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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. A source just leaked us a snapshot of an internal document that includes more specific info on the Spark software updates. See below: AJ
  2. No, guys, that is wrong. Band selection is still available on older Android versions. And it is not limited to GSM/W-CDMA. I can pull up the band selection screen on my EVO and EVO LTE, both of which do not support GSM/W-CDMA. Moreover, Secondary 800 MHz is Qualcomm or 3GPP2 terminology. It is another name for SMR 800 MHz, but you will not find GSM/W-CDMA in SMR 800 MHz anywhere. You ought to trust me on this. But if you want a second opinion, ask digiblur. He learned the hard way a few years ago by forcing a band selection, then being unable to roam automatically to other bands. He had to do a factory reset to return automatic band selection. This is why I warned the uninitiated to not get "cavalier." AJ
  3. True, but there are some downsides to Lower 700 MHz A block -- and I do not mean just the DT channel 51 issue. One, T-Mobile is already running out of rack space on its sites because it usually employs one legacy antenna in the middle and two modernized antennas on either side. I have seen no evidence that the modernized antennas have low band ports, so if true, then new antennas would need to be squeezed in or mounted on a different rack. Two, T-Mobile has decided to ride AT&T's coattails on device procurement. In most/all cases, there is no T-Mobile variant any longer -- it is just the AT&T variant repurposed for T-Mobile. And AT&T has its boutique band 17 that excludes the Lower 700 MHz A block. So, AT&T would need to have a change of heart on band 12, or T-Mobile would need to break away for its own variants again. Regardless, current devices would not support band 12. AJ
  4. Oh yeah, that alone is worth the $100... AJ
  5. T-Mobile is better off hoping that the 600 MHz auction actually happens and yields any significant spectrum in this lifetime. Legere will be passé by then... AJ
  6. I want my, I want my tri band LTE... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL_rSZqZwdM AJ
  7. And, really, who needs a "superlaxative"? Just have some Colon Blow for breakfast. http://screen.yahoo.com/colon-blow-000000540.html AJ
  8. The operator I reference was Monet Mobile, which went bankrupt waiting for EV-DO Rev A. I doubt that its modems and data cards even used PRLs. They did not roam. And Monet's markets were all secondary. Monet was their only EV-DO 1900 provider at the time. AJ
  9. Well, you got the part right about Toledo being a "crap market." Detroit, Toledo, and Cleveland do not exactly have a lot going for them. But let us keep this thread on track, okay? AJ
  10. No, EV-DO can exist without CDMA1X. At least one early EV-DO network provider in the US launched EV-DO Rev 0 directly. No CDMA1X. AJ
  11. First, it was the "S4GRU BM Group," then the "S4GRU BBW Group." Now, it is the "S4GRU Superlaxatives." We have a thread title vandal in our midst. AJ
  12. This is like the anecdotal story of the guy who walked into a Cingular store about a decade ago and asked, "Hey, when are you guys gonna put up more satellites?" Moral of the story -- many wireless customers are morons about wireless service. AJ
  13. You have it reversed. Dish wants modifications to its AWS-4 A/B block uplink, not the PCS/AWS-2 H block downlink. AJ
  14. For years, Sprint handsets were not capable of simultaneous voice and data. Then, for about three years, they were -- due to WiMAX, SVDO, and/or SVLTE. But all of those technologies are on the way out. As a result, simultaneous voice and data likely will be absent from new handsets for several years until VoLTE becomes commonplace. But, yes, simultaneous voice and data is ultimately "where Sprint is headed." AJ
  15. A shocker? No... http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5027-sprint-will-not-participate-in-h-block-auction/ AJ
  16. The H block auction stands to be a giant flop. Likely, many licenses will go unsold, maybe even all of them. AJ
  17. Both. AT&T Lower 700 MHz B+C block downlink is 734-746 MHz. And VZW Upper 700 MHz C block downlink is 746-757 MHz. AJ
  18. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-308-rssi-vs-rsrp-a-brief-lte-signal-strength-primer/ AJ
  19. Yeah, but how much would it really take to blow Lil Wayne's mind? Maybe that the headphone jack is going to be on the bottom? POW! AJ
  20. No problem. That is not mean -- it is just a fair assessment. I would dispute the "most" characterization. But I do respect observations that others wrongly deem personal attacks. I do not profess to be the most personable guy. However, I bring to the table a lot of knowledge that others lack. If I exhibit some condescension in the process, I apologize. But that comes with the territory, is just a part of my intellectual personality. So be it... AJ
  21. First, that was unwise of you to try it within "the first hour [you] had the phone even." Second, my original advisement was not directed at you. It was a general warning. The band selection option is still available in many Android versions. See below a screenshot (that I took today): Third, your post takes an unnecessary tone with me. Do you really want to go toe to toe again? AJ
  22. Could you use EARFCN 40978 as the band 41 identifier instead? In hotspot and now handset reports -- not to mention, on my spectrum analyzer -- we have not seen a TD-LTE 2600 carrier on any other center frequency. AJ
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