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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Isaiah, listen and learn. For a 5 MHz FDD LTE carrier with 2x2 MIMO, the absolute maximum downlink speed under ideal signal conditions is 37 Mbps. Even if you were Charlton Heston in "The Omega Man" (or, for our younger members, Will Smith in "I Am Legend") and the last living person in the city, you would not average 20-30 Mbps, simply because signal conditions will not always support those rates. Now, consider that you will be sharing a site with hundreds to thousands of other Sprint LTE users. Average speeds per user of 20-30 Mbps are totally unrealistic. I will say it again -- those are peak speeds. Average speeds will eventually settle in at 5-10 Mbps -- if we are lucky and most of you yahoos do not go overboard abusing unlimited data. AJ
  2. There is another. Ditka also knows the pattern, of course. Da Bears! AJ
  3. Chicago is a Samsung infrastructure market. Samsung "enginerring" is a bit different. AJ
  4. Average? No way. Those are peak speeds. Once the LTE network is mature and most Sprint subs are using it, average downlink speeds per 5 MHz FDD LTE 1900 carrier will likely be in the 5-10 Mbps range. AJ
  5. Please stay on point, people. If you want to talk about why the LA deployment is progressing slowly or when you think that it will be finished, that is fine. But unproductive complaining/venting about it is not allowed. AJ
  6. Well, that should come as no surprise because you are breaking the rules. See the section on "Negative comments." We do not host Sprint complaints. Plain and simple. http://s4gru.com/ind...-aka-the-rulez/ AJ
  7. That is sexist. She wants the bigger Gee-Bees, too. AJ
  8. Robert wears a special coat to carry all of those phones. It looks like this... AJ
  9. And to be clear, that was no knock against you. It was a criticism of the article and its writer, who really seems late to the game and under informed. I am puzzled, in particular, by this quote: Unless I am missing something, how does support for the new 802.11ac Wi-Fi standard have anything to do with Sprint? AJ
  10. No, you confuse "phone whore" with "phone pimp-daddy." AJ
  11. The quad band LTE is the AT&T version, the dual band LTE, the T-Mobile version. Really, that article is a week behind the times. AJ
  12. I know. Instead of John Legere, you were hoping that T-Mobile would have hired Richard Gere. I do not have a problem with Legere so much as I do with Neville Ray. If you are a middle aged man working in the wireless industry, you are in no way, shape, or form a "rock star." That description of Ray is one of the most ridiculous things that I have ever heard. AJ
  13. Egads, man! The phone stork -- or is it the phone heron -- sure drops off a lot of bundles of joy at your household. AJ
  14. We discourage unnecessary speed tests. What is your point in posting this? AJ
  15. As I understand it, a sub who switches over from a Classic plan to a Value plan must pay some sort of conversion fee. In other words, a sub cannot take a device subsidy on a Classic plan, then six months later decide to swap to a Value plan for a lower monthly rate. AJ
  16. Small hands? Do you smell like cabbage? AJ
  17. Consider a "bridge" camera -- essentially, a DSLR without interchangeable lenses. A full fledged DSLR will likely get you a larger sensor and better, faster glass, but you also have to be willing to shell out $1000 for a body and a couple of lenses. Even then, you may still not get the zoom range that you can with a good "bridge" camera, which you can get for under $500. AJ
  18. Don't you mean that you are waiting patiently to get your "hand" on the One? AJ
  19. But if you violate the unlimited data Ts and Cs in your contract by tethering, running continuous speed tests, etc., you must now commit yubitsume -- the cutting off of your own little finger -- to atone for your dishonor. AJ
  20. Precisely. An LTE Airave is practically pointless. If you have a broadband connection to run the Airave, then you should already have Wi-Fi. And what people fail to realize is that Wi-Fi is almost literally LTE before there ever was LTE. The key difference is that Wi-Fi operates in unlicensed spectrum. AJ
  21. As the saying goes, "You can squat on a pitbull, but that don't get you rhubarb pie." AJ
  22. If you mean EV-DO, please use that terminology. "3G" is a generic moniker that, like "4G," has lost basically all of its meaning. AJ
  23. Hold up. Sprint still has SoftBank and Clearwire to get approved. Those are priority #1 and #1a. Do not bite off more than you can chew. Otherwise, you might end up choking. AT&T learned that the hard way. AJ
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