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Everything posted by joshuam

  1. Who said I was surprised? I knew the line about "could be limited" being included in my plan. But I was worried it would change to "would be at all times". I rarely stream video because the only time I really have a need to, is while driving (for my kids)...but it switches to 3G so much I rarely try. But the few times I might want it, I don't want a throttle on a non congested tower imacting Disney Jr. So again, nobody is surprised. The FCC has a job, new net neutrality rules (which Sprint supported), and I took advantage of the options afforded to me. In the end, Sprint has an easy task responding to me and the FCC.
  2. I honestly am not sure of the Net Neutrality implications, which is why I'll let the FCC take care of deciding that. I do believe many will have a hard look at limiting one particular service that was being throttled "at all times", and whether that is complying with the new rules. Heck, even just a few weeks ago...Sprint announced they would no longer throttle their heaviest users (LINK). I am no way some sharp eyed FCC expert. But the process is established to sort these types of issues out. And I honestly do believe that this was unreasonable. I contacted Customer Service to inquire about my unlimited Framily plan line (and also my 1GB lines for other users on my account). CS told me specifically, that my account does have video throttling. Which is when I contacted the FCC to inquire about filing a complaint. Sprint was served with the complaint today, which should be an easy response given the news from yesterday evening.
  3. "unRhapsody" is not like Pandora. It is normally priced at $4.99, and it does not offer unlimited on-demand music like Spotify or Apple Music. It is like a slightly better version of paid Pandora.
  4. Was anyone here part of Howard Forums back around 2005/2006 time frame? Do you remember the "Verizon Wireless Customer Council (VCC)" group that Verizon formed? I was selected to be on that, and provided customer feedback directly to Verizon Wireless, and "tested" over 15 different devices over that time. The group ended up being shut down after several years, but the group provided a lot of feedback on devices and services. This was back before smartphones were really a thing, and "broadband EVDO" was the marketing terms used by Verizon. Everyone was always jealous because I always had the latest and greatest flip or candy bar phone :-P Sprint should consider something of the sort.
  5. I'm still trying to like Apple Music, but the interface is still weird to me. I've been using Spotify for a while though. But the biggest downside to me is that it doesn't have a web interface. I can't install iTunes on my work computer, so Apple Music is useless to me at work.
  6. The new "Amped Jump" program is not expected to have a super high take rate. Much lower than Sprint's lease program. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/analyst-t-mobile-trail-sprint-jump-demand-adoption-25-subs-will-sign-2016/2015-06-26 To say...I do enjoy getting a new device frequently. I have purchased every iPhone since Sprint got the 4S. I'm thinking about getting a Note 5 this September when it comes out. But I don't see a real need for Sprint to offer this, as much as I would probably take advantage of it, if they did.
  7. Sprint did screw up here. Big time. But they corrected the ship and are on a new path now. No reason to continue to bog them down about it. This new plan was a great time for Sprint to be innovative with network management. I honestly don't know what they should/could do, but something. But given yesterday, it's going to be hard for them to do anything with network management for a while. I still really would like to see Sprint ditch the $36 activation fee, and offer upgrades for less than $10/month add-on. Overall though, this plan is still cheaper than all of the competition...but only barely.
  8. Robert, Great work getting that article up so quickly. I have no doubt it's timing was influential in the decision to drop it. And great work by all who tweeted to Marcelo! #NewSprint For the record...I still think #AllIn is awful. The hashtag that is. Lol.
  9. I can say with certainty that they were. I used that information yesterday to file a net neutrality complaint with the FCC. The FCC told me they will serve Sprint with a 30 day notice (on 1 July) to respond to the allegations. But given the news yesterday evening, no response needed now :-D
  10. Always been like that. But according to Marceo Claure, they are removing all video throttles (except in cases of tower congestion).
  11. Exactly. Wall Street Journal is no joke. If Sprint makes negative press in WSJ tomorrow, follow-up positive press the next day will be irrelevant. This highlighted Sprints ability to react, but they must get out of this reactive attitude.
  12. WSJ picked up on the negative. This is bad for Sprint. http://www.wsj.com/articles/sprint-is-called-out-on-throttling-policy-1435709906 #lessonlearned
  13. No more video throttles at all...per Marcelo @marceloclaure: @nexgencpu sorry to have let you down. Was sleeping in Tokyo and when I found out took immediate action. No more limits on streaming video
  14. YouTube Bandwidth requirements: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2853702?hl=en I'm sure it could support higher than 240p sometimes, but no buffers mean lots of paused video.
  15. Early upgrades are allowed on the new "#AllIn" plan...it's a $10/month fee, you can upgrade once you've paid it for 12 months.
  16. All - I just chatted with Sprint support, asking if there is a "Video Throttle of 600Kbps" on my unlimited Framily plan account. I was told yes, there is. But if you complain, they can add a "feature" to your account to remove the video throttle. Two things: I have no clue if they are easily willing to remove the throttle...or if this rep even had any clue what he was talking about. We shall see I guess.
  17. MARK MY WORDS.....Legere is working on something. My guess is later today or tomorrow, and T-Mobile will win all sorts of press praise. #allin has all the writing on the wall of old fashion Sprint. The hashtag is even dumb written like they have it, "#AllIn"...who in marketing approved that?
  18. The more and more I think about this new "All-In" plan...it is DOA. The media is going to blow up over it, at the same time T-Mobile is good press coverage for "Uncarrier Amped". This is just bad for Sprint's struggling image. Things that need to change *Remove $36 activation fee *Remove video throttling, or at least make it 1.5Mbps *Add a 12 month lease option *Hotspot included, even if only 1GB One other point to make...the David Beckham ad on Sprint.com has the T-Mobile rep discussing "throttling" and the point being that it is confusing. But read the fine print, and...well, you get where I'm going.
  19. According to YouTube, 600Kbps is only sufficient for 240p. It can't even handle the default 360p used in Sprint's YouTube channel...which is slightly ironic. Lol.
  20. I pay $45 for Unlimited on Framily. I'm riding it as long as the ship will sail. I could in theory pay $65 for what new customers are paying $80 for.
  21. Press release is live http://newsroom.sprint.com/news-releases/sprint-seeks-to-end-consumer-confusion-frustration-with-wireless-industrys-first-ever-all-in-pricing-plan.htm ..."at all times" seems kind of concerning to me. Does this really mean anything above 240p YouTube videos just don't have enough bandwidth to work? https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2853702?hl=en I don't stream video often at all, but sometimes Disney Jr sure comes in handy...
  22. Did Sprint do away with the 12 month lease options? I don't see them listed anywhere anymore :-(
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