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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Actually, that is good. Remember, the nature of the RSRP metric causes it to measure about 20 dB below RSSI. So, right around a site, -70 dBm RSRP, equating to roughly -50 dBm RSSI, would be quite typical. AJ
  2. Image host TinyPic offers several resize options at the upload stage. AJ
  3. As a five year old about 30 years ago, that probably would have delighted me because "Emergency!" was my favorite TV show. AJ
  4. Ryan, the handset at issue is the iPhone 5, and variant A1429 supports both band 13 and band 25 LTE. AJ
  5. Should you catch any LTE, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of that activity. AJ
  6. If I recall correctly, the only Xohm market was Baltimore. Xohm, by the way, was a cool name and logo. I wonder sometimes if WiMAX would have been more successful had Sprint retained the Xohm branding. AJ
  7. Deval, will you edit into the first post some image resolution guidelines? Screenshots that are full 720x1280 (and, soon, 1080x1920 will be just as commonplace) are ungainly in The Forums. A good rule of thumb is that images should not be greater than 600 pixels in height. If they are, they should be resized. AJ
  8. PRL priority does not affect LTE. My guess, though, is that a device will routinely camp on LTE 1900 or LTE 800. Then, when a device initiates an active data session, the network will look at its signal strength and see if the device can be offloaded up to TD-LTE 2600. AJ
  9. No, there is almost zero chance that speed test is on a cellular network. If it is actually wireless, then it is Wi-Fi fed by symmetrical fiber. AJ
  10. Many Sprint and Clearwire sites are coincidentally collocated. Clearwire is usually on a lower rack, since it was often the last arrival. But Clearwire wanted to wholesale WiMAX service to many other operators besides Sprint, hence did not want to display excess synchronicity with Sprint. Plus, prior to Network Vision, Sprint rarely had extra room on its rack, which was typically occupied by legacy panels. Now, with Network Vision upgrades, Sprint can frequently accommodate/host at least one additional panel per sector. AJ
  11. Unfortunately, no. If you look back at my FCC OET authorization article series, you will find that some filings come just a few weeks after a device is announced. Others come up to several months before a device is released. AJ
  12. Yeah, nice, it has the spectrum analyzer antenna Kung Fu grip. AJ
  13. Hold on a second, are we sure that those signal metrics are on or off the Airave? AJ
  14. I understand the possibilities surrounding the UHF DTV spectrum sharing-refarming issue. But, in all honesty, my post was just a joke, riffing on the the "TD-LTE" nomenclature. AJ
  15. And that site density is necessary because those New Yawkers are stacked so many on top of each other like the dead in a mausoleum. AJ
  16. That sounds promising, but it also smacks of the kind of token praise tossed about at a trade convention. One, I have not seen LTE in Rural America contract terms, but I would not be surprised if they contain non compete terms regarding other LTE operators. Two, more importantly, LTE in Rural America gets operators to shift their roaming priority over to VZW. So, now, when Bluegrass subs travel to Louisville, Nashville, Cincinnati, etc., they roam on VZW, not on Sprint. That loss of truly reciprocal roaming is like a big kick in gnads to Sprint. AJ
  17. Naw, try 600/700/750/800/850/1900/2000+2200/2100+1700/2300/2600. OMFGZ! Honestly, the sheer number of bands/band classes is becoming ridiculously a lot like this... http://www.hulu.com/watch/1447 AJ
  18. No, the tight sweatpants would have to feature this logo on the ass. AJ
  19. Forcing roaming, in and of itself, does not violate Sprint's Ts and Cs. I have numerous Sprint handsets that contain a "Roaming only" menu option. But forcing roaming as a means to exceed the monthly roaming allotment is unethical. AJ
  20. That sounds like a good idea, but it presents numerous problems. First, a lot of smaller operators have been devoured by the duopoly over the past decade or so. Thus, fewer remain to partner with Sprint. Second, even those that do remain may be off limits or incompatible. The operators in VZW's LTE in Rural America program probably cannot cooperate with Sprint. And other operators are GSM centric, hence not a good fit for Sprint. Third, Sprint could potentially strike a Rural Alliance agreement with USCC and/or C Spire, then contribute PCS G and SMR spectrum to the program. But what would happen a few years from now if the duopoly were to swoop in and buy out USCC and/or C Spire? Sprint would likely face another embarrassing loss of pseudo native coverage, just as it has in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Colorado over the past year. AJ
  21. Jim, at S4GRU, we do not try to proselytize for Sprint. On the other hand, I hate to recommend VZW and AT&T to anyone because of the terribly anti competitive harms that the duopoly has inflicted upon our nation's wired and wireless broadband. That said, if you need a national carrier, you might want to consider VZW and/or AT&T. Both were previously absent from western Kansas but have entered the market through acquisitions in the past five years. VZW actually bought out both Alltel and RCC Unicel, then had to divest RCC Unicel's overlap with Alltel in western Kansas, AT&T conveniently stepping up to the plate as the buyer. AJ
  22. If memory serves me correctly, the FCC required AMPS signals to be cross polarized on the uplink and downlink. And as I sort through FCC OET filings for my device authorization articles, the uplink ERP/EIRP figures that I see are almost always greater with horizontal polarization than with vertical polarization -- though, I do spot an occasional anomaly, in which the vertical polarization for a particular band/band class is greater. AJ
  23. Why limit them to the ladies? What if Robert wants to wear a tube top? I am sure that would garner plenty of attention. AJ
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