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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Robert is like Jim Gaffigan working as a waiter in a Mexican restaurant. Do you really need to ask the question, folks? The answer is always the same. "Tortilla with cheese, meat, or vegetables." http://comedians.jok...-bottled-water/ AJ
  2. I use HTC's own LTE Engineering screen. I am not a fan of third party apps for this purpose. Or, at least, I have never found any app particularly to my liking. AJ
  3. No, if the Airave operated over Wi-Fi, then you would not need an Airave. Any Wi-Fi access point would work. The "23 Mbps" figure is just the negotiated rate between the handset and the Wi-Fi access point, not the Internet at large. Have you confirmed that your access point is functioning properly? Have you power cycled it? AJ
  4. I am confused by your post. The Airave does not use Wi-Fi; they are not related. And I could be mistaken, but I believe that the mobile network toggle turns on/off mobile data, not voice. AJ
  5. From my familiarity with the area, I can assure you that Sprint does not have sites where depicted on that app screen nor where you describe. Additionally, our interactive maps confirm my empirical observations. As a sponsor, you have access to many of our maps. Below is the link to the Kansas market site map: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/530-network-vision-site-map-arkansas-kansas-missouri-oklahoma-markets/ AJ
  6. No, sorry, none of those are Sprint sites. That app (or the sites themselves) is not giving you accurate locations. AJ
  7. Well, Sprint does not have any sites along Prairie Star Pkwy. So, the only sites that you likely could have acquired are north along Renner Rd or south along Woodland Rd. But I cannot vouch that those sites have live LTE, as I did not venture that far east during my drive testing. AJ
  8. I had to cycle airplane mode in order to connect to LTE. Once I did, I retained LTE or quickly regained LTE as long as I stayed within the live LTE footprint. AJ
  9. Perhaps, but I would not count on it in your basement. While driving on city streets through some moderately dense neighborhoods within a mile of the closest live LTE site, I was a bit underwhelmed by LTE signal strength and quality. On the other hand, CDMA1X and EV-DO were solid. So, LTE will likely be a bit more fragile than is EV-DO. AJ
  10. Tonight, I tracked four live LTE sites along the K-7 corridor in the western suburbs of Kansas City. The four sites from north to south are as follows: KC03XC117 (K-7 and 83rd St) KC03XC166 (K-7 and K-10) KC13XC367 (K-7 and 119th St) KC60XC066 (downtown Olathe) Much like PN offsets, serving cell IDs are sequential, their trailing two digits following a clockwise pattern among the three sectors (N/SE/SW) on each site. The serving cell IDs for the three sectors of the four sites are as follows: 04C07D01/04C07D02/04C07D03 04C09001/04C09002/04C09003 04C13F01/04C13F02/04C13F03 04C1A901/04C1A902/04C1A903 Now that multiple, adjacent sites (rather than single, isolated sites) have gone live, very strong signal close in to a site with direct line of sight averages around -85 dBm RSRP and -6 dB RSRQ. Finally, I intentionally drove out of the live LTE footprint to observe the fallback to eHRPD (EV-DO). I did this twice and observed that the drop threshold for LTE seems to be set approximately -123 dBm RSRP. AJ
  11. When you make a deal with the devil... AJ
  12. And the iPad third generation supports AWS 2100+1700 MHz for LTE but locks out the same support for W-CDMA. Apple does whatever Apple wants to do or whatever Apple's bosom buddies AT&T and VZW can convince Apple to do. AJ
  13. Yes. SID/NID pairs are basically a cdmaOne and CDMA2000 thing. LTE does not use SID/NID divisions. AJ
  14. Yep, in small town Kansas where I grew up, our cable system did not carry The Comedy Channel (as Comedy Central was called back then), but I had seen it while traveling. So, when I went away to college, that was one of my most watched channels. The whole Dr. Katz episode is great, but I actually prefer the first part: "Ahhhhh, paaaaancakes..." AJ
  15. Nah, I heard that Boston is backhauled to the New York 4G core located in the Bronx because anything from Boston has to go through the Bronx first. AJ
  16. This "TROLL" thread was much funnier in context when it appeared directly above/below your "SPAM" thread in the View New Content list. AJ
  17. Adam Carolla has a theory that the niceness of a place is inversely proportional to the niceness of its name. He used the examples of Bellflower and Bell Gardens as nice sounding but not really that nice suburbs of LA. If that theory holds true, then Roachdale must be one of the nicest places to live in the entire country. AJ
  18. Either. Soft handoff is seamless. Hard handoff is more challenging and, if successful, typically causes a just perceptible blip in the traffic channel. AJ
  19. To finish up what I started last night, traffic state handoff is a handset-network cooperative process. It, too, is based on Ec/Io. If a PN offset is above a certain Ec/Io threshold, then the handset will request for that PN to be added to its active set. And if a PN offset falls below a certain Ec/Io threshold for a certain period of time, then the handset will drop that PN from its active set. Now, the aforementioned describes soft/softer handoff -- a handset can be connected to multiple (1-6) PN offsets simultaneously. Soft/softer handoff is possible only on the same carrier channel. For inter-channel or inter-band handoff, as in the case of CDMA1X 1900 to CDMA1X 800 (or vice versa), that is hard handoff -- a "break before make" leap between two PN offsets. And unless my understanding is incomplete, hard handoff is entirely network directed. AJ
  20. No, not necessarily. Wireless carriers do not guarantee indoor coverage. In what I described in my previous post, Sprint has acquired additional spectrum in Columbia, and that allows Sprint to improve capacity, not coverage. If you have poor (or no) native Sprint signal inside your house, then you would be wise to add an Airave picocell. AJ
  21. No, not on the board. But that reminds me, I need to ask Robert if I can open up a thread selling The Pen Is Mightier. I am sitting on a goldmine. AJ
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