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Everything posted by Nickel

  1. I hope China enjoys my calls to grandma where I wish her a happy birthday.
  2. I was going for good because it's so subjective.
  3. At least that means we don't have to worry about upcoming phone teasers going away.
  4. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3767-adding-images-to-posts-imgur-links/
  5. Didn't you read the White House report on it? They couldn't find any spying but they said that it wasn't very secure.
  6. Just to steal Robert's thunder since he's probably sleeping as of this posting so I'm going to steal his Welcome .GIF
  7. Nickel

    First Post

    Welcome! be sure to read through all the old wall posts as they contain some really good stuff.
  8. I figured as much, however it still makes them inaccurate, but I understand why they do it that way.
  9. Yeah, they're really wrong when you consider all the unlaunched markets that have had LTE for months.
  10. Yes, Although I would add band 30 to AT&T under soon.
  11. Yup, Tis probably true. I wish WiMAX had more wins worldwide so that it would give the 3GPP competition but i think that boat has sailed.
  12. No other carrier is going to deploy EVRC-NW. Verizon is going to use VoLTE (can't remember it's codec) and AT&T and T-Mobile are in the 3GPP way of doing things and thus use AMR and not EVRC.
  13. AJ, does the "rate_reduc:0" mean that the rate hasn't been reduced?
  14. Man, I'm sad this couldn't have been a national thing but of course Verizon had to stop it for AWS
  15. Right, but the problem with that is that AT&T does own AWS, and its holding will only increase if/when it's Leap deal goes through.
  16. I think they're buildout dates on AWS-4 are already on the clock and will expire in 2015, I think? Also, while a minor point, Verizon, to my knowledge, does not own any WCS. They do own truckloads of AWS and will likely use all of it they get their hands on (assuming it's in the right areas). Considering AT&T has already started to use their PCS for LTE it's only a matter of time before WCS gets it's time. However, AT&T's AWS is a little more tricky. I believe that they are using AWS LTE in OKC or somewhere around there (AJ knows) and I suspect that they are using AWS LTE in my town of Lincoln, NE, but that is unconfirmed. EDIT: my AWS-4 buildout date is completely wrong, please ignore it.
  17. I know you can tell on a Samsung phone, but I doubt that helps you much.
  18. Well you know what you can do? Have a great Thanksgiving with you and your family.
  19. AJ suspects, based on an FCC document mentioning clock speed, that it's the same Snapdragon 600(APQ8064AB) in the original S4.
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