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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Those numbers seem like placeholders rather than actual identifiers. Plus, I do not know where you have been roaming, but Alltel has ceased to exist across most of the country. AJ
  2. I am going to contact Mark Zuckerberg and propose several ideas for a Facebook name change. So far, I have Fussbook, Bitchbook, or since Mark is Jewish, he might prefer Kvetchbook. AJ
  3. As I have been keeping vigil, watching for the Samsung Galaxy S4 authorizations to come through the FCC OET, I came across this Class II Permissive Change authorization for the Samsung TD-LTE/WiMAX dual mode RRH: https://apps.fcc.gov...d=A3LSLS-BD106Q AJ
  4. Are you referring to the readout from a specific app? AJ
  5. Huh? Are those supposed to be SIDs? The first is too large to be a SID. The second could be an Alltel SID, but the coincidence is unlikely. So, where are you gathering these numbers? AJ
  6. Okay, I will get it started. In LA, I would have to say that a big chunk of that "white space" is north of the Santa Monica Freeway and south of Mulholland Drive, if you catch my drift... AJ
  7. For the RRUs, yes. But no vendor makes everything along the full length of the signal path. AJ
  8. Since when have we been concerned with "tasteful" jokes around here, John? AJ
  9. Spectrum would be leased from the public to wireless carriers on a yearly basis, then reapportioned annually. Unlike auctions, which create periodic windfalls, this would ensure a steady stream of revenue to the Treasury. And my understanding is that Japan manages its wireless spectrum this way. AJ
  10. A "mistake" or a "hit to the brand"? Why? VZW has been selling single band LTE 750 handsets for a good two years. No current VZW handsets will be able to take advantage of LTE 2100+1700 when VZW launches its AWS overlay later this year. But subs are certainly not complaining loudly nor leaving VZW en masse. AJ
  11. I do have somewhat of a problem with T-Mobile's spectrum holdings. It does not make sense for the runt of the litter to have more spectrum per capita than the leading carrier does. If we are really going to allow the industry to consolidate down to just three or four major players, then we need to reconsider our approach to spectrum management. Having the remaining players compete for spectrum fails to take into account actual need. Allow each carrier to buy spectrum proportionally according to its market share. Then, the carriers can compete on factors that really matter: coverage, service, policies, and price. AJ
  12. This guy really, really wants you to interview him... AJ
  13. This is the problem with so many tech bloggers trumping up T-Mobile's DC-HSPA+ 42 network as a great fallback. Judging by the 3G/4G W-CDMA coverage area that T-Mobile has constructed over the last six years, if you find yourself in a native coverage area without LTE, you probably will not have W-CDMA either. AJ
  14. Legal or not, a lot occurs in secret out in the rural West. I hear that Robert keeps his "other" phones in a trailer at the far back of his property. AJ
  15. Not a traitor, you are a polyphonist with several inter carrier marriages. AJ
  16. Well, VZW gets an exclusive device because VZW is an exclusive club. Only 100 million people make the cut. And I heard that each new VZW activation comes with a free 1980s era Members Only jacket. AJ
  17. Everybody loves Sprint, but I guess nobody loves Raymond. AJ
  18. To solve the issue, I think that we need to rebrand Alcatel-Lucent infrastructure "freedom" this, "freedom" that. Hey, do I see some "freedom" RRUs? AJ
  19. That had been one of my initial theories. But it was disproven, at the very least, by test results in Canada. So, for whatever reason, the Nexus 4 does support 2x2 MIMO on the downlink. AJ
  20. From a rational standpoint, T-Mobile's approach is in the right place. The contract-subsidy system needs to go away, yesterday. In fact, carriers should get out of the consumer electronics retail business altogether. However, if only T-Mobile pursues this strategy, I think that it will backfire. Even price conscious consumers look mostly at upfront costs, not long term costs. And T-Mobile (not to mention, MetroPCS) subs tend to be those who are credit challenged and can least afford to purchase unsubsidized devices outright. AJ
  21. And some honestly believe that, with approval of the MetroPCS merger, T-Mobile is ripe to overtake Sprint as the #3 carrier... AJ
  22. Somewhere, Brian Regan's ears just perked up. AJ
  23. Maybe, but not necessarily. LTE is not a particularly robust airlink; speeds are heavily dependent upon signal strength and quality. So, speeds will be variable from place to place. Regardless, please do not run too many speed tests. Each one consumes several dozen MBs and just adds to network congestion. Once Network Vision is complete, you will have 5-10 Mbps LTE, and where LTE falls off, you will have 1-2 Mbps eHRPD/EV-DO, both of which are fast enough for anything that you legitimately need to do on a handset. AJ
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