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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. As far as I know, Sprint will unlock its HTC One variant for international usage but not for domestic usage.  US MCCs are blocked.  Were you expecting some other result?



    Oh! I didn't know that. Thanks lol.


    Is there anyway to actually Sim unlock to get it to work on Tmobile?




  2. So recently I tried Sim Unlocking the phone through Sprint. I followed their directions and went to a Tmobile store, they tried putting a sim in the phone, and nothing. It prompted me to select a network but other than that it did nothing.


    So I've been looking into rooting the phone, and Unlocking the Sim myself but I haven't been able to find any information as far as rooting with the new 1.55 HBOOT.


    Anyone have any information?





    English translation of the original:




    For those that don't want to read through the mangled translation, it looks like there are some changes in KitKat/KLP:

    • Lockscreen can quick-launch to the camera and may have additional functionality.
    • Transparent status/notification bar?
    • App Drawer is pretty different; lots of new logos. Other minor UI changes throughout.
    • Google Now voice search seems to be more integrated - apparently you can say "OK Google" from the homescreen - possibly even more, like the Moto X.
    • Hangouts appears to be integrating SMS (and earlier rumors indicated MMS).
    • Screen seems improved over the Nexus 4 - the tipster says it's as good as the GS4 and HTC One.
    • Two speakers.
    • Solid image stabilization.
    • Location settings seems to give more info and possibly be more customizable.


    Hmmm I like that they mentioned the speakers were pretty good. It's my favorite features from my One.


    Really excited for this phone to be announced.




    • Like 1
  4. eHRPD


    It better have Wifi, if it doesn't, that would be a hugh deal breaker for me. It is not just the main Pre-Order page, it is all sections on Sprints website discussing the features, but there is no mention at all of Wifi anywhere. 


    Also, in regard to "Tri-Band." I know the big rumor surrounding the Sprint version of this phone is that it will have Tri-Band. That is also something that is NOT listed on Sprints website. Did we ever get concrete confirmation that this does actually have Tri-Band, even though Sprints website does not mention it.


    :( I can not order this until I receive confirmation.

    When was the last time a Flagship phone got released with no WiFi. Such an omission would be inconceivable!


    That's like saying the phone won't have a speaker or something.





    Forgot to add: The Tri-Band capabilities of this phone is not a rumor. It's been proven that it does have Tri-Band.

    • Like 1
  5. I've always thought HTC makes the best phones out there, but no one knows about them because their marketing department is the worst!


    The majority of the people don't really care about SD slots and removable batteries. The proof is in the iPhone! Never has it had an SD slot or removable battery, but it still sells. It all comes down to marketing, it helps the people that don't know about the product, know about it!


    (Sorry if this doesn't make sense, it's early in the morning xD)




    • Like 1
  6. LTE seems to be about the same. It still takes a while for it to pick it up at times, when I know there is LTE in the area.


    Also, I'm not really liking the fact that the Signal Bars now reflect data strength. I really liked knowing the voice strength instead.




    • Like 1
  7. How has battery performance been for everyone?


    So far I'm sitting at about 88% with 3 hours and 13 minutes. I've been using it the same as I do everyday, so this is a great improvement, normally I would be at about 77%.




  8. google wallet is amazing i have concluded... lol use it all the same if i switched carriers i would root just so i could use it

    I was reading that some people have been getting it to work on the S3-4, Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 4 on Verizon and T-mobile.




  9. I am actually surprised that htc was able to beat samsung out of the gate with 4.3.

    Considering how many more things Samsung has to update on Touchwiz, I'm not surprised at all.




  10. I got this phone over the weekend, and let me just say it is the best performing phone I have ever used.  Feels perfect in the hand (reminds me of the Nexus One), extremely snappy, active notifications are great, and it looks cool too.  I was a little worried the active notifications would be a bit gimmicky and drain battery life, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.  I highly recommend this phone to anyone who will listen.


    This is compared to phones I have owned or used extensively: Nexus one, iPhone 3/GS, OG EVO 4G, GS3, Nexus S, and the EVO 4G LTE.


    You may have noticed in my profile I have jumped to Tmo.  I just cant wait any longer for the empty promise of 4G Sprint service in San Diego, as they are already approaching a year behind schedule, degrading service, and Soft Bank stating things are admittedly going to take one to two more years.  I have passed my EVO onto my son, and have two other phones still on Sprint, so I have not abandoned them altogether.  Perhaps I'll be back one day.  So long, and thanks for the fish.



    Do you have LTE? If so, is it better than Sprints? (If you had Sprint LTE that is)




  11. Do you have access to LTE right now and do you use SignalCheck Pro? If so, can you look at see if the GCI and PCI are both showing under the LTE data? 

    I get LTE in my office, I could tell you as soon as it finishes installing.





    Nothing so far. I don't see either GCI or PCI. Sorry :/

    • Like 1
  12. Somebody else be the guinea pig.  Check to see that Field Trial and Testing APKs are still accessible.  Otherwise, I am not touching any update, which can easily amount to two steps forwards, two steps back.



    I volunteer as tribute!


    As soon as it downloads that is, which will probably be in about an hour and some. By that time, I'll be a little too late to the party :P




  13. I don't believe there is anything to download BUT I'm excited too.  Time to rebase d3rpONE Rom and do some fun stuff!  :tu:


    *Though I could be wrong. 

    I'm downloading the update right now, as we speak. Internet at work is REALLLLLLLY slow, so it'll take a while. But it's going!




    • Like 1
  14. 4.3 rolling out to Sprint today. Tweeted out by Jason Mackenzie. If you aren't running a custom ROM check your update!


    Update zip over at XDA




    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4

    Downloading right now!!!


    Not as excited as I normally would be, but then again I haven't read anything regarding what the new update brings.


    It seems Sprint is keeping it's trend of releasing updates sooner than everyone else. That's good!




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