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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. So I know this phone is very popular with the technically inclined crowd. But how about those that are less technical? Would this be the best tri-band phone to recommend to family and friends?

    Yes if they are not interested in the gimmicky features of the other Android phones.

    • Like 1
  2. I use these.. There's another ad blocking one but I just use adaway.


    Xprivacy is another favorite of mine. Block all those nasty permissions from apps and even spoofs the GPS location to where you want instead of refusing the app the call.


    Posted Image

    That YouTube ad one looks nice

    • Like 1
  3. So I've made a conclusion as to whether or not the Battery Guru app works. And I can say that it really does. The app really does a great job at minimizing battery use from each and every app. On the plus side, it also didn't stop from emails and notifications from coming in.


    I don't have pictures, but normally in the mornings from 7:30 to 9:30 my phone would have been at about 90%, that's not bad for two hours, but with this app, today I've used my phone how I normally do and I've talked on the phone as well for about 30 minutes, and I'm sitting at 94% almost at 10 o'clock.


    By the time I get home, I was normally around 65%-75% but now I get home with 80% and this is with mixed use at work (texting, couple calls, and some light browsing). Late at night, after watching maybe an hour of youtube videos, I end up with about 20% battery left.


    The only problem that I have encountered with this app is the WiFi Management. It won't necessarily turn on WiFi when I'm at work and/or at home, but it's only happened a couple of times in the last week or so that I've been using it. Thankfully with the Nexus 5, turning on WiFi is just a long-press away.


    So that's that, if you wanna try it, I'd say go ahead, you could probably gain an hour or two. Hope this helped.




    Is this battery guru on the Google Play Store is it or is it something that I have to find on xda?


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


  4. So today I drove all over St Augustine and lost LTE briefly 4 times at completely different towers and dropped data altogether and ended up on EVDO every time. Very odd. Hopefully this means something is being done on the 3G end of the towers. Maybe SMR?

    We can only hope.

    The last time I experienced CDMA 800 it was after a citywide voice and SMS outage.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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