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Everything posted by Nickel

  1. Obviously, there are a lot of factors, but I THINK users here have reported getting a usable signal from 20 miles away. But keep in mind to not expect that. Also, that is 1X and not LTE.
  2. Nah, I pay attention, I know he as an N5, One and Optimus G and a couple others (EVO LTE?) that I can't recall.
  3. Total donations has to be $75 for this offer, unless I'm mistaken.
  4. When in the the call, in the dial pad type in ##DEBUG# and then select 1X engineering.
  5. I'm not sure if I should embed this, so I'll just post the URL http://data3.whicdn.com/images/32972521/tumblr_m64zv7uRKu1robrjq_large.gif Stop giving out my personal info! BGR sucks. That's my opinion.
  6. Nickel

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    It is, but it's also in Orlando, not Gainesville.
  7. I don't know man, Ariel looked pretty promiscuous.
  8. You're making it sound like I actually care.
  9. Nickel

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    I thought Gainesville had UF.
  10. OK, tell us the story of the laundromat in Hallandale, Florida, grandpa.
  11. I think I know who the writer of this article is:
  12. That's a personal thing though, some people love the bigger phones some don't. But from a spec perspective it's way better than the S4
  13. I don't really care what Gizmodo thinks, but how can they put the Note 3 below the S4?
  14. I think Best Buy might either have them or will soon because I just noticed that the single band S4 is on sale for $29.99 on contract while only a week ago it was $49.99.
  15. He's probably influenced by the tech media's infatuation with T-Mobile.
  16. Oh that's neat, I'm surprised under Service Options it says the codec and not 73.
  17. Did you not see where AJ and I settled this? I was mixed up.
  18. Nevermind, I was all mixed up. Ah, I didn't realize you could mix and match to get the combination.
  19. Screenshot a 1X engineering screen during a call and then you'll really know for if it's EVRC-NW (HD voice).
  20. So even though it would be band 12 using 15 MHz and band 17 using 10 MHz, that's still a no no? So then it would support all 18 by using 3+3+3+3+3+3, right? Interesting, I knew that you use 3 MHz chunks, but I never thought of it like that before, thanks.
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