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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. It is probably a little bit of that, but perhaps mostly of launching in more markets this year for the simultaneous retail start. Last year was nine markets; this year was 11 markets, including China.

    That's right! I overlooked this detail.


    I take the questions of cynicism as ones of irrelevance. 


    A few articles are out there, but one pegged 5s sales around 3 1/2 times more then the 5c .. another said 5s sales were closer to 500% of the 5c..  Either way the 5s sold around close to 7 million units and broke last years record by itself by close to 2 million.  


    This in 3 days time... To put this into perspective it took Samsung 4 weeks  to sell 10 million G S4's .. 

    I don't quite understand what you mean by questions of cynicism?


    Also, I'm not saying that sales weren't through the roof, just asking if maybe the absence of the 5c would have yielded the same results. I probably should have worded my statement better, it makes more sense in my head.




  2. Just putting it out there, but I see the total number of iPhones sold a bit skewed. While people are saying that the iPhone 5s still broke records, they should leave it at that. People that couldn't, or wont, pay $200 for a new phone, paid $99 for the iPhone 5c. I think that really made it more possible for them to sell so many iPhones.


    Basically, what I'm saying is. Do any of you agree that without the 5c apple could have still sold 9 million units of the 5s?




  3. I got an email saying 6-8 weeks last month.


    Sent from my HTC ONE

    I received my $25 google play credit about a week after I signed up. I didn't even buy my phone within the time frame (I bought it before).


    Sorry you guys are having so many problems with it, has anyone tried contacting htc?




  4. The real gas guzzler is the 5", IPS, backlit LCD panel running at 1080 x 1920. Ain't so software that can reduce that power consumption!

    I'm just saying it as a comparison, you're right the screen will obviously be the biggest culprit. But the Nexus 7 (2013) has a 1920x1200 resolution screen, but it still has great battery life.


    If the software can reduce battery usage, then the screen should be no problem.




  5. Haha so analytical.  Way to break down the details of the leaked video.  Yeah for me the verdict is still out on how a 2300 maH battery will do on the Nexus 5 vs. a 3000 maH battery on the LG G2.

    The smaller battery in the Nexus 7 (2013) outperforms the bigger battery in the Nexus 7 (2012).


    Honestly it's about optimizing the software to take small sips from the battery. I think the Nexus 5 will have great battery life.




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  6. If it's in the background and you can't view it because you are looking at another screen, what is the point of YouTube playing in the background?

    Back when I had the sensation I used to play music all the time on YouTube, it would let me turn off the screen and continue listening to the song.




  7. Since the 4g term seems to be used liberally by carriers saying something is 4g when it is more like a transitional technology, and from what I understand, until LTE advance is standard, we aren't truly 4g, I imagine it won't be long before we start seeing 5g being thrown around.

    Sprint will use some strange technology reminiscent of WiMAX, and T-mobile will just upgrade their HSPA+ network to some ridiculous high speed, and say the speeds are up to par with 5G.




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  8. I'm not a big fan of cases. They make it hard to get out of my pocket and people usually only call me when I'm driving or on top of a ladder. And it takes away from the beauty of the phone. If it was a Samsung I'd have a case on it in a heartbeat.


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4

    Call me paranoid, but I've seen people around with the HTC ONE without a case, and it makes me cringe at the thought of the phone falling.


    Plus less damage means higher resell value :P




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  9. Then you're not going to like the next round mobile OS updates because they're all following MS down the 2D road, from what it sounds like, anyway.

    I don't mind 2D, it's the flat squares the WP8 uses. It's just very bland to me, even though it's functional.




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