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Everything posted by Nickel

  1. Your knowledge of wireless history is one of my favorite things about this place.
  2. I don't see him moving HQ, it would be incredibly expensive and what purpose would it serve? Save him ~2 hours of flight time? I'm not buying it.
  3. Not going to happen. Sprint can't afford to give a competitor an advantage like that.
  4. Oh? did you miss this? http://twitter.com/Det_Conan_Kudo/status/414886976580378625
  5. Uh oh, Brian Klug and Neal are gnashing their teeth over "TD-LTE", you better watch your back, AJ.
  6. Are you saying wood is good for RF penetration?
  7. It has been discussed and I think the general consensus was it couldn't be unlimited but it could have a much higher cap than what Verizon or AT&T would give you.
  8. I think if you order it online you don't have to deal with the rebate crap and it would be $199.
  9. If you guys remember Ascertion said it's in the Best Buy database but who knows when it'll be available for sale.
  10. Isn't 8 possible in a 5 + 3 arrangement? Not that it matters, because if they 8 contiguous MHz they probably have at least 10.
  11. I was being facetious about the FCC thing and just arguing for it for fun. I don't really believe that.
  12. They bought all of Verizon's which is red on the map. the A block is IIRC 6 MHz x 6MHz.
  13. I said AT&T AND Verizon, as in they both want something, which unless my memory fails me Verizon wasn't in favor of the Tmo deal.
  14. You're right in that no official decision has been made, but the FCC has to make sure AT&T and Verizon are happy.
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