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Everything posted by BenChase7

  1. Is it Similar to Gorilla Glass or Gorilla Glass 2?
  2. The EVO 4G LTE has Gorilla Glass 2. http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=10191 See para #7
  3. Saw this while watching the race tonight... I thought it was pretty good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQdQIzx0JRA
  4. "hot monkey love" haha! What an Epic tag! lol
  5. Off topic, but I must say, I've always thought Duffman's avatar was pretty cool.
  6. Im amazed at those speeds given such a weak signal (-107dBm). If this is what we have to look forward to, it will be epic.
  7. BenChase7


    Wow! If thats true.. its only 3 weeks away. That would be sweet!
  8. any more details, please? and like David said, any screen shots?
  9. Maybe sell another device you have and dont need on Craigslist to get the $ for the new Viper. Also, did you check Amazon Wireless for pricing on the Viper? I think they have it for $20.
  10. Sounds like a good plan! So, yea... I'd go for it.
  11. I think its a good phone, at a great price. I actually really like this thing for some reason, whereas I typically dont even glance at anything other then flagship phones. I think it would be a serious upgrade for you, Josh, and I think you'd like it. I say jump on it! My only question is, just recently you were talking about trying to save money on your cell phone bill and considering going to a pre-paid provider... and now you want to add another line to your contract? Edit: but for 20 bucks and free activation... it is a steal.
  12. Bummer! Good find, though. However, I give no preference to devices that do "talk and surf" at the same time. But, I do consider it an added bonus. ....thats Just my opinion... some seem to really like it. There have been just a few times where I would have been liked to use it.. but thats a few times in my 5 year smartphone history.. so, like I said, "talk and surf" wont sway my direction much in one device over another. Its cool its on some of Sprints new Phones though!
  13. I hope you're right about the camera... I never understood why they didnt use the GSII camera in the Galaxy Nexus.
  14. That would be nice, and I think you're right. Sprints got some good phones for their first wave of LTE devices... they just need a solid physical qwerty to cap off their summer lineup.
  15. up over 7% right now Edit: keep in mind, josh, there may be a loss, but the numbers are far better then expected.
  16. I'll bet that Sprint stock of yours soars today!
  17. Here's something like you're saying, but doesn't sound reassuring.... There is definitely an IF in there. http://www.neowin.net/news/sprint-not-a-huge-fan-of-windows-phone-devices
  18. That could very well be, i just don't recall them giving a date. I just remember hearing Sprint say no WP plans.
  19. Interesting. Honestly, that wouldn't be too shocking to me. I say this because just not too long ago (Jan or Feb?), Sprint said they didnt have any plans with WP. Which is why when you reported a while back that one of the devices in the LTE labs was a WP, I was surprised. IMO, the possibility of this being a "Photon 2" makes more sense. Will sure be interesting to find out.
  20. BenChase7


    some youtube user posting samples of the EVO LTE's video quality. legit? http://www.youtube.com/user/psalm143/videos?query=evo
  21. But, if you're rooted, you can stick anything you want on there in a matter of minutes... and to me, that's one more strength Android has over the competition.... You can make about any Android device truly yours.
  22. Good to hear. That will be a heck of a nice upgrade for her. Thx for the feedback.
  23. As expected. But, how do you like the phone?
  24. wow, thats quite a few. Up from what? ...1.7ish last qtr?
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