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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. At the UGA vs FLA game in Jacksonville, everyone at the tailgate had Verizon, ATT, or T-Mobile and they all complained about not being able to use social media because of the service while my iPhone 6s on sprint worked fantastic. Not sayin much here but this was my first time being able to laugh at all my friends with Verizon or ATT while being able to show them how good Sprint is these days. They all needed my phone to check scores or post pictures on social media.

    This is always a beautiful thing the few times we are actually able to outshine the competition. I know the area near the landing and around the stadium is solid Clear wire band 41 coverage.
  2. Sprint's definitely going for the long term. I just don't think anyone wants to purchase the company with all of that debt, which is why they're lowering network spending to pay it off.


    I could see Comcast or Google buying Sprint in the future. T-Mobile merger is unlikely I think.

    Google just announced yesterday that they are stopping their Fiber rollout and laying off their workers. So maybe something is in the works.
  3. This is not AT&T buying Time Warner Cable. TWC was already bought by Charter. This is Time Warner the media company which owns HBO, CNN, etc. I do not see how this would have an effect on Sprint as Sprint does little business in media. This merger is similar to Comcast and NBC/Universal. It does signal that in the future there could be some changes in content delivery since you now have ISPs buying media corporations. Those carriage disputes we all see with cable could become more common with potentially exclusive content on other carriers. Although the courts did not allow a similar dispute in NY when Cablevision tried to prevent Verizon FiOS from getting the rights to MSG HD the home of the Knicks and Rangers.

    I guess this isn't too bad it probably gives them more power when negotiating deals.
  4. Att trying to close a deal time warner, by tonight. I can't see that as a positive for sprint? More like someone will have to buy dish.

    I can see vzw/Comcast buying dish which would then give sprint/Tmo the argument of needing to merge in order to compete on the wireless side as the others will be offering some serious bundling.

    Only time will tell

    This needs to be blocked ASAP
    • Like 1
  5. There's a very good chance you are mistaking the new Nokia RAS for an Ericsson AIR.


    It is very beefy, due to incorporating 2x RRH's inside the antenna enclosure.


    Typical configuration for non-AWS-3 market would be FHFB + FRBG internal, FRIG external.



    True I didn't know that manufacturers other than Ericsson made those type of panels. Which band do you think their for in my market Band 12 or 66?
  6. I could be wrong, but I feel very confident in saying that any AIR antennas would be those of either ATT or VZW, as Jacksonville is a Nokia infrastructure market.


    I would imagine since Jacksonville is a late L700 market that T-Mobile may be going straight to NSN RAS, which affords 4T4R on L2100 and L1900, and 2T2R on L700.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    It's definitely a T-Mobile site for sure. I found it odd that Ericsson's equipment would be in a Nokia market.
  7. Sprint and Google go back pretty far (Google voice integration comes to mind) so I have some rationalisation for waiting.


    ~$832 is a lot of money for the Pixel XL after sales tax in Texas.


    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

    Especially for a new unknown device (in most customers minds). Why would someone want to pay $649/$769 for a device that's a brand new brand. When you have devices from Apple, Samsung, and LG that's around the same price point that has proven themselves as great device makers.
  8. Stop with the subsidising. Get off the dole, you wanker. Then, buy on the High Street any unlocked handset you fancy.



    I just think that folks here don't see this device selling well only being sold for Verizon. Yes I know you can buy it from the play store. The device needs more retail presence at carrier stores, Best Buy, Target, Walmart, etc. Seems like this device is another Nexus launch. Only its not a Nexus and is actually being advertised.
  9. That. Would. Be. Awesome. If Sprint started carrying it. Would be good for consumers as well if AT&T and T-Mobile as well.


    I feel like if other there were plans they would have announced it during their event. Unless Google tries to push for other carries since the Note 7 is discontinued and they wanted to attempt to gain that market share...


    Here's to hoping.

    Google should have come out the gate running. Releasing the device on all carriers. Available immediately with a massive advertising budget.
    • Like 2
  10. I know I post this every year or twice a year but...... Sprint needs to model every market in Florida at least after the Orlando FL market. Coming down i95 from Daytona Beach on to i4 west. I've held on to band 41 about 80+% of the time. This market is blanketed in multiple band 41 and 25 carriers. Seems like Sprint is focused on major markets which is cool but they need to show the smaller markets some love too.

    • Like 2
  11. Effectively, I suppose. Except once the transaction is complete they won't own the spectrum anymore. They're doing a sale/leaseback. So they're selling some of the spectrum they have rights to for cash up front and then leasing the spectrum back from the buyer. Then they'll pay monthly lease payments for the term of the lease. The lease payments will have a certain amount of interest built into them.

    Is it Softbank creating a leasing company like they did to handle the phone leases?
  12. I think I connected to a B12 site downtown briefly, but it could have been a false-positive (going by SignalCheck Pro). According to Neville, Jax should be lit up sometime in Fall with B12.

    I don't think it was a false positive. Next time I'm near the site I mentioned I'm going to see if my daughter has a band 12 device and if it will connect. They were definitely Ericsson AIR panels.
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