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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. Just activated and rooted my n5. I must say I love this phone already the speaker isn't as bad as people say. I believe its being compared to the HTC one but taking that phone out the picture it seems to be on par with other android devices. Most importantly of all I'm getting a -101 LTE signal throughout my house when my EVO LTE would rarely connect.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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  2. Just activated the N5 and MY GOD.... The RF difference between this and the Evo is huge. I used to have to drive a mile to get LTE in my apt. Now my N5 is holding onto a faint signal.


    Already satisfied lol.

    How's the battery and the rear speaker compared to the EVO LTE? I'm home patiently waiting for my device to arrive.

  3. Just activated the N5 and MY GOD.... The RF difference between this and the Evo is huge. I used to have to drive a mile to get LTE in my apt. Now my N5 is holding onto a faint signal.


    Already satisfied lol.

    I have mine coming on Monday I can't wait to get it took advantage of the $30 amazon deal. I went to the sprint store last week and the one max, the g2, and a couple other phones were on 3g the nexus had 2-3 bars of LTE. So that made my decision easy.

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  4. be careful to note if it says eligble for 'one up' upgrade that means you have to switch to the new myway plans and give them your old phone.

    No it was the 2yr price ordered from amazon but it's taking longer than usual to process the order though. Probably due to the black Friday volume. Ordered the spigen neo hybrid gold to wrap around my new baby.

  5. Trying to get sprint to push my upgrade back since my upgrade is Jan 1. They r not budging one bit, pissing me off.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

    Well for some odd reason my upgrade is January 1st and suddenly check online and I'm eligible for an upgrade now so I went ahead and jumped on the nexus 5 before sprint changes it up.

  6. Has anyone noticed that on the sprint site when looking at the nexus 5 it has a box at the bottom saying that in store pick up is unavailable and will be back for cyber Monday. The nexus 5 is the only device that has this notification. Do you all think that the nexus 5 will be a part of the cyber Monday deals on sprint.com


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

  7. For sprint one up maybe. I'm due Jan 1st still.


    Sent from Evo

    Likely for the One Up program. I think they're doing that because they do actually make money on the program, and they're aware people want to know when they can get a new phone to replace the EVO Shift they got for free on contract a few years ago. If they see "eligible now", they'll rush to sign any piece of paper that gives them a phone.

    Usually on the site it would say eligible for one up now and x amount of days until 2yr upgrade. Also when I browse the phone while logged in. It shows the two year price vs the full retail it used to show.

  8. If anyone on a tri-band is ever out by Blanding Blvd and Old Jennings road, can you check the signal levels for me? I cannot find any 800mhz cdma on my GS3, so maybe another phone might see it.


    If anything, the signal got worse again for 1x, I'll ignore LTE as I have wifi at home. I'd love to not rely on the Airave, or not be able to call near my house.


    Other than my black hole, I'm loving the coverage. LTE is fast enough at work that I don't use the company wifi. I still sometimes drop back to 3G at Blanding and 295, but its random and only about 20% of the time max.

    Blanding and brannan field road is where I first found CDMA 800 last week if that helps

  9. so i went to apple today and had my iphone warrentied because it got bent... how does that happen!? lol has anyone heard of this or had this issue? apple was cool about it and swapped it out for a new one though :tu:

    I know when the EVO LTE launched people were bending their phones. Mostly people who carried their phone in their back pocket.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

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  10. You are pretty far from it. Check the 1x engineering screen and see if you can pull the lat long there. In Ericsson markets the coordinates are offset but would give you a good indication of where it is.


    EDIT: I thought that SID looked weird. I see you are using a test 800 PRL as stock PRLs do not have that SID:

    22433,Sprint Nextel,Pendleton OR; Sandpoint ID; Spokane WA


    You'll notice you might have odd data issues and other weirdness since your phone is idling in the wrong geographic of the PRL and probably scanning the wrong EVDO channels for Florida.

    Everything was fine except when I was on a call on 1x 800 and traveled out of 800 range the call dropped instead of switching over to 1x RTT.

  11. If you get it from the Play Store, definitely go for the 32 gig version. It is only a little bit more money, but makes it worth the premium over buying it subsidized from Sprint. If I didn't have the G2, I'd definitely get the N5. It's a nice phone. I also recommend the black version since it has a nice matte texture as opposed to the glossy plastic feel of the white version.

    That's what I had in mind. A black 32gb from the play store. Stock android is boring compared to some of the OEM skins but my nexus 7 made me fall in love with the nexus line. The only reason I didn't get the nexus 4 was it was GSM only. Also the tri band support and the updates from Google is another reason why I want it so badly.

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