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Everything posted by Nickel

  1. I understand the Sprint bashing thing, that's everywhere. It is sad that people don't understand what they're really doing but there's nothing anyone can do.
  2. Right, I know that. I meant when they finally use Band 12 in devices. Would the other 3 MHz per division actually be usable though?
  3. I think the big thing is that it would mean that in some big markets (NYC, LA etc) AT&T would have a 15x15 of 700 MHz if they get Verizon's A block.
  4. I think the "leaks" we've seen is VZW trying to bait AT&T to up its bid.
  5. I still think AT&T buys the 700 MHz A block.
  6. They will do VoLTE eventually, it's just going to take a while.
  7. Uh, Richy, I'm with you on this one. I was merely pointing out that HawaiiD was rather vocal about the Hawaii Sprint/TMO thing. And to be honest, the main reason I brought him up was because his posts were formatted strangely.
  8. Man, if HawaiiD sees this he's going to write a sonnet of anger and dismay at how wrong you are.
  9. I'm starting to wonder if this thread has run it's course. While I've enjoyed it, everyone is arguing/discussing something some dude on Wall Street probably made up to boost Sprint and T-Mobile stock.
  10. I just saw this, I love how SoftBank basically told Sprint that they're going to use NSN.
  11. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5193-overnight-site-hiccups/?p=255009 http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5193-overnight-site-hiccups/page-2&do=findComment&comment=255009 First one is copy+paste, second is using the link button. EDIT: and of course it actually works this time.
  12. Oh LightSquared, What a freaking mess that situation has turned out to be.
  13. This isn't an overnight thing, but did something change with hyperlinks? I used to be able to copy+paste them into the post but now I have to use the link button for it work properly.
  14. Nickel

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    So, today we've decided AJ is a chubby chaser. I can't say I'm surprised.
  15. No need to fear, we can fix that with a "my first land-mine" set.
  16. So, you just go to T-Mobile ask for a SIM and get one even though you have no intention of buying a plan?
  17. At least that person has an excuse to wear an eyepatch.
  18. If Wikipedia is to be believed, it doesn't look that bad. Especially since it looks like everyone will eventually use Band 1. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mobile_network_operators_of_the_Asia_Pacific_region#Japan
  19. I realize that you're either kidding or a troll but there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that happens
  20. I refuse to trust ANY map that shows Sprint's "2G" coverage. Sprint no longer has any 2G running.
  21. Wait, WCDMA and W-CDMA are two different things?
  22. I don't think OU or OSU is possible, but something like KSU might be if they're willing to spend the money and be patient with the process.
  23. Well I guess the Big 12 does need more teams, but I think Wyoming might struggle to compete in the league long term. Ha! Yeah, he isn't very well liked here but he wins enough that people just kind of deal with it.
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