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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. This is BS. Android is software. There is no "settle" time when you update because it's all electronic bits and bytes. You'll notice any differences within the first day and after that not much will change. Your usage habits affect the battery life more than any other factor..Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

    On every android device Ive owned I have noticed this.


    Sent from my Nexus 5



  2. That's good to know. I'm relatively new to android, but this phone is so nice and fast, I can easily see it being a daily driver. Feels great in the hand, too. I'm using it naked. It's just so simplistic and fast. I don't miss bloat or OEM ui's at all. And after being subscribed to this thread for at least a year, everything I've read is true. What is up with the radio in this phone? What makes it so superb? And, why isn't that a standard across all phones?

    Well when comparing the radio in this device to other devices. The nexus always have better signal. When I went in the sprint store to check out this phone before i ordered it online. The nexus was the only phone on display with LTE connectivity which made the decision easy for me. I think every OEM tries their best to make the radio performance on their devices the best but different variable hinder the radio performance.


    Sent from my Nexus 5



  3. I bought the phone on Friday. Such a nice phone. I, too, am suffering from terrible battery life. Maybe 7 hours of hard usage. I can see the battery drop 1% nearly every minute or two.

    Within a few days you should see the battery increase as the ROM has to settle. Android devices does this when ever you have a fresh install. New phone, factory resets, and installing new roms/updates.


    Sent from my Nexus 5



  4. Looks like HTC is making apple like moves revealing the product and have it ready for purchase the same day. Except I don't think apple items ship same day


    Sent from my Nexus 5



  5. Gosh I get those too and always think my phone is going to explode because they come in 5 or 6 at a time. I think it's voicemail related (says something about voicemail in the text) although I never have a voicemail when I get them.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    I've had that problem like once or twice last week I haven't gotten any more so far


    Sent from my Nexus 5



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