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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. Went to the Town Center today. While getting into the car in the parking lot of Petsmart, I noticed my phone began to chime. I had LTE with a -113 dBm signal. Held it until I left the parking lot and onto Town Center Parkway. Had LTE off and on with a faint signal from Baymeadows until a mile past Old St Augustine Rd. Looks like progress..

    Nice town center finally getting some love.

  2. They just completed a double tower near me with 4g LTE only and sure enough my G2 won't connect while my gf's Galaxy Note 2 will connect and the tower is a very important tower providing lots of coverage. Weird thing is there are sites that have not got there 3G upgrade and my G2 still works just fine on them. I thought if you didn't have the 3G upgrade then triband devices can't connect?

    I don't know the whole deal with the eCSFB. Hopefully it's squared away soon.

  3. I played with the HTC One Max at a different Sprint store and when I type in ##DATA#, it doesn't have the LTE menu that allows you to enable the B25, B26 and B41 LTE bands. I wonder if there is a dialer code on the HTC One Max that allows you to do to change the B41 LTE settings.

    How did you like the one max overall? Was it too big? How's the display etc.......


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

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