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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. To paraphrase a famous aphorism, you can't put a case on a turd. AJ
  2. No problem. I hear the locals just call him "The Man." AJ
  3. Just three words: Motorola. Gateway. Drug. AJ
  4. That sounds like me saying "Tequila is actually pretty great. I'm not sure why I always thought that I didn't like it." AJ
  5. Speaking of which, have we secretly decided on the date/location to hold the intervention for Robert? AJ
  6. If it has not happened already, an addiction clinic somewhere is going to start offering a handheld gadget rehab program. No joke. AJ
  7. Here is a wild idea: maybe you are using your handset too much. AJ
  8. I can practically promise you that Sprint will not offer any LTE Advanced capable handsets this year. And LTE 800 capability this year, while possible, is no given either. Going off of the Network Vision roadmap, I would project that the big LTE 800 device push will be next year, and the big LTE Advanced device emphasis will not be until 2014. So, on one hand, you can wait for additional options before you upgrade. But you will never get ahead of the curve. And the longer you wait, the longer your subsequent upgrade eligibility just gets pushed back. Alternatively, you can upgrade now and be in position for another subsidized upgrade by this time in 2014, at which point the LTE Advanced 800 capabilities that you desire are likely to be readily available. AJ
  9. Hmm, I did not know that one could earn a mobile technology degree. Maybe the University of Westfield offers that program. AJ
  10. Nope, you are confusing Cellular 850 MHz with SMR 800 MHz. VZW has no SMR 800 MHz licenses. AJ
  11. Did you install this app? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.batterydrainer AJ
  12. Going back more than a year, numerous Sprint handsets have included support for CDMA1X 800. AJ
  13. The unsatisfactory battery life could be due to the two separate modems, not to mention the 45 nm process S3 processor. The 28 nm S4 MSM8960 multi modem and processor in a single SoC is looking more and more like a breakthrough chipset. AJ
  14. Again, you are missing the point. This has absolutely nothing to do with what residents of Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill call themselves or their area. Assuredly, "The Triangle" has sufficient context and meaning for them. But, taken out of context, "The Triangle" has no specific meaning. It could refer to the geometric polygon, the engineering fraternity, or even some chick's pudendal area. But the "Research Triangle," at least among people moderately well versed in geography, has immediately recognizable context and meaning. For another example that is related both nominally and geographically, take the metro area just an hour west of Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill. Residents of Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point probably shorten the name of their area to just "The Triad." But the term that geographers use is the "Piedmont Triad." And, like "Research Triangle," that provides unmistakable meaning and context above and beyond just "The Triad." Similarly, I live in the Osage Cuestas physiographic region of Kansas. Ask an average resident of the area about the "Osage Cuestas" and be ready for a blank stare. No matter. That locals do not use certain terminology for their geographic area does not invalidate that terminology. I do not live in Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, so I see no reason to call it ambiguously "The Triangle." Thus, yes, I and many other geographers will continue to refer to the area as the "Research Triangle." AJ
  15. Well, Photon fans, for what could have been, see the next Atrix: http://www.motorola.com/us/consumers/MOTOROLA-ATRIX™-HD/MB886-ATRIX-HD,en_US,pd.html AJ
  16. Give me a break, Dan. You can call yourselves whatever you want. Call yourselves "hot shit," for all I care. But I have studied geography formally, and many sources have long referred to the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill metro as the "Research Triangle" area or region. Deal with it. If you have a problem with that, take it up with Wikipedia, The New York Times, Harvard, Duke, etc. http://travel.nytimes.com/2009/06/14/travel/14hours.html http://www.harvardtriangle.org/ https://www.admissions.duke.edu/jump/campus/researchtriangle.html AJ
  17. Because of the need for iDEN shutdown first, LTE 800 is a separate, later stage in Network Vision. While activation will vary from site to site, CDMA1X 800 is part of Network Vision from the get go. AJ
  18. Nope, Dan, that is not at all what I said. I made no claim about what locals call the area. Would you like to review? http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1236-seeing-higher-speeds-in-charlotte/page__view__findpost__p__25741 But what you call yourself is sometimes not as prominent as what others call you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Research_Triangle AJ
  19. I have a strong minded, engineering based perspective on the definition of 4G. It may be best we keep that Pandora's box closed. AJ
  20. Generalizing in this regard serves little purpose, as the number of variables is quite great. Just know that, at the same power levels, SMR 800 MHz has ~7 dB free space path loss advantage over PCS 1900 MHz. Additionally, 3.5 miles is certainly not the maximum usable propagation distance for CDMA1X 1900. AJ
  21. Keep in mind that all evidence right now is circumstantial. That preproduction unit with the slide out keyboard is not guaranteed to be the Photon Q, nor is the handset in this FCC filing necessarily the Photon Q. AJ
  22. McPherson must have gotten indignant that Hays and Great Bend got LTE first. AJ
  23. On a related note, watch for the press release next week in which VZW announces that it is extending LTE coverage to Robert Herron's basement closet. AJ
  24. My apologies to our several central Kansas residents in the forum, but I cannot believe that VZW bothered to put out a press release for its LTE expansion into McPherson. Nevertheless, here it is: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/verizon-wireless-is-bringing-the-power-of-its-4g-lte-network-to-mcpherson-kansas-2012-07-03 AJ
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