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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. I guess thats why we're all using windows phones and surface tablets. And why the Lone Ranger was the biggest hit of the decade.

    Very clever... To elaborate on your point, I don't watch cable or anything, so I obviously don't watch commercials and what not, but most of the advertising I do see online is for Samsung and Apple. When I'm out and about I see many signs for the Galaxy phones, and Apple as well. I don't see much of WP8 or Surface tablets, and as far as the Lone Ranger, I don't go to the movies and decide there, I already know what movie I'm gonna watch.


    Besides marketing, what also factors into popularity is public opinion, and even though Americans want to think themselves as individualistic as possible, peers opinions do factor in. The conflict of wanting to fit in and be as "normal" as possible, as hard as that may be to believe for some, does push people to conform, and what easier way to conform than by following the crowds that buy all these popular devices. The reason WP8 hasn't taken off is because no one really has it, the only people that use them are really, as someone here said, "edge users" or just people that just really do like WP8, the same goes for Surface. The expectations set on you by society are only made more explicit through marketing, and further solidified by peoples inability to do without the wisdom of the crowd.


    Just saying.




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  2. Yes I do think Samsung is number 1 because of the removable batteries and SD slots.


    Im saying this based on experience I had at verizon, and anecdotal covnersations with friends and family. When I was at Verizon customer care, every day people would ask me "do I get x or y". Id mention the battery and sd card and thats what theyd go for.


    Dont bring Apple into this. People buy the iphone in spite of those limitations, not because of.


    When it comes to the android eco-system, there are dozens of options. If youre not going to offer what I consider a critical feature, then I will buy the very popular, and very competent phone that does.

    Samsung is numero UNO because of marketing. It's really that simple, honestly. You might think it's because of the removable battery, and SD but it's not. Marketing works, and that why companies with deep pockets invest so much money into it. When a product has a large market presence, it makes people (the masses) believe that it IS the better product. As for more informed users, they probably base their decisions on hard facts, not marketing that would make you believe you phone will make magical whimsical rainbows and send you into a euphoria.


    Just my two cents...




  3. I think 16gb is too small. HD files are getting huge and it doesn't take long to fill 16Gb or 32 anymore. HD movies take 4GB easy.

    You do make a good point. I never fill up more than 18 Gigs, I always stream everything. I don't have music on my phone anymore thanks to Play Music, and all the videos I watch are on YouTube. Other than that, I honestly watch movies and shows on my TV.




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  4. It is funny you bring this up, because I was just thinking about this the other day. My phone gets amazing battery life when its connected to an LTE signal.

    Same here, when connected to LTE, my battery last longer than 3G. I think it probably has to do with the difference in speed, especially when all my accounts are syncing, it syncs faster over LTE, rather then just hang there trying to download slowly over 3G.




  5. I love this topic.. It came up in an argument the other day... Her: "my phone is no longer charger as fast as it used to" me:" which charger are you using...? " her" the one I use for my bluetooth.. That's not it it works just fine. " me:" where's the one that came with your note ii? " her:" I left it at mom's. I just told you its not the charger my charger works fine on my bluetooth! I know you think I'm dumb over phone stuff but I'm smart enough to check that! " me:" mumbled something I probably shouldn't have... Then explained to her bluetooth charger uses a different amperage and charges at half the rate she's needs one rated for her phone. At least 2amps.. " her:" it's the same type charger the chargers fit.. That's the dumbest thing I've heard.. I'm going to beat buy.. "


    Two hours later....


    Her:" see dummy I just needed a new charger.. This one is timed.. To slow.. I needed a rapid charger... It only cost me 60 dollars.. "


    Me:" 60 dollars? I just ordered u one on ebay for 10! "

    Her:" it's not a rapid charger.. "

    Me" Wtf does that mean? It's the oem charger.. And it's rated the same amperage.. Take that one back! "

    Her:" why can't you admit you don't know what you are talking about this one has a timer that makes it go faster! The guy at best buy said it was the best...

    Me:" said something about a bridge... She could buy...


    We compared the actual charging rate of the two chargers I used a multimeter showed her they were actually the exact same in every way except one said rapid.. The other said Samsung she swears it's faster because it has a timer.. I said Wtf does that mean?


    Yeah it didn't end well.. I said I could never work at best buy... I couldn't take advantage of ignorant people.. She says what's that mean? I said a fool and their money is soon parted... I can't post the response here lol I'm glad I have good reflexes lol

    I completely played this out in my head. I was laughing so much xD




  6. Ehh I don't view it that way and I think the general public would also because we are talking about iOS vs. Android which are 2 completely different operating systems.  If you are a die hard Android fan, you won't consider the iPhone because of its walled garden, lack of customization, tiny 4 inch screens and if you are a die hard iOS fan, you won't consider Android because of its battery life, sluggishness and huge screens.


    Besides anyone who is waiting for the iPhone 5S is not all of a sudden going to buy a LG Optimus G2 just because it was released 2 weeks earlier or vice versa.  If people don't have the patience to wait 2 more weeks for the smartphone of their choice to use for the next 2 years needs help. 

    not to mention all the money you spent on either ecosystem. It's not easy to transition when you've spent hundreds of dollars on apps, games, movies, music and the likes. Just a thought :P




  7. But then again, if I want to listen to music or movie, then I much prefer using Klipsch X7i earphones! Why would I annoy people around me by playing something outloud?

    Good job on rationalizing. Once you've tried them they are actually really good. I have a good pair of earphones, for me though, I like blasting my music on my phone. It's nice to have the feature, and it's hard to go back once you have it.




  8. Htc is my favourite conpany loved htc evo , evo 3d and htc one kinda thought one xs v and s were ehh... btw why i bought s3 but 

    Asus they could shake all that up!! i want a nexus 7 badly but do not know if i can rationalize a tablet..

    All the rationalizing you need to do is the price, $229 for an amazing killer tablet. That's all the reasons I would need.


    Honestly though, I used my tf200 for school, but it went to s#!t, and I loved using it, so hopefully the Nexus 7 will last a bit longer than just one year.




  9. So while I was snooping the interwebs this morning, I stumbled upon some interesting facts about the Nexus 7. Apparently it's not an S4 processor, but rather an under-clocked 600 processor. According to the article the only reason they are calling it an S4 is because it's speed and architecture is based on the S4. What...? A 600 is a 600, no?






  10. If the leaked pictures are true then this phone takes many design cues from the HTC ONE, or is it just me? If the pricing is correct then this phone will be a steal.






    P.S. It also reminds me of the Galaxy Nexus too :P

  11. The battery life/power management on the new Nexus 7 is out of this world.  Mine has been off the charger since its inaugural charge 48 hours ago, and even with moderate usage, battery is still at 60 percent.



    Likewise. I took mines off the charger yesterday morning. I've been using it heavily. Watching videos, updating a tom of apps, I've played about five hours of music and it's still kicking.




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  12. I went to best buy yesterday to check out the 7" tablets. Im still on the fence. I have the iPad2 which i received for free. Im not sure if the 7" size is big enough. Any of you that went down in screen size that can give me your opinion?

    I came from the Asus transformer prime 10.1 inch and I can say that its a welcomed downsize. I did like the prime but it was too big and clumsy for me. I like devices that I can actually handle with ease. If anything I know best buy gives you a 15 day return policy. Try it and if you like it great. If not no harm done right?




  13. So I went out to best buy and bought one. I gave in cause I had 25 bucks off. I really like it. Its the perfect size. I noticed at first the screen wasn't picking up some touches but post update its better now. Speakers are decent, definitely not as good as HTC one. The screen is gorgeous. Very crisp and clean. Super light and thin, its very easy to hold it and use it. So far very satisfied with it.



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