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Everything posted by smalltimehack

  1. I keep getting this while I'm at work. There is B26 present in the area and the store has a booster in the back room but it's a for 3g only so I have a strong signal all the time.
  2. Clear data on the keyboard you're using in your app manager.
  3. Why would you not be looking when you're taking a picture? You shooting up skirts or something? Lol. Even if the old camera displayed wrong I didn't notice and it looked a lot better aesthetically.
  4. It's a big ugly button. There was nothing wrong at all with the old button on the device. For a smooth device it sure ruined the feel of it for me.
  5. What are you guys using for a camera app? The big capture button at the bottom of the screen has ruined it for me.
  6. For some reason it completely screwed my battery life. Day after I turned it back to battery savings my battery has been fine.
  7. Check your location settings. My battery was awesome and then one day went to shit like you described. Somehow my gps got turned to high accuracy and it was killing my battery extremely fast. Changed it back to battery saving and it's improved again.
  8. How has the N5 been doing on B26 compared to the M8? I have both and know my N5 beats my M8 on B25 hands down so I'm curious about B26 now that I've been finding it more often.
  9. I'm almost a little upset at the HTC as well. I bought my phone through them on the HTC champions program and paid $250 for my phone. Now a couple weeks later they release a different color way? Why wouldn't they give that option to reps who are buying it as kind of an exclusive thing to get hype going for them?
  10. This is almost exactly what I just said. Just more specific. No part of what I said was false at all.
  11. TEP is total equipment protection which means you are covered for repairs and also exchanges. If the store cannot fix it they have to exchange it. If the store is a Corp store they have the option to swap for the same device if they have one that someone else never picked up. They don't just keep them on hand. Also without tep an exchange/repair would cost $75. Your warranty is through the manufacturer not through the carrier. Save yourself the trip to the store and do a hard reset and see if it helps. If not then let the store have at it.
  12. I went out driving through Racine and have been getting more and more band 26. I did not expect it to progress this quickly but I'm glasnost has. My LTE speeds at my mom's house have nearly tripled and I can actually use everything on my phone without it buffering. Woot!
  13. I tried to run art on mine and it wanted to reactivite and then it would force close apps on me within the first couple minutes. I switched back to dalvik and haven't had any issues since.
  14. How did you get the band number to display like that on the status bar pulldown? I didn't see that at all today when I was on B26.
  15. Weird. It works with location turned on how you said.Why would LTE work and 3g not though? Curiousity is killing the cat now...
  16. Whenever my phone is on 3g it displays blank info for the voice and data signals in the status bar. LTE shows just fine but 3g does not. Anyone else having this issue? I'm on an M8 but I believe it did this on my G2 and N5 as well.
  17. I think it will say sprint b26 or b41 if you're on anything other than band 25.
  18. Cleveland and hwy 100. I'm not too familiar with the area so if I got the wrong city name my apologies. The screenshot was taken right at the intersection going south.
  19. Got this in Greenfield tonight. I was surprised to see it but my gps was working a little too well and this explains it. Edit. Btw. This is on my M8.
  20. I was trouble shooting a iPhone that wouldn't get anything more than 1x last night and I called tech to have them help me out. Right away she jumped to the home tower being worked on. When I told her it was everywhere including the store where the device was at now she changed her story and attitude really quick. They're idiots even to us reps.
  21. Did the same thing to the girlfriends mom. She got mad, real mad. But it was funny.
  22. It is the model number of the device. The m7 was 801. M8 is 831.
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