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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Jacking it, jacking it Jackity, jack Spanking it, spanking it Smackity, smack AJ
  2. That is all of C Spire's licensed spectrum in the Memphis market. Additionally, the leases are long term, de facto transfer, signaling that this likely precedes an actual transfer of licenses. In layman's terms, C Spire almost certainly is exiting the Memphis market. Much like USCC in St. Louis, that urban coverage expansion has not worked out, apparently. AJ
  3. Yeah, well, Kauffman Stadium is in Kansas City. Of course, Sprint is good there. But Sprint sucks everywhere else. Rabble, rabble, rabble... AJ
  4. On other recent Moto handsets, does anyone here have experience with the bamboo back plate? Is the wood smooth and slippery? Or does it possess decent grain and grip? AJ
  5. We could try, but I doubt that we would get the same uptake. Many of our members -- including the tech editor, yours truly -- will put in their own preorders tomorrow. We know that 2015 Moto X will work on Sprint. In fact, if ordered from Motorola, it can be kitted with a Sprint 4FF nano SIM in the box. So, we will have no shortage of people testing out the new Moto X on Sprint. Last year was a different story. The 2014 Moto X looked like it was headed to Sprint, then became exclusive to Republic Wireless. Almost no members except myself were willing to purchase in that situation -- because the chances of activation on Sprint were slim, and they did not want to add a line on Republic. Still, members were interested enough in the possibility that they funded our experiment. Staff has also talked about trying this funding/raffle campaign for every major handset released on or compatible with Sprint. We could build up a large body of empirical RF testing, comparing dozens of current and past handsets. It could also be the major source of donation funding for S4GRU, though that would probably require us to collect donations that total 25-50 percent more than each handset costs. And with so many raffles, I wonder if S4GRU could garner some IRS scrutiny at some point. AJ
  6. Sure. Why not? The whole Qualcomm "Fusion" thing is gone. The baseband is self contained, so it does not need to be paired with a Qualcomm processor. For example, the recent Samsung Galaxy handsets have all had Samsung SoCs with Snapdragon X7 LTE (MDM9635) basebands. AJ
  7. Yes, the rumor is almost certainly true. S4GRU staff have inside knowledge directly from HTC about an upcoming handset, but due to non disclosure agreement, that is all we can reveal at this time. AJ
  8. I used 140 GB last month, and then I got deprioritized. Do I look like a man who has had all the "unlimited" data he can eat? AJ
  9. You should start another donation drive. Please, everyone, help out a poor site admin get a new handset. If even 40 of you would pledge only $10 each, that suffering site admin could put in his preorder tomorrow. AJ
  10. Just not VZW, AT&T, or T-Mobile, which are all worse corporate citizens than Sprint. AJ
  11. Yikes, that could be good or bad. But I see S going off the big board in the near future. C'est la vie. I liked the good old days when Sprint traded under two different tickers -- FON and PCS. AJ
  12. Thanks for that clear and concise elucidation. And this, children, is why we cannot have nice things, such as "unlimited" data on a wireless network. AJ
  13. It is Legere's modus operandi. He does not want to be seen as the enforcer, the bad guy. He wants to be seen as the consumer advocate, the wireless crusader. This is a preemptive PR move that ties in with the current T-Mobile regime's facade. AJ
  14. I agree. And we have the thread poll statistics to back that up. It is sobering to see what proportion of data a small percentage of users devour with no concern for network capacity or fellow users. Honestly, I will take an extreme viewpoint. I would not mind if the FTC stepped in and said that wireless operators must discontinue "unlimited" data plans because they cannot deliver on them. Only clearly defined tiered plans from here on out. Pay for what you use. Overages, throttling, or hard caps left up to the market. Some of you will hate me for that -- but that is mostly because you want to use the hell out of "unlimited" data for an unreasonably low price. AJ
  15. Again, I cannot speak to the veracity. But this commenter had experience in online forums where this "unlimited" loophole apparently gets discussed and shared. And my interpretation of Legere's statements is that those who are using inordinate amounts of data -- whether legitimately or fraudulently whitelisted -- will get shut down based on T-Mobile's terms of service. T-Mobile does have that power to stop the abuse. AJ
  16. I cannot vouch for the veracity of this comment on an article I read, but someone with knowledge of the T-Mobile "unlimited" tethering loophole said that it was data usage disguised as whitelisted speed tests. Maybe data usage can be masked as Music Freedom, too. Man, that is precious. Calling the network "Data Strong," then violating the spirit of Net Neutrality comes back to bite T-Mobile in the ass. AJ
  17. Look, I will sum it up with this hot take. Manufacturers have to sell new TVs and phones. They need an enticement to get people to upgrade. That enticement presently is 2K and 4K, which will have some tangible benefits but be a gimmick for most devices and consumers. AJ
  18. This is the oft cited comparison map: I question its accuracy. Mosaik Solutions is not independently measuring native footprint; it is just aggregating coverage data available online from the operators themselves. Now, no doubt, T-Mobile has been more aggressive in the past decade at expanding its native footprint in places such as Oklahoma and New Mexico. And that is because T-Mobile has anemic roaming coverage -- lots of no service. But what I see in the map is overly conservative Sprint projection and overly optimistic T-Mobile projection. Look at the Oklahoma/Texas Panhandle, for example. See the clean, sweeping curve? That is one PCS and/or AWS-1 site that purports to have something like a 60 mile coverage radius. Well, that must be one boomer. Yeah, I do not believe it. AJ
  19. This is not copyright protected speech, per se. It is effectively a press release that is intended to be widely disseminated. So, we will reprint it in full here: And, again, as surprising as it may sound, I agree with Legere. People who are abusing "unlimited" data should be smote with extreme prejudice. AJ
  20. I will defend Legere on this one -- and I am no fan of his, think he is generally an asshat. But abusive "unlimited" data users annoy me even more. They are too ignorant to know what they are doing is excessive, too poor to afford or unwilling to pay for legitimate fixed broadband, or sociopaths who do not care what effect they have on others. Regardless, they are parasites, who deserve to be shamed publicly. When Joe Blow goes to the press to complain that his "unlimited" data account was terminated, I would respond with his usage stats -- he used 2 TB of wireless data last month for torrent downloads of pirated movies and porn. That would shut up most people. AJ
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