16 years ago. It was one-way, so we dialed in for upload, but got cable modem down. The modem was internal too.
  16. It's impossible to find Comcast's price for internet after 6 months/1 year on their website. Also 7.99/mo seems a bit much for a modem. I don't rent but still wtf.
  17. I disagree. I would actually like to have 800 and 1900 usable when I need them rather than have "power users" a block away from the site eating up the bandwidth. This should be controlled from the network side only.
  18. That was just a pretty face on selling useless spectrum to them.
  19. That's legacy 1900 CDMA/EVDO, which will be left up until a month or 2 after 3g takes over from the NV antenna. Also, with LTE most of the time they light them up one at a time in Minnesota, which is also a Samsung market.
  20. Sounds too ideal to actually happen. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  21. Sprint should not overpay for any more spectrum (including PCS H). Demand is not going up nearly as high as originally predicted and Sprint is sitting pretty well with what they have. Also US Cellular has a lot of Spectrum (AWS/Cellular) that Sprint would probably sell. Let these companies continue to dwindle and buy up their spectrum when the yard sale starts. nTelos - Just buy the BRS from whoever buys them.
  22. It's probably just not accepting connections. Soon though it should be. Exciting!
  23. It's good to see Verizon has found a way for people to pay more money. I think this is the exact opposite direction of getting rid of subsidies, and in fact should help keep phone demand and prices artificially high.
  24. Nope no phones currently on the market for sprint support 800 smr lte Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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