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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. I actually got b41 in Dallas ! On .15 and it connected randomly haha. I can't seem to find which method works best

    From what I've noticed it will connect to b41 when b25 signal is weaker than the b41 signal.


    Sent from my Nexus 5



  2. Has anyone noticed on .15 when connected to b41 and sending a text that the connection falls back to 3g then reconnects when its done


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    Well I connected to a different b41 site. I was able to send text messages without the phone falling back to evdo and 1x. Once I was back in the area where I was having the problem. It started again. So I take it that something is wrong with the site.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk



  3. My understanding from the SignalCheck developer is that the Nexus 5 sometimes incorrectly displays roaming when connected to a voice call over 1x 800. It is not likely to my knowledge that your device would be able to get tunneled roaming packets through the Sprint LTE connection to know when a call is incoming.

    From what I've seen it happened. Doesn't happen often but on occasion in one spot at work.


    Sent from my Nexus 5



  4. Regardless, the Nexus 5 is my favorite phone I ever owned. It is very smart, good looking, fast, has quick updates, no bloatware, awesome cases, cheap, a ton of network compatibility, wireless charging, and more.

    This is the best device I've owned yet. This will probably be my last phone for at least two or three years. To be honest with you I would have still been using my EVO LTE if the RF performance wasn't so bad.


    I feel like with this device it has the best of everything and its Tri band so it is future proof until sprint acquire some 600 MHz spectrum.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk



    Edit - also I will not buy another device unless it's a nexus/Google play edition device.

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