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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. You are right. With this crowd, it is the e-peeeeenisssss. AJ
  2. Here you go, guys. Line up your e-penis right here... AJ
  3. You should have told him and his monkey to respect your "authoritah." AJ
  4. No known instances yet. You will hear about any additional band 25 LTE 1900 carriers here first. Additionally, tri band network deployment will help to unload the original band 25 LTE 1900 carrier, as compatible devices are offloaded to the other two bands. AJ
  5. They might also be uncomfortable that a family from "Mexico" has joined the church. AJ
  6. Oh, Josh, we know you like to party. See the video interview... AJ
  7. We can rejigger the placement of some of these posts. But this is important discussion. And these Sprint-T-Mobile posts are not going to be hidden -- unless I am getting booted from S4GRU. AJ
  8. I still have not publicly endorsed this Sprint-T-Mobile transaction. But I will rebut those who oppose it on unsubstantiated or untenable grounds. And here is my rationale... A truly equivalent third competitor to VZW and AT&T needs to blow the duopoly out of the water with spectrum/capacity in cities. That is the only way to compete with their essentially insurmountable coverage footprint advantage -- gained from regulatory oversight allowing them to buy up nearly all sub 1 GHz spectrum and associated mature networks over the last 15 years. This hearkens back to what the FCC seemingly intended over 20 years ago when it designed the PCS 1900 MHz band to serve as a competitive foil to the Cellular 850 MHz band. Back then, it was the digital "city phone" versus the analog "coverage phone." Of course, the Cellular incumbents circumvented that dichotomy through overlay of digital airlinks and consolidation by the duopoly. But the new dichotomy could be the massive capacity "city device" versus the low capacity "coverage device." For once, for all, that could put the duopoly in its place -- maybe even on its heels -- as increasingly data gluttonous consumers would have to choose between much faster service in cities or much broader service outside of cities. AJ
  9. Yes, choosing to move north of the Arctic Circle, the lack of daylight and omnipresent cold has affected you mentally. AJ
  10. Nothing. That was AT&T hubris to guarantee spectrum as part of a breakup fee. And I did not know that JoeJoeJoe had amazing foresight into the internal decision processes at the FCC and DoJ. If I actually used the rolls eyes emoticon, I would -- as I would on a lot of your broken record posts. No. Spending that money on building expanded footprint does not guarantee additional revenue. But buying an existing subscriber base does. VZW and AT&T have shown this over and over again. AJ
  11. That is a rare point of agreement between us. Magenta marketing is too femme -- of course, you may disagree -- but Sprint marketing of late has been exceedingly poor. The James Earl Jones and Malcolm McDowell commercials are just awful. I sincerely hope that Sprint is intentionally taking the backseat in marketing right now because Network Vision is still under construction in many markets. Heck, bring back the black and white Dan Hesse. Speak honestly -- both of the good and the bad. And in six months, if the Sprint-T-Mobile knot will not be tied, then hit T-Mobile hard, damn hard with attack ads. Sprint will have a major 800 MHz advantage over T-Mobile's notoriously weak in building coverage. And LTE across the entire Sprint footprint will swamp T-Mobile's isolated islands of "4G" surrounded by seas of GSM and no service. AJ
  12. "Forcing people onto" VZW and AT&T has made the duopoly what they are in wireless. Do you think that acquired AT&TWS, Alltel, RCC, Dobson, Centennial, etc., subs were thrilled? A lot of them were not. But inertia itself is a powerful force. Most of the acquired subs got over it and stayed because that was the path of least resistance. AJ
  13. Sure. What do you want to know? The only commonality is band 41 TD-LTE 2600 between Sprint and SoftBank. AJ
  14. What are you talking about with AT&T, "OF," and 800 MHz? AJ
  15. Terrell Suggs? No, Robert is more a fan of the Gospel according to Ray Lewis. Preach, brother, preach... AJ
  16. Oh, I think that you are overlooking Bob Jones University. AJ
  17. This essay...it just got a hell of a lot more difficulter. AJ
  18. Enlighten us. What has T-Mobile leadership done? You know, besides play Santa Claus and act/talk/dress like a 1980s "Miami Vice" party scene extra. AJ
  19. The section headings had been black before the IP.Board overhaul. I pointed out the visibility issue, but I do not believe that Robert was able to fix it. AJ
  20. And the essay requires a passing grade from me. AJ
  21. Aw, does Josh miss his iMessage with all of his iPhone friends? AJ
  22. I can appreciate that. But when you do not provide any photos or links, your constructive audience is 99 percent limited to locals with direct experience. That is doubly why this belongs in the local market thread. AJ
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