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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Scott has no use for beer byproduct, only the product itself. AJ
  2. I am amused at Robert as the grumpy old man of S4GRU, yet I am quite certain that many of us are no more than two or three years younger. AJ
  3. The first rule of the July map is: You do not ask about the July map. The second rule of the July map is: You do NOT ask about the July map. AJ
  4. Is that a serious question? http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1166-sprint-lte-june-2012-schedule-map-for-sponsors/page__view__findpost__p__28877 http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1166-sprint-lte-june-2012-schedule-map-for-sponsors/page__view__findpost__p__28889 AJ
  5. Between this and the "Research Triangle" debate, S4GRU has suddenly been turned into the bickering geography forum. AJ
  6. Nah, that is just my poke at you guys and your insufferable Forum Runner signatures, which I then have to weed out every time I quote you. AJ
  7. In the spirit of the SPAM thread, I am trying to decide which movie to rent. Which do you recommend, "Troll" or "Troll 2"? AJ
  8. For Spam, this is the vegetarian equivalent: AJ Not sent from my CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  9. Did I say that C Spire would use none of its PCS 1900 MHz for LTE? Do you think that Fierce Wireless might generalize the details for a broader audience? Is it possible that I know more about C Spire's particular spectrum portfolio than Phil Goldstein does? AJ
  10. Honestly, I am somewhat skeptical how much, if any LTE 1900 we will see from C Spire. LTE 2100+1700 (AWS), wherever possible, seems far more likely. And, ultimately, C Spire intends to utilize its Lower 700 MHz (band 12) spectrum for LTE. AJ
  11. Yes, I can see that. I had already started writing my response when Robert posted his. Sometimes, that happens. Is that a problem? AJ
  12. No. Because LightSquared planned to piggyback on the Network Vision platform, Sprint's footprint would have dictated much, if not all of LightSquared's footprint. The idea that LightSquared was going to bring cheap, terrestrial based wireless broadband to many rural areas was a fantasy of LightSquared supporters. In truth, LightSquared was going to rely on satellite broadband to serve those largely rural areas. If the general extent of Sprint coverage does not suit your needs (or your ego), then you would be wise to find a different carrier with coverage that does. AJ
  13. Howard, I am sorry. But if you cannot offer anything in response other than vapid questions, then I cannot help you any further. AJ
  14. Why would Sprint expand its network into podunk areas of Mississippi just to provide Network Vision hosting where C Spire already has native coverage? Why would Sprint ever do that? Why would C Spire ever ask Sprint to do that? AJ
  15. Howard, how can Sprint provide Network Vision "Strategy" to C Spire where Sprint has no native coverage? AJ
  16. How would Sprint use this as an opportunity to expand its network? Explain. And please do not answer in the form of another question. AJ
  17. You did not answer my questions but posed yet another question. AJ
  18. Network hosting where? In what markets? In and around Mississippi, C Spire has far more extensive coverage than Sprint does. AJ
  19. WiWavelength

    GPS on S3

    Correct. The Galaxy S3 uses either its Qualcomm MSM8960 SoC or an outboard Broadcom solution for GNSS. Regardless, both Qualcomm and Broadcom support GLONASS, as does the S3. And GLONASS likely does not require an additional antenna, as it operates ~1600 MHz, very similar to GPS in that regard. This app -- in its free version, paid version, or both -- displays GLONASS satellites. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.chartcross.gpstest Note, however, that GLONASS may be used only for backup. Hence, if you have sufficient GPS satellites "in view," then GLONASS may not be used. AJ
  20. WiWavelength

    Nexus 7

    The Staples link seems to confirm my supposition that only the 16 GB will be available at third party retail because only the 16 GB has enough built in margin to accommodate third party retailers. AJ
  21. WiWavelength

    Nexus 7

    Is it Vietnamese? That's what she said. AJ
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