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Everything posted by joshuam

  1. Here it is! Fabian Cortez Leasing phones now, huh?
  2. I can see Sprint lowering lease prices based on this. It's not a bad deal at all...it's just hugely hilarious because Legere was all over bashing Marcelo for a phone lease.
  3. http://newsroom.t-mobile.com/media-kits/jump-on-demand.htm Tmobile basically leases phones now....hahahahahahahahahahhaha! After all that damn lease bashing Leger did on Twitter too.
  4. Where do you see the Sprint download speed? Is there a way to view the full report? Before the iPhone 6 was released (adding band 41 to iPhones)....band 41 sites would easily top 50Mbps in Baltimore...anymore, they are below 20Mbps or even 10Mbps in congested areas. Which is still excellent, band 26 or 25 would be 2G speeds without band 41 around.
  5. I know in central Maryland, I've only ever seen 2 antennas listed on my iPhone 6 for Band 41...even on confirmed 8T8R towers.
  6. And most people listening to "hifi" Tidal are probably using cheap earbuds ???????? ...killing networks for bragging rights. Stupid!
  7. Yeah, I really don't understand how they can have lower scores. Unless maybe some tower optimization is on-going during the testing period and caused some minor hiccups.
  8. http://www.rootmetrics.com/us/rsr/baltimore-md/2015/1H Baltimore 1H 2015 root metrics report out...oddly enough, call performance actually has a lower score than the last test. Overall, no significant change for Sprint in Baltimore yet. Although I can say, I think 800LTE optimization is going on, I"ve seen areas with significantly improved LTE coverage lately (less switching to 3G).
  9. I hate Tmo-News, but do open it up every so often. http://www.tmonews.com/2015/06/21gb-soft-cap-quietly-added-to-t-mobiles-unlimited-4g-lte-simple-choice-plans/ 21GB "soft cap" put on unlimied plans. Kind of interesting...I think T-Mobile is realizing their network is suffering from speed tests and unlimited data. Edit: This is a comment on TmoNews That is just mind blowing. This is why they can't offer truly unlimited data, because of idiots like this.
  10. The only time I could see a "hand off" issue is if you have a fringe wifi signal, and LTE takes a second or two to light up. Otherwise it should be seamless for the user...like making a Skype voice call or something similar.
  11. Much of Sprint's network is built for 1.9Ghz (as far as density goes)...selling 1.9Ghz would be terrible. That is their primary band for 1x voice service...eventually they will have more 1.9Ghz spectrum once they migrate to voLTE...but seriously, there is nothing wrong with band 25...it's not cooking along at 70Mbps, but it is respectable.
  12. THIS^^^^^^ When I had the T-Mobile test drive recently, I gobbled up 86GB of data in 7 days! Most of it from speed tests and the root metrics app ???? I will occasionally run one on Sprint, but not often. If my phone is doing what I need it to do, and quickly...who cares?
  13. Super cool that he is meeting directly with the top to get business done...instead of leaving it to contract negotiators that take months to move on anything.
  14. Baltimore's Root Metrics report for 1H 2015 is "Coming Soon"...usually they are posted within a day or two of that.
  15. It's a good reason to get a phone with more than 16GB of storage. I prefer to use the offline mode in Spotify, so I'm not running an active data stream all day every day.
  16. http://www.phonearena.com/news/Sprint-stops-honoring-12-month-warranty-on-non-branded-Sprint-accessories_id70660 Would anyone actually contact Sprint for warranty service on an accessory anyways? I mean...if I had a Onyx speaker and it broke, I would call Harmon Karden...not Sprint. But interesting policy change none the less.
  17. I'm clinging to my $45 unlimited framily (8 lines within my family, all happy with Sprint) for as long as possible!????????
  18. That is a grossly inaccurate assessment of what Sprint accomished with NV1. Sprints call quality has improved to match Verizon in many markets, HD voice was launched, texting performance is significantly better, LTE launched and covered 225m or more POPs. Of course their competitors worked on their networks too, that is a dumb argument. Sprint now has a brand new network that has uniform gear, and will be easier to maintain moving forward...something none of their competitors can claim.
  19. One other point to consider, for heavy users...if Apple and Top tier Androids increase base storage amounts, less streaming is required. I have a 16GB iPhone6 Plus, and don't have the storage to have offline Spotify, so I stream most of the time. Next phone is going to have more storage for sure. Once that happens, my data usage will drop a lot.
  20. I think it really depends on how many "heavy users" there are.
  21. Come to Baltimore :-) There are definitely some areas where Band 25/26 is below 1Mbps, and Band 41 either isn't active on that tower, or the range is terrible because its a CLEAR site.
  22. Blog Post by John Saw about Root Metrics results in KC: http://newsroom.sprint.com/blogs/sprint-perspectives/sprint-takes-back-its-hometown-market.htm
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