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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. No. Even though they are not tri band, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, and iPhone 5C are all single radio, non SVLTE handsets. They are similar in that regard to the current tri band handsets. That is called rationalization. The peanut gallery pot shots at BRS/EBS 2600 MHz are greatly exaggerated. And as for the absence of tri band, people may "stress about it" when they are in a stadium, arena, concert, or festival type environment and the only usable data is on band 41 TD-LTE. AJ
  2. That would make them one quarter white. But which quarter? Top or bottom? Screen or back plate? AJ
  3. Why not try sideloading the messaging app from the Nexus 4? You can be the experimenter and report back to us. AJ
  4. The two of you will make a great interracial couple. AJ
  5. Right, I had forgotten that recent updates to LG's Android overlay deny access to Testing.apk. I used an Optimus G for a week a few months ago, and I recall that limitation now. AJ
  6. The eCSFB issue is little different from 18 months ago when Sprint started selling LTE handsets before LTE was officially available anywhere. Some people approved of that move; others strongly criticized it. As always, you cannot please everyone. But this has become standard operating procedure for Sprint. Do not fall behind on desirable devices. Release them even if the network is not ready for their full capabilities. That way, they are already on the network as soon as it goes live. If you cannot stomach this, then we recommend honestly that Sprint is not the right choice for you. Go find another wireless provider. AJ
  7. No, not through any of the engineering screens. Instead, use this dialer code: *#*#4636#*#*. That opens a standard Android internal APK called Testing. Select Phone Information. Then, scroll down and select "LTE only" as the radio mode. Done. AJ
  8. Who changed it to "BBW"? Is it now the "Big Beautiful Women" thread? AJ
  9. I do not appreciate this one bit. Are you trying to pick a fight with me? It will not end well for you because I am more knowledgeable on the situation, have contributed more to S4GRU in a single week than you ever will, and have moderator powers. I will win. No, bad call. As I explained in another post, you do not announce to the sharks that blood is in the water. Sprint is hurting. Putting out a press release would only alert other providers and scurrilous bloggers, not to mention scare off users that would not be significantly affected by the temporary eCSFB issue. Instead, Sprint is dealing with this internally, providing a memo with eCSFB talking points for frontline employees. Need I point out the memo again for about the tenth time? AJ
  10. No, eCSFB is a network issue, not a device issue. Network Vision is simply not as far along in some markets as Sprint would like. But what is Sprint to do? Not release the LG G2 and Nexus 5 until next spring or even skip them altogether? People would then complain that Sprint does not have the latest and greatest handsets. Heck, some members here whined when the G2 was not released for a month after it appeared on other providers. Sometimes, you have to do the best that you can in a flawed situation. That is what Sprint is trying to do. AJ
  11. Okay, but which one of us is playing the role of Richie Incognito, and which one of us is playing the role of Jonathan Martin? AJ
  12. For your Sprint and VZW handsets, Sprint has 5 MHz FDD in band 25 LTE 1900, while VZW has 10 MHz FDD in band 13 LTE 750. Sprint and VZW both are deploying in other bands, too, but your equipment does not support those bands. AJ
  13. You need to become a sponsor to view the deployment progress maps and judge for yourself. We do not share sponsor level info with the general membership. Moreover, we cannot make that informed judgement for you. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/ AJ
  14. I have far more respect for people who silently research before they ask questions than those who do the opposite. Reading our articles on The Wall is a great place to start. AJ
  15. Oops, I guess IPee.Board must have flushed the second B. AJ
  16. Jonathan's wife is employed by the amazing, miraculous Southern Company. AJ
  17. Do I need to say it again? Read the internal memo in this thread. The thread is only seven pages long at this point. If you have not read the whole thing, then you are not doing your due diligence. AJ
  18. This is I believe the third time that I have posted this question. Uh, did you not see the internal Sprint memo posted in this thread? Sprint is doing all that it can. What more do you want? Electrical engineers manning customer service? Regardless, it is impossible to train thousands of minimally educated frontline employees adequately on technical issues. Subscribers are generally no more intelligent. So, almost any deep seated technical issue that frontline employees try to describe to subscribers gets lost on one side or the other. It is pointless. I will add that the low level employee disconnect affects all wireless providers. Your pot shots at Sprint are unnecessary -- and a borderline S4GRU rule violation. The difference is that Sprint is completely overhauling its network, running a hybrid 3GPP/3GPP2 network, and deploying tri band FDD/TDD LTE. That leads to more technical difficulties than the other providers face. AJ
  19. No, it is not "definitely" something else. We have other reports of issues in incumbent markets. But you are right to an extent. Now that I recall, The Dave's issue sounded SIM related. We probably need to retitle this thread, as it is now basically dedicated to eCSFB discussion, not isolated problems that individual users may be having. AJ
  20. Are you sure it was not Principal Ed Rooney who threw you? AJ
  21. How do you know? You cannot see the back of your head. AJ
  22. Has anyone scanned your barcode, Josh? AJ
  23. Since you are a Premier sponsor -- and we greatly appreciate your support -- I often forget that you have been with us for just a few months. So, you may not have seen my admonishments about bothering frontline Sprint employees with Network Vision questions or issues. That does nothing. I was of your mindset over 10 years ago, but I quickly deduced that the frontline employees do not have the knowledge and power I thought they did. And this is one of the primary reasons that a site like S4GRU exists. In summary, this is a deep seated 3GPP standards issue. It is not an isolated problem for which a "trouble ticket" might get it fixed. Sprint is well aware, but it will take some time to continue deployment to solve the problem. At least one internal memo has been posted in several of these LG G2 and Nexus 5 threads. Have you not read it? AJ
  24. Why would you think that Sprint might not be aware of the eCSFB issue? Management is most definitely aware. Frontline employees, however, may not be. Nor should that matter, as this issue is well above their pay grade. Pestering store reps and tech support will not expedite a solution or improve your situation. But you do have several options: switch back to a single band handset, wait for eCSFB issues to get sorted out over the next few months, or port out to a different wireless provider. AJ
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