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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. I read that report earlier today and was surprised and disappointed to learn of Sprint's (non) performance. Granted, 7 Mbps is entirely usable but with Sprint's massive spectrum holdings and deployment I'd love to see them performing at least at parity with the other guys (maybe not in terms of coverage/ Percent availability but at least in terms of speed).

    I wonder if Sprint really is this far behind or if something in their testing methodology could account for this..For example, the proportion of Open Signal users on each network or some other variable. Thoughts?

    From my experience having access to 3 of the 4 national carriers (doesn't have Verizon). Sprint is definitely dead last in my market in Speed and Reliability. I've found that AT&T and TMobile is both faster and stays connected to LTE much longer than Sprint. We have band 41 in my market and 90% of the equipment is old Clearwire gear. I'm sure if Sprint installed 8t8r gear to more sites we'd have a faster speeds but LTE would still drop off faster than others. Also TMobile is rolling out band 12 at a very rapid pace.
    • Like 1
  2. These sites are designed interesting. Its bascially 2 sites on one pole. 2 base cabinets and 2 different pair of sectors. Like one is D01, 02 and 03 and the other is C01, 02 , 03. Same for band 26 values.


    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

    I wonder why they decided to have 2 of everything. I thought the purpose of network vision was to eliminate the need for all the redundant equipment. Therefore lowering Operating Expenses.
  3. We have 2 sites thats are high capacity sites with 6 antennas instead of 3 and they are sub 1 mbps on every sector. Hard to believe but its true. We have 7 sites that are always sub 1 mbps on b25/26


    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

    I thought that those 6 panels site. The extra panel was for extra voice capacity. I always thought that was weird. I could be thinking of the wrong thing.
  4. damn thats great. I wish Ocala got some love. No permits at all last year and this year none so far. At&t and Verizon had alot of permits though.


    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

    Hopefully they will add more band 41 down there. Seems like Sprint is targeting the high traffic sites. I wish Sprint would just blanket the city with Band 41 similar to how TMobile does with Band 4.
  5. I've been a loyal HTC owner till I went with my Nexus 6. I've been worried about getting a large phablet, but if Samsung is bringing the alleged 6.2" screen to sprint I'm on it! Totally excited for this announcement. Plus Snapdragon 835! Sold!


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

    I agree I was the same way. I had about 4 HTC devices. Then I went with the Nexus 5. After that Nexus 6 in which I'm still currently using. When I saw the specs and renders I'm considering getting the GS8. I really liked the Note 7 until it turned into Galaxy Note Flames.
    • Like 3
  6. My brother in law got screwed well due to lack of knowledge and then Verizon!


    He left VZW for Sprint due to savings. Moved 4 phones over to Sprint unlimited. They traded in a iPhone 5, two iPhone 6's and a iPhone 6s. (I thought these were able to port from VZW to Sprint once unlocked?). Anyways, they got four iPhone7's.


    These guys aren't techy and they hated the service cause the throttling. Then for some reason they didn't understand they were leasing the phones so got a "surprise" bill when it was $100+ higher due to the leased phones.


    So in anger they went back to VZW. They saw they had a deal, trade in a phone and get $650. They went into the VZW store and the damn rep there took their 1 month old iPhone 7's as trade in. That rep HAD to have known they were leased. So my brother in law, his second bill from Sprint is over $3000. After a while he should get $650x4 from VZW, but he still at a net loss that hurts and out $3k until he gets his money from VZW. And he is still going to have a lease on his new VZW iPhone 7's.


    He got the 16GB shared bucket. I told him, why not just get Sprint's shared bucket if you didn't like the unlimited plan. He was pretty upset cause he thought he was going to save his family some money by switching. But instead they got bit really hard in the butt. This is what happens to you today when you just jump in without research. Even with what TMobile is doing, feel like it is too damn complex and too much small print out there and my brother in law paid the price.



    What sucks though is they totally hate Sprint now. But VZW actually was the carrier that really screwed them taking in brand new iPhone 7's on trade in. I asked him "Did you go to this store and talk to Nick?" He said "Yeah, he's a great guy!". I say "yeah, a guy who is great at ripping people off". I hate Nick. I have dealt with him a few times and he is really good at ripping people off and them not knowing it or making it sound like its company policy. Im the tech/knowledge guru in the family and for some reason my family goes at it a lone, get screwed over. lol.

    Wow that sucks. The thing that VZW did is something that TMO reps would do also. TMO also would have given them a bunch of accessories, told them they were free then you would have noticed that you are paying for them on an installment plan.
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