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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames





    HTC EVO 4G LTE Software Update  - 3.17.651.4



    HTC Sense stability improvements

    - HD Voice default enablement


    Important Notes:

    - Software version is: 3.17.651.4

    Updates may be released in stages. When checking for the update, you may receive a message

      that no update is available, check back later or wait until the update notification is sent to your device. 

    looks like nothing more than a minor update for a few fixes and HD Voice, doubt it'll be anything more than that


    So sad. EVO LTE really was a great phone, but now it's being neglected, and HTC doesn't want to recognize that it still exists.




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  2. I really hope this doesn't happen.  I wish HTC would have realized that there marketing sucked, naming schemes are jacked and piss poor advertising surely are a large factor.  Day one with my One at work I was told by a coworker that AT&T had the one for free, they were talking about one of last years models.  Another coworker asked me if I used facebook so much that I needed the facebook phone (HTC First.)  I am the only person I know locally that even has a One, and I think that is due to marketing.


    Motorola I need you to release some bad ass phones for a carrier other than VZW if this happens.

    I do find their naming scheme very strange. Especially when they released the One X last year, and this years flagship is the ONE. It's just very strange, considering they wanted to undo their mistake with the One X and all it's variants. They should have gone with another name, helps differentiate the lines. It ultimately confuses people, the ONE, One X, One S, One V, etc,.


    Also I would like to see more Moto on other carriers too.




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  3. If it's 2300 mah battery, I'm pretty sure it'll still be an amazing phone. My nexus 7, with a smaller battery, lasts me a couple of days in between charges. I'm not expecting something that amazing, but I do believe that the new Nexus 5 will be able to hold it's own against other phone with bigger batteries.




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  4. So, my HTC One has gotten really laggy recently.  Until very recently I would only experience lag when in Power Saver mode.  I installed Watchdog Lite and it is indicating various applications are using a high CPU % - things that historically haven't noticeably been burdensome.  I wonder if maybe my CPU isn't "firing on all cylinders."


    Anybody experienced a similar issue or have any suggestions?

    No lag so far. One thing I have noticed is when I kill a task, like Messages, it takes about one second for it to refresh.


    Other than that, the phone has been performing like day one.




  5. On the way to work this morning down in Miami, I had no data 3G/4G and no voice. Called Sprint when I got to the office, and they said they are experiencing a voice/data outages in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina.... Sounds like some major network routing issues... Anyone else having problems?

    Past week and a half, not data or voice at work. They keep saying it's fixed, but it's not fixed for me.


    This is extremely frustrating!




  6. Samsung's stuff has never really been that great IMO, I know Tegra 4 is a flop but I do think that they'll be really competitive once they integrate project Denver. You also need to include Intel as they will be competitive as well in early 2014 with "Merrifield" SoCs.

    I really hate tegra ever since I got my first tablet. It was always lagging.


    I honestly believe my transformer prime stopped being functional cause it had a tegra chip in it.




  7. Agree... Live wallpapers are kinda dumb.  Maybe if it was regional radar or something that updated, but other than that it's kinda useless.  The only moving wallpaper I like is when I slide light and right between my screens I like how it shifts the wallpaper over a bit to indicate you slid over.

    I love the Phase Beam on my Nexus 7 though :)


    Never liked it for phones.




    • Like 1
  8. ok, so how many people have you seen experience this?

    None, but by your logic since I don't know anyone that's had this happen to them, it's not possible at all. That's a very narrow minded way of thinking, everyone experiences things in a different manner.


    Although it's not the first time I've heard of moving images causing people nausea and headaches.




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  9. ive yet to have one customer say this is happening. I have customers complain about everything under the sun but they somehow manage to omit the vomit inducing UI? No.


    Plenty that hate iOS 7 for sure. But none vomit.


    Just because they're upset about iOS 7 doesn't mean their stomach is.

    In your experience. You can't generalize for everyone based on your experiences.




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  10. roght, except to have a solution to a problem (BS or not) you first need a problem. Parallax could increase battery drain, but certainly there is no illness there.

    No offense to what you're saying, but that sounds exactly how Apple responds to negative criticism.


    If the UI of a product is making people nauseous and having them experience vertigo, etc, you shouldn't be so quick to dismiss it. On top of having such certainty! Just because you don't experience it doesn't mean it's not real.


    The fact that people are reporting feeling sick IS a problem. Like when users had the signal issues, that was a problem, to which apple blamed the users claiming they were holding the phone wrong.




    • Like 1
  11. I'm losing hope for HTC. I have been super loyal but lately it seems like there is always something setting them back.

    Isn't the company not doing well financially?


    Regardless, as much as I love the HTC ONE, this will probably be my last HTC phone. I'm moving over to Nexus, if and when the Nexus 5 gets released.




  12. Sprint One UP MY WAY, ALL IN WEGO Plans.


    So you get the One Up program, plus the Sprint My Way, plus you go All In, and bring a friend and join the WEGO.


    The WEGO plan is part of the "Together Forever, Unlimited" marketing strategy.

    At the risk of sounding dumb, I still don't understand what the hell WEGO stands for.




  13. Apple has never had the majority of the phone market and never will because they will never make a budge phone to go after the low end. BMW has less than 1% of the car market but I don't see anyone predicting their downfall anytime soon.


    I never said that Apple was going out of business, I don't see how this comment has any relevance to what i asked :P


    Regardless, I got my answer.




  14. All we know if Apple sold nine million iPhones, a combination of 5s and 5c. Is that a 50%/50% split? We'll never know, and anecdotal evidence from third party backend service providers are suspect for being representative of reality.

    If it's a 50/50 split, would it be fair to say that they broke their previous sales records based on a single device (5s), or the total amount? When the 5c was introduced they made it more accessible to many many people.


    This is what I was trying to get to before btw.




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