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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. It is not Sprint's job to provide "useful" site coordinates to consumers. It is Sprint's job to run its network as it sees fit. AJ
  2. Tampa is reportedly getting a WNBA franchise that will call itself the Tampa X. AJ
  3. Wait, there is going to be cake? No one told me there was going to be cake. Is it going to be in The Lounge? AJ
  4. Uh oh, now we need to start appending the standard disclaimer to Robert's posts: "The contents of this message do not necessarily represent the views of Sprint 4G Rollout Updates, its staff, or its sponsors." AJ
  5. I will offer this question/perspective. From an intellectual property standpoint, what does BlackBerry have valuable to offer at this point? Most "push" e-mail is done via Microsoft ActiveSync now, since basically everyone in developed countries has access to a provider running Microsoft Exchange or compatible service (e.g. Gmail). BlackBerry, on the other hand, with its BES/BIS model, was probably a great money maker in its day because it largely kept control with BlackBerry. But that day seems to have passed. Other than ActiveSync for "push" e-mail, smartphones no longer need a proxy service for other activities. They are more than capable little computers themselves. AJ
  6. No, you are fine. As you said later, you were just sharing info, and I saw that in your follow up posts. But I think that David and I both suspected the same thing from your initial post. Many of our members come into The Forums, want to know why their particular markets have no updated info, then get perturbed. AJ
  7. Of course. But no operator, as far as I know, has implemented the back end to support it. The only current options are for third party VoIP apps. AJ
  8. Claws, snout, even tail. Now, you know why articles on The Wall can take so long to write. Plus, I have to stop every few minutes to lick myself. And do not even get me started on the mail, UPS, and FedEx package deliveries... AJ
  9. Yeah, I probably should not have posted that pic of myself completely undressed at the computer working on a hot S4GRU article. AJ
  10. I highly doubt it. I am not sure what the "ev" in "evleaks" is supposed to mean, but the name is obviously a copycat of WikiLeaks. But these device leaks are not the kind of info that prompt law enforcement and/or prosecution. If anything, the OEMs enjoy the fevered anticipation and free publicity. AJ
  11. My advice to everyone. If you want to be well known, use your own damn name. What is the "evleaks" crap supposed to mean? Yeah, I am known as "WiWavelength" around the Web, but I still sign every post, as I do not hide behind a nom de plume. AJ
  12. That sounds like impatience. If you want to perform your due diligence by comparing various tri band LTE handsets, then you will probably have to wait. As an illustration, how many who jumped on the EVO LTE wished in hindsight that they had waited to compare to the Galaxy S3? Comparable handsets are not going to be released all at the same time. That is just the way it goes. So, you have two choices. You stay on the cutting edge and go with the first available handset that tickles your fancy, then stick with it or cut bait. Or you wait until a variety of comparable handsets have made it to market, then make up your mind, even though you may be a few months behind the cutting edge on your ultimate decision. AJ
  13. The really creepy part is that the always on Google Now is going to record and process all of the words and noises that follow. Hey, we all know that massages lead to... AJ
  14. So many of our members and their local markets are like this Jim Gaffigan stand up bit: http://www.comedycentral.com/jokes/7kqnud/stand-up-jim-gaffigan--jim-gaffigan--demanding-directions "Evansville, IN?!" To paraphrase Bill Simmons, "Yup, those are our readers." AJ
  15. Yeah, move voice to LTE right away, and usable voice coverage would have shriveled like a prune. See the problem? AJ
  16. Whatever the hell evleaks is, it is probably wrong in this instance. The circumstantial evidence that the LG D820 is a Nexus device is substantial, and the big tech press has largely agreed with our inductive inference. That said, we have no further evidence with which to challenge evleaks' refutation. So, there will be no article on that topic. We do not have the resources, connections, and invitations that the big tech press does. Yet, because we follow the FCC OET closely for future Sprint devices, we still broke the story on the potential Nexus 5. That was our impressive win. The big tech press, though, will tell the rest of the next Nexus story as it evolves. We simply cannot compete with those big tech press advantages -- at least, not yet. AJ
  17. Ah, so Josh has been doing very well with the ladies lately. Can I be your wingman? AJ
  18. Calm down. It will happen. Just do not die soon, and you will live to see both the announcement and the release. AJ
  19. Why does a month matter? Are you just that impatient? Subs are not going to join or leave Sprint en masse over the LG G2 release date. AJ
  20. But mobile devices have omnidirectional antennas. And the Netgear tri band hotspot, for example, can pump out 32.3 dBm (1.7 W) in band 26 LTE 800. That is plenty of power to raise the noise floor across the border. So, there is your counterpoint. AJ
  21. What is he looking for, a "happy ending"? Does S4GRU look like an Asian massage parlor? AJ
  22. No, no, no, you have to say it like this... AJ
  23. Yes, I do not like to be seen in them, so I normally wear contact lenses. AJ
  24. Not my best angle, and I was having a bad hair day, but here is a picture of me... AJ
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