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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. I some how doubt they are going to reverse the signal decrease changes in the current firmware when it updates later. I guess if you are in an 800 LTE area it shouldn't matter much.

    True but for now I need the best band 25 signal I can get. I would like to connect to band 41 though.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



  2. I've found this screen to be wonky but I eventually got it set to B26-1, B41-2, B25-3. Since B25 is jammed packed in a lot of places here.

    I don't know if the nexus will even connect to other bands because I've gone by sites that I've seen getting worked on and not get a signal. I don't know if sprint is blocking connections or of the nexus is doomed until the firmware update.


    Edit- band 41 sites


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


  3. I've been doing my best to read through and search the thread, but can't find something that has probably been discussed already. What band priority settings are you all using? I enabled all the bands already but don't have a firm grasp on the priority relationship determined by 1 or 0. Thanks in advance.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    I have mine set to band 25 - 0, band 26 - 0, band 41 -1. Which reads out band 41 - 1, band 25 -2, band 26 - 3.


    41 for speed. 25 coverage. 26 in building penetration.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



  4. My classes ended but for the one site that was at my college campus, I connected to it just fine (after cycling airplane mode.)


    Sent from my LG-LS980

    Do you keep all the bands enabled or just 41 and 25? Also does haven't the additional bands enabled effect your battery life?


    I got s full 24 hrs yesterday and I had to charge my phone twice today. Also my time without signal was higher today than other days. Do you think that my phone was trying to connect to other bands today?

  5. So I've had the phone going on three days now, and I must say the battery life on this thing is insane. I'm sitting at 11 hours and 62% battery left.




    To me it seems that when the phone is asleep it fares well. When awake and being used it seems to run down pretty quick.

    • Like 1
  6. What app or apps do you use to see which bands are being used?


    Masayoshi Son, the Softbank CO, is pretty ambitious and seems to have a good track record. He has been saying since June that he wants to buy T-Mobile as well, and that was back when he was trying to beat out Dish Network for Sprint and Clearwire. My impression of him is that he knows his business. He founded Softbank and has built a pretty respectable empire. I don't think that he is a meathead NBA bean counter type.


    Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

    I've been using the the debug menu on my nexus to see the band I'm connected to

  7. A couple other exciting things today. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Sprint is working on a possible bid for T-Mobile. I'd really like to see Softbank shake things up in the mobile market. AT&T and Verizon could use more competition.


    The other thing I saw is that Houston just had 55 CDMA 800 upgrades accepted. So, it seems that once they get the ball rolling on this, it moves pretty fast.

    I don't want to begin talking about what I think of a Sprint T-Mobile merger. I just want Sprint to focus on one project at a time. Since I bought my Nexus 5 I'm impressed by how much of the city Sprint covers with band 25 alone is amazing. At this point band 26 is overkill (Good thing though). There wont be a place in most cities where you can't receive a Sprint LTE signal. I find myself not seeing 3g at all most days. Ive been looking all over tower trying to connect to band 41 but can't seem to do so. 2014 is definitely going to be Sprints year to shine.

  8. I have the OTA notification for 4.4.2... Do you guys know if I can just flash the ZIP in CWM or do I need to return to stock?

    I downloaded the full 4.4.2 stock rooted ROM at xda flashed it and wiped cache and delvik cache. Only thing it installed was the ROM itself. No bootloader, no radio, etc.


    The one I downloaded was extracted by bigxie.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 (RF Beast)



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  9. If I was not on a Triband device, I'd have an inconsistent 4G connection here waiting for my next class to start at 6pm.


    Netflix/Reddit is blazing on this speed. ;)


    Posted Image


    Sent from my LG-LS980

    Is your device connecting to band 41 automatically or do you have to airplane mode or LTE only mode?


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

  10. Another issue I'm curious if other people are seeing. Tapatalk 4 is hanging a lot on the Nexus 5 when trying to read S4GRU. I can't say it's a kitkat issue, because it seems to work ok on my N7.


    This is when connecting to Wifi, so it's something to do with tapatalk on the N5.. Anyone else seeing this ? It's annoying when trying to keep up with this forum from the phone. :)

    My tapatalk was locking up on me a few days ago. I don't know why but it hasn't happened in a couple days.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 (RF Beast)



  11. Have you enabled ART on your N5 yet? I've heard that gives a good boost in battery performance. Also, I have Snapdragon Battery Guru installed. Not sure how much of a difference it makes, but it doesn't seem like it hurts anything, either.

    I haven't messed with that yet. I'll wait a little while


    Sent from my Nexus 5 (RF Beast)



  12. Posted Image


    Getting good battery life today. The first couple hours was sleeping when I took it off the charger last night but this is the first day I made it without putting the phone on the charger.


    This is also the first day I've been off work with the phone. At work I make hours of phone calls and listen to google music for hours on in therefore killing my battery life a bit.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 (RF Beast)



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